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Everything posted by Lestari

  1. [quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1306532486' post='2719150'] A Reincarnated Hanseatic Commonwealth would beat both. Just saying. -Sk8rGurl891 (43 Posts) [/quote] Pssssh. You young whippersnappers know nothing of a truly powerful nation. If Uruk were still around they'd kick your asses, they would. Mesh-ki-ang-gasher (2800 posts)
  2. so i herd generalissimo lieks mudkipz trolololol (19,230 posts)
  3. [quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1306465191' post='2718772'] Red Chinese victory... impossible. Communism is the very Definition of failure. Democracy is Truth! Communism is Death. Embrace democracy or you will be eradicated. Posted by LibertyPrime (199 posts) [/quote] This post demonstrates nothing but ignorance and stupidity on the part of the poster. Posted by dotCom (923 posts)
  4. Eastern France shall continue its policy of zero tolerance concerning drugs and similar harmful substances, and as such continues its restrictions on trade and economic transactions with MoG[Corp].
  5. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1306205501' post='2717239'] Sorry I'm not "underground" enough to understand your humor. Do you want to start listing bands I've never heard of while pretending to enjoy some Pabst Blue Ribbon? [/quote] Are you the new Sir HHAYD of Heska?
  6. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1306189167' post='2717120'] But nutmeg is one of the least aggressive spices. You should be something like Aggressiveturmeric. [/quote] Irony. It's pretty cool.
  7. Eastern France wishes the British population and the government well in finding the perpetrator of this cowardly and vile attack.
  8. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1306028801' post='2716324'] The units will begin production, please forward the money to the Bank of Chongqing. [/quote] The specified amount has been sent.
  9. [b]Classified Responce[/b] The Eastern French military wishes to purchase the twenty four F-65 Vanguard units, as well as 500 Juggernaut II tank systems with the optional S-51 surface to air missiles and drone configurations. We also wish to purchase 300 NLOS-AA Hydra Systems.
  10. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1306011208' post='2716219'] The United Federation of the East offers an arms package that can be sustainably maintained by the Eastern French with its own domestic capabilities. If you wish to inquire about more advanced systems, that too is available but it would make you more dependent on foreign advisers to maintain your forces. Boeing representative: Our first offer is a 4+++ Multi-Role Fighter. We believe this unit is optimized for your nation's development level. The Silent Hornet offers a comprehensive survival package which combine both 'stealth' and performance features. While it is not as comprehensive as the much harder to maintain fifth generation fighters, it is optimized for air to air stealth, most of the draw backs are in air to ground. This means for defensive measures the Silent Hornet can match many fifth generation enemy units. Further the units is adaptable and capable of carrying large amounts of external weapons, this will allow it to play an interdiction and close air support role. Additionally the Boeing Company offers to work with our partner companies to sell an overall radar and infrared air defense system, as well as surface to air missiles which can network with the Silent Hornet, enhancing its capability. Additionally the Silent Hornet is compatible with munitions that can not just be purchased from the United Federation of the East's arm suppliers, but also nearby Sovereign Initiative members such as: Athens, Nordland, and Rebel Army. This means that Eastern France would have the capability to shop for advanced precision weapons from several nearby markets as well as the United Federation of the East and Novak. This would minimize long term operation costs, and provide several redundant supply chains. Additionally our engineers can work with you to allow for French domestic built munitions to be compatible as well. If you are interested in purchasing AWACs, we can also assemble a bid for that, let us know whether you prefer long range, or cheaper shorter range but short take off models. Boeing also offers to sell the following support craft: We also offer to sell E-8 JSTARs for battlefield control systems. These 707 base military aircraft come with advanced synthetic aperture radar, electronic warfare, and SIGINT packages provide advanced situational awareness of battlefields. Lastly Boeing offers the C-17 Globemaster as an air lift unit. If you wish to inquire about more complex and advanced systems, please let us know we will contact our parent company, Chongqing Aeronautics. Triyunican Heavy Industries Inquiry: Our bid on ground forces will be coming shortly. Would the Eastern French prefer conventional or ETC guns. [/quote] [b]Private Reply[/b] Eastern France wishes to purchase 25 units of the F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet Block 3 'Silent Hornet', as well six of the P-8 Poseidon craft, six E-8 JSTARS crafts, and twenty of the C-17 Globemaster units. In addition, we are interested in said air defence system and surface to air missile systems, as well as long-range AWACS capabilities. We are interested in the possibility of more advanced systems from Chongqing Aeronautics as well. [b]Classified Responce to Triyunican Heavy Industries[/b] We are interested in ETC weapons and their potential efficiency and uses, if the Triyunican Heavy Industries is willing to sell us such weapons.
  11. It has come to the attention of the Eastern French leadership that the equipment currently being used by our military may lack the efficiency that we require against potential threats . Therefore, this is a request and an offer to those nations of the world who possess the greatest military technology and prowess. Eastern France is interested in purchasing large amounts of advanced equipment (firearms, vehicles, military hardware, etc), as well as training in the usage and maintenance of this equipment.
  12. [quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1305982300' post='2716067'] [img]http://data.treksimming.com/rolls/rollszoot2.png[/img] 1-10= loss 11-100= win 2 losses. [/quote] Does this mean said sleeper agent is caught?
  13. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1305947262' post='2715864'] I really need to stop doing that. [/quote] No please, continue. It annoys Zoot, and anything that annoys Zoot is good with me.
  14. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1305946684' post='2715855'] Then you are as funny as AIDs. [/quote] As contrasted to Zoot, who, as we all know, is the goddamn comedian of CNRP. He has us lol'ing across the floor day in and day out. Until he tries to be funny and then he's as funny as a good hard case of syphilis.
  15. [quote name='Chancellor Patrick' timestamp='1305920174' post='2715661'] Also this occurred on the cnrp channel [/quote] No one else seems to remember this but you.
  16. We wish it to be known that the Eastern French convict known popularly by the nickname 'Sir Lanka' remains in high security containment in Marne and that any attempt by the Midwest Republic to attack him in his prison will result in a flower being sent to the Republic and a note thanking them for saving us the time and money of executing Sir Lanka ourselves.
  17. [quote name='Franz Ferdinand' timestamp='1305754987' post='2714528'] Thank you for reading this, and you may continue with your RP. [/quote] Yes, clearly Franz is '!@#$-talking to get his kicks' and 'threatening and harrassing CP' and really needs to calm down because obviously, as you can tell from the hostile, bullying tone of the post, Franz is extremely pissed off about this. After all, just read that last line. Poison dripping from every last goddamn letter.
  18. [center][URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/29/flagg.png/][IMG]http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/1341/flagg.png[/IMG][/URL][/center] Eastern France hereby declares support for the revolutionary faction and Bridgette Saenger in toppling the outdated, oppressive monarchical regime. Kings and queens, emperors and empresses, they have no place in a modern government and can no longer efficiently serve the people.
  19. [quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1305282098' post='2711291'] I'd rather not tons of PMCs, however you can send a character, similar to stories about the Spanish Civil War. [/quote] /me deploys Robert Jordan
  20. Please mark the territories of Île-de-France, Picardie, Bourgogne, Franche-Comté, and Champagne-Ardenne as '[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=101715"]Eastern France[/url]'.
  21. "Eastern France shall refrain from declaring support for either side and until then notes that we shall be observing this development closely." General Julien Jhudiel, Spokesman of the Tribunal
  22. [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/864/flagg.png/][IMG]http://img864.imageshack.us/img864/1341/flagg.png[/IMG][/URL] Throughout the former region of Île-de-France, formerly a department of the French joint protectorate between the Germanisk Förbund and the Athenian Federation, and indeed throughout a large portion of eastern France, this flag was rising into the air. The people of Paris, as well as from throughout Île-de-France and Eastern France, were gathering in the city, the former capital of the grand nation of France. A grand celebration was underway, for today would mark the birth of a new, independent nation--a separate country born from the ashes of the previous, fallen, unified France, whose people and territory had been brought under the wings of the Germanisk Förbund and the Athenian Federation. For this guidance and aid in times of distress and trouble, in the wake of the fall of a false, occupationist administration, the people of France were indebted to both nations--but in the territories of Île-de-France, Picardie, Bourgogne, Franche-Comté, and Champagne-Ardenne, the people felt that the time had come that France could no longer remain a protectorate of another nation. The growing sentiment amongst the people was that independence was the only course of action acceptable at this point. The independence movement was spearheaded by a group of officers and officials, many native French but a few who had arrived here and come to see the nation as their own homeland, formerly employed in the protectorate; these people were instrumental in the movement for independence, as they, having been stationed in the former French territory to administrate and oversee the protectorate in the wake of the previous regime's fall, had the most powerful voice when it came to negotiating with the Germanisk Förbund and the Athenian Federation for eastern France to become a separate, independent entity. General Julien Jhudiel, formerly a commandant in the French army in the previous administration, who, in the years following the false regime's fall, had worked to aid in the revival of the true French spirit, was the de facto head of this 'Tribunal' of leaders in favour of independence--the collective council that consisted of the seven main leaders of the movement for independence. Seeking justice, safety, freedom, and above all, prosperity, for the French people, it was these seven who had most of all toiled and struggled to gain independence for their homeland, whether they had been born there or had come to consider it a home regardless of their origins. Finally, the the Germanisk Förbund and the Athenian Federation had, after lengthy discussion and much deliberation, determined that as it was the people's will they would not stand in the way of the rise of an independent eastern France. Even as the announcement was made, that work was being done to prepare eastern France to become an independent nation, the people erupted into celebration. Now, when the efforts of the independence movement were at last coming to true fruition and eastern France was to become the world's newest independent nation, the anticipation and excitement within the people was practically palpable. Now Julien stood before a vast crowd of cheering citizens, gathered before the Palais Bourbon; arrayed on either side of him were the other six of the Tribunal, all in turn smiling and interacting with the crowd. The duty of speaking to the crowd, words that would capture this moment of triumph, fell to Julien alone, and he would not have exchanged the duty for anything else. The clock struck noon, and the time had come to speak. Julien stepped forward, and the vast din of the crowd died down, replaced with a silence that was simply brimming with anticipation. "People of Paris, of Île-de-France, of all the world--lend me your ears for this moment. I wish not to delay the joyous festivities that will fill the streets of Paris and beyond in light of this historic moment of triumph and accomplishment, and I shall not dull your spirits with long-winded speeches and verbosities. Let me say only this. We of Eastern France have long anticipated this moment, the return of a true French nation in the wake of the fall of the false regime. Today this goal has been realised. And when western France feels the time has come to join us we shall welcome them with open arms, and on that day shall be an achievement even greater than that which we stand to commemorate today--a united France, standing proud once more!" The people cheered, applauded, as Julien stepped back, bowing before them. Up above fireworks burst, showering the grey sky with the colours of the new flag of Eastern France, and across the streets the words of [i]La Marseillaise[/i] could be heard sung by all manner of voices--men and women, children, those of high class backgrounds, those of low status, native-born and otherwise--all a single voice of French patriotism and pride.
  23. [quote name='Shadowsage' timestamp='1304993444' post='2709424'] BUT WHO WAS NUKE? OOC: Seriously, would someone mind explaining this thread to me? [/quote] OOC: Typical Karl Martin !@#$, I expect. t'ain't nothin' new here.
  24. [quote name='Kaiser Martens' timestamp='1304991886' post='2709397'] OOC: Wait what is this I don't even ??? [/quote] OOC: It's Karl Martin, do you even need to ask?
  25. [quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1304905930' post='2708824'] "We can send in peace keepers to protect the capital and planes to patrol the skies of your nation. We'll maintain a no-fly zone over Xinyan, with your permission. We will require the airport within your capital to maintain a base of operations and as a safe haven for your government until they can be transported out, should a civil war begin." [/quote] "We believe that it would be in the best interests of the Republic's people for another power to take civil and political control of the former Xinyan Republic, as we can no longer provide efficiently for the people, nor can we ensure their continued wellbeing. Given Novak's history of ensuring peace in East Asia, we believe you can best provide for our people if possible."
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