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Queen Hoopdy the 1st

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Everything posted by Queen Hoopdy the 1st

  1. Farkistan (Fark) was founded on January 2, 2007. MHA is already on the list.
  2. Dear Grämlins, I heart you, but I heart you more when you talk like pirates. Loves, Hoopdy
  3. Congratulations, CSN. It's good to see you prospering despite because of your unfortunate awesome government.
  4. I'm fairly certain he is already ruing, but will take your suggestion under advisement.
  5. It's a powerless title. I'm working on amassing my flying monkey army. Then someone will rue the day. I'm not sure who yet, but someone will be ruing.
  6. My nation name is Hoopdopia. When I am Queen Empress of Everything for Ever and Ever you will die a slow and painful death for getting it wrong.
  7. Welcome back, Browncoats. I wish you the best of luck. Even Belacqua. Also, hello InkBlot, I had no idea you went by Uragan in a different life.
  8. Seriously. "Not now, honey, I've got an update strike to coordinate!" It's gonna be a long war.
  9. I like it when alliances I like make treaties with each other. Congratulations, guys.
  10. What is this...I don't even.... Boys are so weird. Seriously. Ah well, I guess I'll go bake some black currant scones.
  11. I have been telling you about the miracles of wine for years. YEARS! I'm glad to see you finally converted. You can have as many flags as you want as long as I get moar Cactuar. Oh, and congrats and stuff.
  12. Hello Gravity. Welcome to Ragnablok. Now that we are friends, can you please leave my body alone?
  13. Hey! Why I oughta... ....dammit, I forgot what I was mad at you about. I do know you are a punk though. Yeah, that's the ticket.
  14. I love you Mongrel. Please have my babies for making me laugh out loud today.
  15. Given the amount of posts in this thread by you, yes, yes it was. You seem to be missing the point that this thread is not to discuss GOD's political stance on anything. The point of this thread is to inform the greater world to the relationship between RoK and TPF. Edit: spelling is good
  16. Ok, here's the thing: you are boring. RoK's homey had a beef with TPF's homey in home room. Seeing as how RoK and TPF were 'going together' (do the air quotes), things got awkward. Rok and TPF decided to honor their homies, but keep the lovin' on the down low out behind the bleachers. So go conspiracy theory somewhere else. Or at least make it funny and/or slightly interesting.
  17. ZOMG. I should probably get pre-emptively drunk and belligerant. Then go ready my nation for pants-crapping. This will probably seem like a bad idea when I wake up tomorrow, but right now it is sheer genius.
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