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Everything posted by Cazaric

  1. But what separates these wars from general warring, when the same amount of effort is being put into destroying the enemy?
  2. Do all-out cage matches between friends at the end of the round need to be xp disabled, even when it's about total destruction and not xp?
  3. We should have an entire subforum devoted to LPCN. That'd do the trick.
  4. That's no way to speak about Admiral! Also, Robert. I think I love you :p
  5. Methrage fills a strange void in our community. On the one hand, I would pay to see him actually shut up. On the other, I want him to keep posting inane, narcissistic rants because they're the only thing to read on here now. So he's a unique member of this community. Not good, mind you. But unique.
  6. Adding my support to this! The seven day cooldown does feel out of place beside the five day cooldowns of wars and wonders.
  7. Regardless of the chain of events, go NDO. Tear them a new one :D
  8. I'd essentially agree with Nick's list here. When a war is designed to be friendly, blockades and Level 2 and 3 ops should be avoided.
  9. That's nice of you to say, man. Thanks.
  10. The difference is that we haven't claimed that we're not going to do "BS OP's", as you put it. You didn't expect us to play nicely when you do yet another attempt to curbstomp us, did you? Ahhh, perfect. Thank you! Gentlemen, we have our soundbite. Just quote this whenever Kaboom opens his mouth to whinge and moan about everything that happens to him.
  11. Reported for what? Disagreeing with your narrative? No need to report any ops. We know how you lot fight every war, and the gloves are off.
  12. Can we please stop the lying and just be honest about stuff? It's embarrassing for you. RE started the raids by using Blood Pack, an established mercenary alliance on loan from another world. We all know when you hit us so fresh out of war, it's not meant to be friendly. You guys started dirty ops almost as soon as you declared. I mean, sure, let's have a war. But let's not call it what it's not.
  13. Heh, couldn't handle the big bad NLON on your own? You needed to bring in mercenaries?
  14. You gave us three days of peace. Do not expect us to leave you with anything left standing.
  15. This war was so incredibly fun! Hats off to my opponents, bibliotech, hagdang bato, Rakul and DaRuler, for the best mass coordination I've fought against in a long while. Good luck everyone in their rebuild :)
  16. You bring the judgemental grandparents, I'll bring the drunken aunt.
  17. That could be potentially very good for player retention, as you're right - it does provide incentive for those who are not necessarily the best, but put in the effort. However, I don't think it would eliminate pixel-hugging, because they would tend to be chasing donations, rather than flags.
  18. That's an awful lot of flags being uploaded.
  19. Kaboom sat on his porch swing, gently rocking back and forth in the breeze. It was a truly beautiful day; in fact, one might even go so far as to describe it as perfect. The sun was on his face, he had recently received a promotion at work, and just this morning, the lovely Maria down the lane had smiled at him. Life was good. This, of course, bothered Kaboom. For what good is a life in which there is no room for complaint? It had been three days since he’d last complained, when his neighbour Doug had been wearing a hat that was slightly too green for Kaboom’s liking, and he was growing itchy. He felt a strange tickling sensation on his foot, and looked down. Crawling over his skin was a small eight-legged creature. He lifted it up with his finger, and examined it. A crab! How unexpected. But this recognition had barely entered his mind when, with a scream, a rocket flew into that damn Doug’s house, sending timbers and tiles exploding in all directions, a shower of debris raining down on the cul-de-sac. Kaboom could have sworn that the side of the rocket was emblazoned with a large version of the very creature that had just scuttled over his foot. He looked in alarm towards the end of the street, where soldiers in yellow and black were swarming in. Nick. How dare he bring his garbage soldiers to Kaboom’s home? Who did they think they were? Nobody could ever hope to best Kaboom’s own defences. And then a jet roared overhead, its wings decorated with a white dragon’s head on black. The Dark Order. Now this was just the cherry on the unfair cake that this invasion clearly was. There were no worse people in all the worlds than the damn Dark Order. Useless in every way. But, thought Kaboom, there is a bright side. As he reached for his assault rifle, and lifted it into the air, he felt the cloud lift from his mind. Finally, here was something for him to complain about. The Dark Order, New Desolate Order and Krabz declare war upon Citadel, the Phoenix Cobras, Ordo Paradoxia and the Misfits. Watch out, Kaboom. Lacuna is coming for you.
  20. I can see what you're saying, yeah. I'm not a fan of flag running, and don't want to give runners more ammunition, so if a solution could be found to impliment this in a way that enables rebuilding and assistance without being able to be abused by runners, all the better. I think your limitations are good. Especially the casualties one!
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