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Overlord Wes

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Everything posted by Overlord Wes

  1. knew about this 5 minutes ago
  2. Wow, If you gave Wile E Coyote a penny for his thoughts, you’d get change.
  3. I bet you did that just to make sure your new nation name was true
  4. OP is still here kinda! The good old days when every DoW thread got 5 pages of crying about down declares. Now we only get 3 pages of crying if we're lucky!
  5. looks like you were right! yea we've been too old and inactive to find a war to fight, we're not even trade swapping anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ surprised it took this long for someone to hit us
  6. Does it make it any better that Christian Wes is who made me lose my number of the beast? speaking of which you should join GATO server so we can confuse people again
  7. it's not actually dead, just renamed to irc.theairlock.net , which means it's dead to almost everyone
  8. if anything i should be getting paid for keeping it warm
  9. All you're missing is the Siberian Tiger Alliance and you'll have collected them all
  10. Where in the timeline does the space travel to/from Planet Steve fit in?
  11. @admin any specific time on friday? and "it just started" is not an acceptable answer :v
  12. Good to see our ally and protectorate finally [mostly] at peace o/
  13. Your alliance description no longer lists CoTM as a protector
  14. So are the Freehold going to attack their protector Umbrella in defense of their other protector CoTM ?
  15. it comes down to who wants to pull the trigger first
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