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Everything posted by Snowbeast

  1. About as much as your opinions represent that of others in MK.
  2. Congrats Argent and also to Citadel for gaining a fine new member.
  3. 4 of my favorite alliances from this past war come together in this lovely bloc. How nice to see.
  4. Cattle/Water here http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=111442
  5. Napoleon is a god among men, I don't really care for anyone that says otherwise. Congrats to tryp, and have fun in Europe ender land.
  6. Nice announcement from MK. Specifically the "aside." Congrats to Joker my former protegé () and SirWilliam my former boss. Also, take care Trace.
  7. Kronos' allies are: Umbrella and Athens. I'm pretty sure Umbrella hasn't spoken out against these terms as they are a signatory. As far as I've seen no Athens members have spoken out against them. I expect if anyone in Athens leadership had an issue with them they would approach us in private.
  8. I think he's referring to the alliances that had nothing to do with our war with Valhalla. In that case he's right, their opinion on what we should have set forth as terms didn't matter then and doesn't matter now.
  9. I am not now, nor have I ever been a champion of "Karma." If what goes around comes around, it will come around again you know. As for fighting me and my "Ilk" it's never too late. Rest assured you would get fair surrender terms should you decide to do so.
  10. When I say "faces" I mean in a more personal context, like your private IRC or forums. It is entirely possible that neither of them saw nor will see that little gem. If you think so little of them why not join an alliance that would gladly extort tech from an alliance that entered on a defensive pact? Judging by this thread there are plenty of them still out there.
  11. I trust that you said this to CTB and Twisted's faces also?
  12. The undersigned hereby release Olympus from their surrender terms outlined here, pursuant to stipulation number 5 of said surrender terms: I wish Olympus good fortune on their road ahead, and may our next meeting be on more amicable terms. Signed for Kronos: Epiphanus - Harbinger of Light Tryptamine - Harbinger of Light Snowbeast - Harbinger of Light Enderland - Harbinger of War Heracles - Harbinger of Prosperity Signed for Umbrella: Roquentin, Triumvir uaciaut, Triumvir Xavii, Triumvir Signed for Olympus: Titan Council: queenhailee Buffalo Niagara Mississippigurlie Masons Child Martys_three_girls
  13. Kudos to Valhalla for making this one of the toughest fronts in the war. Congrats and thankyou to my allies that helped us through. To those that don't agree with the surrender terms, welp, if you wanted to be party to these negotiations you should have declared war yourself, otherwise your opinion here is pretty much moot.
  14. Congrats on peace. ML has been an honorable foe to the Mushroom Kingdom twice now.
  15. Glad to get this out of the way now rather than later.
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