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Everything posted by Gruthenia

  1. Even *if* Karma did PZIs, which would be silly considering how this war was started (and I don't think the leaders of Karma are that stupid though you may wish they were), you would be very low on the priority list for such. Have a happy war.
  2. It's great to be fighting alongside you guys, for, what, the fourth time now? Thanks for the help!
  3. Thank you, your assistance is greatly appreciated and doubly so for baffling those who wouldn't know what to do if it weren't for their treaties to lay it out for them.
  4. It's okay - their cries of hypocrisy will not stem the tide of destruction that rolls across their nations, and then when it does stop and the peace is more merciful than they expected, they can either humble themselves and accept the alliances of Karma actually are more merciful and just, or take it as a sign of weakness, act like jerks again, and hopefully get beat down in round 2.
  5. Well I never liked you terribly much but thanks for attacking TPF!
  6. Go to the extended display and look at the casualties there. Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 880,145 Attacking + 564,502 Defending = 1,444,647 Casualties Casualty Rank: Ranked #204 of 30,038 Nations (0.68%) I would have broken 900,000 attacking today but my deployment got buggered
  7. Biased poll: check Sneer quotes EVERYWHERE: check I am x therefore my enemy is y: check Random quotes from famous people: check Well it was a nice try but suffice to say you're no Vladimir! And while usually that's a compliment this time it's meant to be derogatory.
  8. Yeah that's how the world works - there isn't always a good decision and a bad decision, sometimes there's two bad ones. You made a mistake in picking crappy allies, and bailing on those crappy allies in their time of need is also a mistake. I could go into a big ol' rant on how FOLLOWING TREATIES = AUTOMATIC GOOD thinking is dumb, but there's enough rants flying back and forth around here so I won't, but suffice to say people don't all buy into "treaty morality" and things aren't that black and white. The inability of the hegemony to understand that following your treaties doesn't nor shouldn't absolve you of responsibility for the crimes you abet could probably be said to be their PR downfall though.
  9. I just had this happen to me too and I'm baffled because I'm pretty sure none of my opponents were even online as I logged on and made by deployment around 10 minutes ago, 12:35-12:45 server time. I deployed with everything I had, and then...my troops are at home, with no indication why.
  10. Good lord, thank you Sal Paradise for wading through this sort of !@#$%^&* so nobody else has to.
  11. I hope this commitment to OPP doesn't interfere with MK's daily polls!
  12. Had one for over a year now, and it was great fun using it to nuke the bejeezus out of NPO, Echelon, and Ordo Recolitus (predecessor of Ordo Verde - funny how things work out eh? ). I wouldn't have nukes without it. I only launched one nuke so far but it made it. DO YOU HEAR THAT CLIFCLAV OF CLAVENIA? YOUR SDI IS WEAK.
  13. Yeah. Nothing wrong with playing but "not playing" like you are, just pick the right alliance to do it in.
  14. A boot stamping on Legion's face...forever! :lol: Good luck guys!
  15. I don't mean to be a dick, but nobody cares if you nuke in a big ol' war like this anymore. On the other hand, actually meaning to be a dick this time, thank MK for that
  16. Well, you definitely were the toughest alliance we fought last war. Having you guys declare on us is quite a compliment.
  17. Good luck guys. The help is appreciated!
  18. It's actually been admitted by NPO leadership that the MK = LUE thing was a BS talking point to make us look bad, hope this helps.
  19. Don't be fooled, it's all a desperation move. RoK's on their last legs. NPO will overwhelm them any day now, this is only delaying the inevitable.
  20. I don't really care if they do or don't exist, but NPOers insistence the game needs them reeks of rationalization for their !@#$%baggery and egocentrism. It's not like without them we'd live in a world of bunnies and huggles, there would still be plenty of alliances with conflicting desires, cultures, personalities, etc.
  21. What could be more goony that including like five SA memes in every post?
  22. Yes, it doesn't get better than Megadeth when going into a nuclear war :jihad:
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