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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1301119333' post='2676938'] Well, if you really need it explained... MK and Umbrella are not on you, you are on them. Since you declared war on them, others then declare on you. We call this "a large war". Now, that leaves only VE, FOK, and TOP actually on you. TOP is mostly high end, and, well, they wrecked yours so now they simply don't have very much to do. VE and FOK, on the other hand, just got done fighting a two month long fully engaged war together, with the latter half being almost entirely in the low tier. Since both our low ends are so well acquainted working with one another and we each enjoy proficiently breaking things, it only makes sense to flip the switch once again and fill that vacancy in coverage. I hope that helps. [/quote] The correct answer was MK, Umbrella, and TOP were losing and they needed people to bail them out before NADC single handedly wins this war.
  2. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1301099521' post='2676494'] Didn't FAN mostly sit in peace mode for a while? Not as many alliances where involved but they didn't "take their lumps" and move on did they? They dragged it out for 2 years. [/quote] FAN didn't have the option to "take their lumps"
  3. [quote name='SyndicatedINC' timestamp='1301061842' post='2676016'] That is no joke, as not everyone can afford such luxury in this day and age, some people only have $2.40. Truthfully though, we do value that respect most highly and Avalon holds no ill will against WC in this current conflict. We are and have been aware of his position just as he has been aware of ours. If it was his call to make, we know that we would not currently be facing VE from across a battlefield now. It was not however his call to make. There is a limited capacity within any individual for vitriol, and we feel holding any such contempt or disrespect for him in this situation is wasteful and inappropriate as compared to the myriad of deserving folks out there. [/quote] Thank you.
  4. [quote name='mmansfield68' timestamp='1301028853' post='2675741'] Listen n00b, I've forgotten more about CN than you will ever know. Bitter? Not at all. Patient. [/quote] I literally have no idea who you are.
  5. [quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1301028765' post='2675737'] Perhaps it was presumptuous to think you'd know of the attack. I saw the 0 day seniority, combined with DoW on this day and quick post after dow to indicate that relation. Do you support VE's role in assisting the unprovoked aggression of Doomhouse? [/quote] Yes, you were presumptuous. I have disagreed with DH's pre-emptive attack on NPO since it occurred as I have mentioned several times since then.
  6. [quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1301027794' post='2675704'] Unless you can identify how your alliance just didn't declare on Avalon, or just declare a war in support of an unprovoked attack I'd say I'm perfectly well informed on the matter. Perhaps you should think out the statement a bit more before throwing out a one liner that makes no sense in this context. Further supporting that statement is the fact you joined the alliance the day they attack Avalon? I know if I greatly respected folks at the time I wouldn't join an alliance that is declaring on them that day. [/quote] Because I clearly knew that VE was going to attack Avalon when I joined? Or maybe you should rethink your statement about me attacking Avalon when I am clearly not attacking them. Anyway, Guffey has explained it here so that's that.
  7. [quote name='mhawk' timestamp='1301026585' post='2675670'] They fight against un provoked aggression, you fight in support of unprovoked aggression. Perhaps if you respected them as such you wouldn't attack them. [/quote] I wasn't aware I was attacking anyone in Avalon. They know my stance on the matter and we still have great respect for each other. Do try to be more informed before speaking.
  8. Doomhouse must surely be being crushed to call in more people, etc, etc, blah blah. Hoping we can end this front quickly as Avalon are a great group.
  9. The true objective of this war has been met, enjoy your RV.
  10. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1300825779' post='2673292'] Remember when global wars weren't fought with nukes? Good times. And by good times, I mean what the hell were we thinking? [/quote] Ask airme?
  11. [quote name='Rage McKill' timestamp='1300836356' post='2673402'] [center][img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/d/db/GOONS_Ride_To_War.jpg[/img] [b][u]For the Sake of Violently Hitting Things.[/u][/b][/center] (CrushMaim Weekly) Burger Town, Little Mikes - 03/21/2011 - Across the nation of Little Mikes, echoes of discontent ripple through the population. With the conflict entering its second month, citizens have begun questioning the motives of their new leader, Rage McKill. Things haven't quite been the same at Little Mikes, not since he seized management and transformed the burgeoning fast food restaurant into a sovereign nation of war. People wander the streets, scavenging for food. Meanwhile, ruined skeletons of old buildings are bulldozed and immediately replaced with prefabricated complexes, serving functions no one understands. Questions often arise regarding the source of the soldiers frequently seen moving through the countryside to the war zone. "Everyone already knows about the, uh, odd recruiting practices of McKill's government." comments Paul Triplebacon, who has a 9 year old daughter currently serving as a tank gunner. "But the numbers don't add up. We've lost two hundred thousand young men and women to this damn war, and I doubt our total population has even been a tenth of that." Paul gestures outside the window, "Not to mention that thing out there." referring to the perfect replica of the Harimandir Sahib Temple in the middle of the city, "That was literally a synagogue a week ago." On the street below, trucks full of soldiers motor past a monument dedicated to a nuclear attack on that location. "And where does he keep getting these soldiers?!" Paul sighs, "I just don't know, anymore." The exact workings of Rage McKill's administration remains in large part a mystery. Government members stopped for questioning give strange responses, usually praising the current month's sanctioned religion or recommending a burger to eat. One even admitted that he was unsure what was his exact function was. Observers note that most of Little Mikes 126 public officials meet in the backroom of the original restaurant, despite the maximum occupancy for the building being 85 persons. Last week, Rage McKill released a statement declaring all NPO statements to be objectively terrible in every way, shape, and form. Public response was mixed, with most wondering what an NPO was. "He keeps going on and on about these 'GOONS'." comments Paul. "To be honest, they sound like complete [i][REDACTED][/i]." [/quote] Well done.
  12. [quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1300883181' post='2673764'] Nations above 30K arent noobs. [/quote] Which would make it all the more humorous if they fell for it.
  13. [center][img]http://i50.tinypic.com/op2oly.png[/img] Celestial Being is hereby disbanded. The Celestial Being AA will be protected by VE for 30 days and the Celestial Being Applicant AA will be protected by VE as well until Avalon attains peace, at which time they have graciously offered to protect it. We would like to thank VE for all the help they've given us since we started over a year ago as well as to our friends in FoS such as AoDB and Avalon. You guys are great and I'm sure we'll keep in touch. Special shout out to GOONS for being reasonable whenever we had an issue come up and to Kingdom of Hyrule for being awesome opponents during our war. Signed, WarriorConcept, Veda Kulomascovia, Meister [/center]
  14. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1300826410' post='2673299'] You cannot be serious. *woosh* [/quote] He's so serious.
  15. One of the most respectable alliances I know. Good luck out there and if we can help at all post-war just let me know.
  16. This is not white peace there's that one term there you're monsters!!!
  17. I guess Internal Elections was too much for Umbrella to handle that they needed a puppet?
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