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Faust Betreur

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Everything posted by Faust Betreur

  1. SLCB was never at war with Polaris. We were getting nuked by TKTB for no reason whatsoever; it gave their side no strategic advantage to continue fighting SLCB. Anyway, I'm not going to bother arguing, the newfound morality that reparations are evil has clearly taken hold of a large section of this community. I and my alliance are satisfied that reps were appropriate in this case, and that's what matters.
  2. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1299961160' post='2661746'] Poor show. Honoring treaties is never worthy of extorting reps, especially when your side were the aggressors. [/quote] TKTB entered the war against us to defend TIO. TIO peaced out over a month ago and TKTB refused our offer of white peace at that time. Why? I don't know.
  3. [quote][center][i]None of the flags are the same size oh well[/i] [img]http://i53.tinypic.com/fmkqqe.png[/img] [img]http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/821/turtleflag.png[/img] [img]http://ameba.lpt.fi/~pesspaav/slcb2.jpg[/img] [size="5"]Agreement of peace between the alliances of iFOK, the Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes (SLCB), and The Killer Turtle Brigade (TKTB).[/size] [b][i]Article I[/i][/b]: TKTB admit defeat to the combined forces of SLCB and iFOK [b][i]Article II[/i][/b]: TKTB commit to refrain from re-engaging in any front related to this war, including the Doomhouse vs NPO front [b][i]Article III[/i][/b]: TKTB commit to pay reparations totalling 5000 tech and $200 million dollars to SLCB [b][i]Article IV[/i][/b]: TKTB will themselves pay a minimum of 50% of these reparations; the remainder may be paid by allies of TKTB if preferred [b][i]Article V[/i][/b]: These reparations are to be paid in full by 12th September 2011 [i]Signed for SLCB[/i] Faust Betreur, General E. Schrodinger, General Comrade Goby, General Caustic, Councillor Multi, Councillor Kurt Cobain, Councillor, Liaison to the Gay Community [i]Signed for iFOK[/i] arexes, triumvir Gofastleft, triumvir MikeTheFirst, triumvir [i]Signed for TKTB[/i] Jewelangel, Turtle Empress Evry88, NtoIA[/center][/quote]
  4. I don't like CN's newfound morality. If an alliance is declared upon and wins, that alliance has every right to dictate terms. Think of it as a punitive measure for having the audacity to declare war on a superior foe.
  5. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=47452 I will be in 72-hour transition for rush update operations..........
  6. The e-lawyering is pathetic, white peace by definition means there were no terms. There were terms, therefore this is a surrender. Anyway, good fight everyone.
  7. [quote name='Skippy' timestamp='1296850869' post='2619473'] I'm talking more to the point of, when comparing TKTB's stats with SLCBs, then how long they've been at war, and then SLCB calling in an ally, kinda shows how TKTB's been going. If you go by your theory, then yourself and VE/PC/iFOK aren't doing a good job against Polar would it not? [/quote] Actually TKTB have been quite impressive but the reason for iFOK's assistance is mainly because we (SLCB) were mostly in anarchy and therefore unable to re-engage TKTB as quickly as we wanted to, and also because mike told me iFOK wanted more targets.
  8. [quote name='neneko' timestamp='1296564390' post='2614596'] Unless I missed something SLCB that tetris entered to protect is still fighting 5 alliances so tetris surrendering here seems a bit odd to me. [/quote] I don't know if this is really a surrender, besides while their war with UINE was to defend us, their war with GDA was not helping us and it certainly wasn't helping them so it was perfectly reasonable to bring that war to an end. If you take a look at Tetris' NS graph, you'll see the sacrifice they've made in this war has been huge, and speaking for SLCB, we are extremely grateful for it.
  9. [quote name='Franz Ferdinand' timestamp='1296490632' post='2613053'] Team Rocket haven't been contacted about any terms, even though our protectors, the Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes have peaced out with \m/. As a result, we are watching this situation quite closely. [/quote] Left you to die LOLOL
  10. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1296456552' post='2612605'] Considering the beatdown they took, putting a no re-entry clause in this would probably redundant for SLCB [/quote] The reason there is no re-entry clause is because this is a white peace, not a surrender, genius. We're still at war.
  11. Yeah! No more micros! I'm in charge here and I've decided that no alliances under [arbitrary total NS] are allowed to declare war!
  12. [quote name='lanceman1972' timestamp='1296240035' post='2607688'] TCU surrendered to SLCB? Thats like being beaten up by a Brownie troop. !@#$%*^... [/quote] Um why? SLCB was up until this point fighting seven alliances in this war (now 6), without even thinking about surrender. What have we done to earn a reputation as cowards or bad fighters?
  13. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1296235857' post='2607572'] Again, if you're not intended in for the long hail [i]do not[/i] enter. [/quote] [i]Your sacrifice is not appreciated[/i]
  14. I am so embarassed to be in the same alliance as zoom right now.
  15. Did you remember to ask for individual apologies, oh right you got the wrong order lol
  16. There can be no victory except through Allah.
  17. I use them but it's kind of embarassing since I lose most of my battles.
  18. This is typical of iFOK. Highly recommend you follow Franz's advice, only Team Rocket can protect you from this aggression.
  19. TOOT TOOT, blowing my horn, TOOT TOOT, I do black ops and I never got caught!
  20. I understand your point about Schrodinger but what on earth has Tiznoast ever done to make you not want to roll us? Also you never rolled us because you never had the ability lolo ol looo-oll
  21. Because the geopolitics are interesting and because my alliance is cool.
  22. [quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1295733010' post='2592377'] OOC: Sorry we couldn't manage to get everyone to rush to their computers and ignore prior engagements on short notice. IC: We might not have a huge impact, but we'll definitely be standing by our allies. [/quote] That's fine, I just don't appreciate or understand the accusations that we're 'butthurt'. We aren't.
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