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x Tela x

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Everything posted by x Tela x

  1. Dude, come on. Don't act like you've never seen a Sponge post. ;) That man probably sits down to dinner and proclaims, "I WILL SEE THIS MEATLOAF DECIMATED! i WILL NOT REST UNTIL IT IS DECIMATED!"
  2. Hey guise! Hear those crickets?! :) Also, I only need Rota during the week. My weekends are busy, but I need help with housework during the week. ;) And lol @ Hime Themis posting here.
  3. Hey, wait a minute now. I paid good tech! I don't want a used up thing like that. :( Also, sup SGC? Keep the tech either way. I know TOP really needs more. :D
  4. You all lose. http://www.cybernations.net/search_aid.asp?search=169531&Extended=1
  5. Hmm, maybe I'll catch up on Grimm and give it another chance then. I'm not all that far behind really. As far as Dr. Who goes, you really should watch all of the new ones - when it started back up in 2005. (7 seasons currently) If you must skip forward, my personal favorite companion/Dr team is Matt Smith with Amy Pond and they're like season 5+.
  6. R&R, you guys know I love you, but please tread carefully. RAGE is not an entity that you should take lightly.
  7. I fell out of love with Grimm for some reason. I don't know why, it just kind of stopped being interesting somehow. Misfits captivated me until the series finale, which just aired. (You can watch Misfits for free on Hulu btw). Right now I'm just waiting for the next season of Shameless (American version)...next year, while I catch up on Dr. Who episodes. :/
  8. You straighten up and show more respect for the Godslayer, or else!
  9. I have to admit, whenever I think about leftist alliances in BobSteveiterra, Hogan's Heroes is the first thing that comes to mind. ;)
  10. This thread is why I love R&R so much. <3
  11. I get that you guys don't like IRON. I get that the dude was really annoying etc. What I don't get is why you would persist in this endeavor to "enlighten" him. Is he really worth your time? It honestly looks like he's turning to IRON and they're offering their help. Even IRON's harshest critics would admit that they know more about running an alliance than buck does. Give him *another* chance. Why not?
  12. You do know that the whole finger in a dike thing doesn't work, right? Heh.
  13. While this is true, we've really just assumed the old traditional CN definition of White Peace. It would really be unrealistic to stand by a 100% White Peace (As defined by Jerdge) doctrine in CN. Though now that I think about it, probably the only thing we could agree to would be the word "surrender" and the standard no-reentry clause, as STA received when they peaced out with NADC and everyone else.
  14. But it's like...beige. It's really close to white...like the color of Rota's wedding dress...obviously THAT can't be white - but we can get it pretty damn close! ;)
  15. It was a pleasure, STA. I fought quite a few different guys, and pretty much all but 1 gave as good as they took, some even more than I could give. :) Except that evil guy, Tyga. I think he changed my defcon. So mean. :(
  16. No Nation Left Behind Act of 2014 will fix this. Opponent have more nukes than you? Now you have to share! Equality for all!
  17. Ya know, if I thought TTE needed any help, I'd definitely offer it. You UOKMB guys are fucking idiots. Enjoy your inherited strength when it arrives. lol
  18. I found this snippet really interesting. Care to elaborate?
  19. I'm sure you're both right. Obviously, it's easier to rebuild your mid-tier if your upper tier hasn't lost thousands and thousands of tech, not to mention the really high infra nations - it actually costs a pretty penny when you're way up there in infra. Because Auctor, there's no doubt they'll be able to rebuild their lower nations, but there aren't enough aid slots to rebuild thousands of lost technology on upper tier nations, especially not simultaneously. Also, for the record, I'm not saying that ODN is doing anything wrong. The only people that could possibly have a beef with their current deployment are in GATO, and I don't see them complaining. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see care packages from ODN to GATO after this war is over as a result of this deployment schedule.
  20. As long as targets are available, there's actually only one reason for the ENTIRETY of the top 50 to be in PM, and that's to protect the upper tier from destruction. ODN is welcome to sit in PM and protect their infra - that is their right as a sovereign alliance, but let's not sit here and pretend that it's some grand strategery that will turn the tides of this conflict. Very few that frequent these boards are actually that stupid.
  21. This is all true, as I remember it. The only details that I would add are: 1) Bismack was a patsy. 2) His admittance came AFTER we rolled tanks. No concrete proof of anything existed at the time of the original attack. (This was in a time when actual concrete proof was required most of the time.) In retrospect, that is really the worst part of that affair, that the caustic belly was preordained from before the time of it's actual inception. ECIV was so inactive and honestly inept, he couldn't help his alliance at all. I don't how differently that whole affair would have gone if any single one of his successors as Sec Gen were in office at the time, but there's no way it could have gone worse. I apologize if any of my friends in NADC take offense to any of this. As always, I'm simply trying to be as truthful as I can manage. Also, Grub, I think everyone that actually needs to know (ie Polar and NADC) already knows how it all went down. Anyone else arguing at this point is really just being obtuse. I disagree with you on a couple issues, but like I said, you have pretty much laid it out. Edit: So, how 'bout dem Pacificanians, eh?
  22. When R&R enters, I may have to eventually declare war on myself somehow.
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