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Tom Marvolo Riddle

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Status Updates posted by Tom Marvolo Riddle

  1. Love the Profile pc.

    1. Gingervites


      thanks, I like it as well lol

    2. Tom Marvolo Riddle

      Tom Marvolo Riddle

      It is definintly innovative and well thought out.

  2. Bowwow just delcared me the greatest player in CN history. thnx.

  3. Yo, just say it, I'M AWESOME!

  4. Tell me mod secrets, Please? :)

  5. I'm back but under a new name.

  6. Love the sig.

    1. Emperor Khan

      Emperor Khan

      I found that story highly amusing. Training a cat to spy, letting it go to eavesdrop on some people and then it runs away and gets killed by a taxi! You couldn't make it up! :-)

    2. Tom Marvolo Riddle

      Tom Marvolo Riddle


      Did you hear what Eumirbago tryed to do?

  7. Hey, where will you post your 1000Th post?

    1. Eumirbago


      To be honest, I'm not picky :P Probably gonna post in a TE DoW thread or hailing something from the Equilibrium side.

    2. Tom Marvolo Riddle

      Tom Marvolo Riddle

      And it ended up being in one of my threads.

    3. Eumirbago


      Yeah, it's fine :) As I said I'm not picky :P

  8. That Winner quote, is totally taken out of context.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrChaos


      1. Yes, we all know your Winner... thanks for admitting it.

      2. I will quote every post within ten posts of that quote... you will see that you were threatening military action and people were telling you not to so you said you had a military of 17 nations and will do what you want.

    3. Tom Marvolo Riddle

      Tom Marvolo Riddle

      Exactly. By showing just that quote, it is out of context.

    4. MrChaos


      The point of the ******* quote was to inspire a laugh at your expense with people who remember it. What you don't realize is that we all laugh at every one of your posts, why don't you do yourself a favor and learn the ropes before demanding "total power over a sanctioned alliance" or any alliance for that ******* matter?

  9. Za Mafia is near....More to come.

  10. I almost suphocated because my own awesomeness couldn't be let out via the CN Status Update.

  11. Umbrella is outnumbered 10-1. Anarchy Inc. Unstoppable.

  12. Down to 433, but still it is amazing.

  13. 415 members are online right now. Probablly because everybody is going to war with everybody.

  14. Love the sig.

    1. Joe Stupid

      Joe Stupid

      Haha Thanks man. It's old and needs changing.

  15. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=460062 admin's nation name doesn't match the nation he says he is on the forums.
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