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Everything posted by Alex987

  1. Down in the hollow Playing our new game
  2. I actually have a really bad premonition that everything will fall apart in the Finals.
  3. Wow that is atrocious, looks like some sort of Ancient ritual Roulette wheel in the background.
  4. Hey where did we go Days when the rains came
  5. I'd say that Invicta one is pretty much the worst. I don't see a problem with DoD's flag really, it doesn't compare to any of the other nominations in this thread.
  6. Well it depends. If the nation goes rogue while on the AA but after a reasonable amount of time is removed by the alliance, the proper protocol should be the same as was before the update. But if the nation is still on the AA after an extended amount of time, the alliance can be held accountable to a greater degree.
  7. Why don't you come with me little girl On a Magic Carpet Ride
  8. And apparently their pending membership grew from like 7 last time I checked to.... 25. That's quite interesting :P
  9. You don't know what we can find
  10. We don't want the children anyway, kata absorbs enough of that reputation :P
  11. Keep in mind that kata has 0 to do with R&R's recent success, so it's obviously accepting on behalf of the alliance, not itself :P
  12. Except when it includes R&R-bashing.
  13. Wow nobody was here while I went away for a 2 day vacation. Kata, you're supposed to pick up, I've trained you -_-
  14. That I set my sights on Monday And I got myself undressed
  15. Your Seniority is still 1,298 on my screen. When you look at my nation does my Seniority still show 931? Because it shows 0 for me.
  16. My alliance seniority was reset to from 931 to 0 without me leaving the alliance: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=437926 The only edits I have made to my nation today are changing my Defcon, Threat Level, and Religion. I believe my religion was changed at around the timestamp of the Seniority reset, though I wasn't paying attention enough to say for sure.
  17. Well I tried to make it Sunday But I got so damn depressed
  18. I was under the impression that this was how it was going to be done as well.
  19. Turned on some music To start my day
  20. We're pretty small, you should join us :V
  21. I looked out this morning And the sun was gone
  22. This was the first Fark announcement I've read completely. 10/10, will read all future ones :P
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