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Everything posted by Floatsam

  1. Is the selection of Orange as your color sphere supposed to be some sort of malignant irony?
  2. Kriyevla in GW3 was a fun opponent. Quizkid and Xaran from GOONS in UjW were tough but thoroughly soporific to speak to. Fought 1 person in Wolfpack War, never spoke. Goose in 1V/No Vision war was fun. Fought a nation from NV in WotC who deserted after 2 days. Can't remember my IRON opponent in Karma War, never spoke. Marcus Guildenstern from MCXA in this war is loquacious and entertaining. Others don't speak much.
  3. Good luck TUF! Could I perhaps lure you into complacency with a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster? [img]http://images.dpchallenge.com/images_challenge/0-999/651/800/Copyrighted_Image_Reuse_Prohibited_486603.jpg[/img]
  4. I've always thought of the GGA reputation as being rather unfortunate. Good luck and have fun.
  5. [quote name='Lusitan' date='02 February 2010 - 11:27 PM' timestamp='1265171269' post='2154551'] I'll be extremely blunt because I am very tired, and you can all have your back and fort arguments of why MHA and Gre should, could or would do anything. The first thing that came my mind was: "Oh well, there goes MHA joining again what seems to be the winning side." There I said it. Not that I have anything against MHA or their way of playing, but in terms of credibility, I'd think twice before signing a treaty with you, because until recently 90% of the times your concern seemed to be if you could reach #1 alliance spot and the other 10% seemed to be dedicated to deciding which treaties you should honour, confirming you were entangled in the treaty web and doing absolutely nothing about it. [/quote] It always seems to bystanders that the number 1 alliance is dead set on grabbing that spot regardless of what it takes to get there. I can assure you, that it is never the case. It isn't now, and it wasn't back in January 06'.
  6. As a Philadelphia area native, Yuengling is omnipresent and you can't go anywhere without seeing signs or adds for it. So it's a little odd for me to learn of someone who hasn't tried it.
  7. I think what distinguishes your efforts from others in the past, if you are truly devoted to your cause, is the fact that you won't attack aligned tech raiders, only offering their victims help after the fact. This may not dissuade the tech raiding alliances from doing so, but your efforts will help to lengthen, if only a bit, the average lifespan of the unaligned nation. If you devote enough time, I believe your efforts will be very successful. Good luck and God speed.
  8. Should the MHA ever disband, I'll probably loose whatever raison d'être I had for this game and let my nation slip away into inactivity.
  9. Why would anyone want to remove it? It sort of acts like a warning sign that says: "This post is terrible", thus saving the reader essential seconds in his lifetime.
  10. I think the nation count is far more important than the bullets will be. There are other avenues where we can easily view the sides of this conflict, but having the alliance nation count available is more useful and convenient. After all, the member count determines whether or not an alliance can actually be sanctioned or not, so we really won't know if someone is about to fall out of a sanction.
  11. A quite quotable quote, that one is.
  12. I wonder how many are still around from the times when there was no limit on the amount of wars one could declare.
  13. We shall prevail over you lovers of entirely too complicated computerized board games!
  14. Our 55 member loss is due to the deletion of a lot of noobs we recruited after the Karma War. We went up past 710 members, but as new players tend to do, they let their nations die and thus we are left with the significant loss in membership.
  15. Why you lot parade your erections around all over the OWF is beyond me, but congrats to the newly aroused.
  16. Cool beans, but when did Black move from fourth to first? I should keep up to date on color stats.
  17. This post goes a long way in proving your point. I have yet to identify specifically what that point is though. One thing the Karma War did prove is that the influence of color spheres in foreign policy is far more tangible than they are credited, more so now than ever. This thread would be expected to be divided along color lines, but the content of the posts themselves suggest that the future of the Cyberverse will be more strongly dictated along these lines than ever before. Having said that, I see this thread as being highly biased by the current political spectrum; looking objectively at the circumstances of each sphere is beyond my current abilities, but if I were to create a new alliance I would most certainly select Blue and avoid Brown at all costs.
  18. While I am somewhat let down by the fact that that this did not turn out to be a Cat Stevens themed alliance, I wish Zenith and company the best of luck. Those are some good alliances in there.
  19. I am not quite sure either, but my memory suggests that the forums were pruned of old threads past a certain age of inactivity until that practice was finally changed. I do know for a fact though that the Admin and company did not save backups of the threads, or if they did, that they were lost during whatever event caused the deletion of those threads.
  20. You are a man of exquisite tastes, Mr. Imperium.

  21. It's a shame that nothing exists prior to August 2006 in the OWF sections. Although... I do remember that bros had some screenshots and forum code left over from before then. Perhaps someone can enlighten me a bit?
  22. I find that the Hymenbreach position is quite the agreeable one. The only opinions that would find it objectionable are those who believe that a treaty is necessary to enter a conflict. Aside from being a convenient casus belli, I believe that the ODP is just a weakly indecisive way to link yourself to another alliance.
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