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Everything posted by Rhizoctonia

  1. Wow, another shittastic thread is made about this stupid war, with no point other then having another thread for both sides to thump their chests. Well done, it's not like all this could of been said in the other 4 threads that are all the same. I know you like to see yourselves type, and Meth and Hitchcock love to boast about all the wars they've fought against mostly new nations, but seriously? The fact this thread is made and Tywin denies it's over only makes it look like you guys are looking for a way out. There's ways for nations to surrender, and the whole "don't want to single people out" is a load of crap, as you never had any trouble doing it before. I'd love to see all these PM's wanting peace. This truly is pathetic.
  2. I think you should combine Article 2 and 3 and just name it, Suck It Stewie
  3. As an outsider looking in, with literally no dog in this fight...you really should just take a break from OWF. Your long winded and repetitive arguments are getting you no where, they're at this point are only hurting you. Hell you've been able to make Tywin, who has annoyed me for years, seem less annoying. I'm not saying maybe your arguments are not valid (personally to lazy to look into your claims as this conflict doesn't interest me besides enjoying the shit posting from both sides), but how you have come off and your choice on ways to do it has not helped your case. The moment you made a topic, basically looking to coup SNX from Tywin, via OWF, and talking about willing to take it over was when you lost it for me. There are ways to go about things, that was not one, especially not publicly on OWF. Hell, that action alone is enough to push Doom's hand on what they plan to do. When some outsider is looking to coup leadership of you protectorate....yea any alliance would look to come to their protectorate's aid to roll you. You've come off as an arrogant individual that felt threatened when Tywin wouldn't co-lead Brown with you. This has lead you to where you're, which personally speaking, I'm glad to finally see some bombs being dropped as the buildup to this has been long overdue. This is a prime example why you don't do politics via OWF. As an outsider, it sure makes for some good reads which is fine for me, but it only casts the people doing it in horrible light. Case in point...Sir Kindle, Stonewall, Yourself, Tywin...etc. Sir Kindle and Stonewall have at least lessened their presence on here for awhile while you continue to bite on everyone's comments and continue to post. You'd be better off to make your case on the battlefield and look to resolve things eventually and move on. But do as you will, just my opinion.
  4. Thank god for a topic besides one made by Tywin or Syph. Congrats to the elected and best of luck
  5. That is ripe for someone in your shoes to say. None of your !@#$ is worth reading, it's the same !@#$ over and over, just with more words each time. I seriously think at this point, you and Tywin just enjoy seeing yourselves talk. Save us all the trouble, blow each other's nation up and stop making 100 threads of the same thing. Seriously, go get outside and off your keyboard for a bit.
  6. Wow.....Wow is about the only word that fits a breakdown of such proportion It's pretty hard when they don't exist. Pretty sure any topic about them has been started by someone else...so it's pretty difficult for someone to post in their threads they've never started. After the complete breakdown Ameroca posted, your business should involve attending a session with a psychiatrist
  7. That goes out the window if the individual is merely turtling with 0 infra and a nuke/cm turret. He buys up to 1k infra to buy nukes, then sells it off. Only 1 of the 3 attackers can nuke (and only kill tech), and run a single GA to get a DA, while the others are left to only throw CM's and run air just for XP but no damage. While the nation being attacked can possibly land a nuke on 1 or 2 of the attackers and be doing more damage because they have infra that will be destroyed along with tech.
  8. But I have to disagree. Yes, many are showing their dissent toward the pre-empted strike on TPF. Yet, in this topic, and other topics, and the quoted text I responded to makes it quite apparent, TPF felt NPO betrayed then on several occasions with who they signed with. They want to throw up that that they kept the treaty with NPO after they signed with alliances they dislike, but NPO are the assholes because they canceled when TPF only did it once. No, that doesn't make NPO assholes, the reacted to TPF signing with you'll, something TPF didn't do, and in fact took NPO to do. NPO didn't feel like being tied to MI6, so they canceled. TPF had all the chances in the world to do the same, but they didn't, so their failure to do so doesn't allow them now to use it now against NPO when they continued to go along with it. All that's showing is poor judgement on TPF's choices, as it's apparent they feel NPO wronged them over and over. Work things out? TPF signed a treaty that an alliance NPO showed apparent dislike for, an enemy if you will, there's nothing to work out if NPO disliked MI6 enough. You can't fault NPO for wanting no connection to MI6, and TPF gave them that connection. Sure, alliances hold ties with other alliances that may connect them to an alliance they dislike or not privy to..which is why pretty much every major war has allies on opposite sides. But that being said, it's really up to an alliance to decide if they treaty is too conflicting or not, and in this case it was. In no way is NPO betraying TPF for severing a tie that linked them to MI6, nor should it be looked at poorly. It's a choice. TPF knew NPO didn't like it, they went ahead anyway with the risk NPO could sever ties or at least really hurt relations. I'm not cherry picking, I'm addressing the on going argument in this and other threads on here that has TPF members seemingly upset NPO canceled on them after only once signing with an alliance NPO didn't like, when NPO did it to them multiple times. All that means is it took it once done to NPO to sever ties, where TPF failed to do so ever after multiple times they felt wronged. NPO acted on it after the first time, TPF went along with it each time, I guess it takes more times for other then some. TPF is not framed. TPF decided to join up with MI6, an alliance who wasn't well liked by many political spheres, not just Oculus. Some may not dislike MI6 as much, but its safe to say no major power sphere has been open arms to them. There was quite a risk with signing a treaty with MI6, who was not liked by many, and had very few connections with other alliances. They decided to go along with it, which again is their right, and I don't fault them if their relations were good. That being said, they knew what could happen with such a choice, and thus it did. I can't think TPF didn't know the risk involved, so they can't be surprised they find themselves in this position. It is quite TPF's fault they find themselves where they're at, by the choice of who they allied. That's not anyone's fault but their own, and they shouldn't be surprised that war has come to MI6, and no alliance should rely on the enemy giving allies of enemies a choice to choose if they will or not. What courtesy should be given? TPF signed with an enemy of NPO, an enemy of many, why should current actions of an alliance be discarded because at one time, TPF fought for NPO. If you don't think NPO is grateful for the times TPF fought for them, then you're an idiot. But times change, relations change, and TPF decided to line themselves up with a known alliance NPO disliked. Such actions should be overlooked, especially when they aren't allies anymore? TPF's decision to ally MI6 knowing NPO didn't approve shows TPF didn't need NPO to have their back anymore or look out for them as allying MI6 meant more to them then at the least pissing off NPO and/or causing NPO to cancel. They chose MI6 over NPO by going ahead and signing and making NPO cancel, so why should they expect their most recent action to not have consequences due to years in the past? If I have been friends with someone for a long time and they suddenly come up and punch and spit on me, I'm not just going to be cool with it or still be friends because what we use to be. The same could be said if TPF actually canceled on NPO when they signed with alliances they dislike/enemies and found themselves on another side against said alliance. I think it's naive of any alliance to align themselves with an ally's enemy and expect sympathy or handout from now a former ally...the former ally you decided wasn't as important as your new ally by forcing their hand to cancel or be connected to their very enemy. Sure, such handouts/courtesy are given (or at least tried to many times) to allies who find themselves chained in on the opposite side, but we're not talking about an alliance who are chained in several connections away from the enemy, we're talking about a direct connection/ally to the enemy and not even an ally anymore.
  9. And yet, TPF did just that, they just went along with NPO even after TPF posters have pointed out ways they feel NPO betrayed them. It took NPO not happy with TPF's choice of ally to completely sever a tie. That is NPO's fault?
  10. So what you just laid out is NPO on many occasions you say, obviously going different FA paths from you. If your hatred was so intolerable for the likes of NG,NSO, Umbrella and so on, and you felt NPO was not looking out for the best thing for TPF, you guys could of, and obviously should of, canceled on them. I don't see how you'll not reacting to an ally going in a different path and/or allying alliances you dislike NPO's fault because you didn't just make the call to look to go elsewhere and cancel on NPO. I would imagine, though do not know since I'm in neither of your alliances, that you signing a treaty with MI6 was brought up, and my guess is NPO showed dislike towards the idea. TPF went ahead and signed a treaty with them anyway as it's in your right to do, and instead of doing what TPF was unwilling to do when NPO signed treaties with people you don't like, they canceled. NPO obviously wanted no connection to MI6, you'll wanted to be, so NPO got rid of such a tie. You can sit here and lay out NPO signing treaties with alliances TPF sincerely didn't like, but NPO didn't force you to keep the treaty between you both, and you could of easily canceled on them. The fact you'll were unwilling to act when it seemed obvious to you that either NPO was going a different path then you wanted, or didn't have TPF's interests in mind is no one fault but your own for just going along with it anyway. The only difference in all this is, NPO acted when your tie with MI6 connected them to alliance they didn't want any part of, where you'll should of awhile before, and now are here complaining about it. You decided to take a path that NPO was not a fan of, thus I don't see why one could be upset or not surprised NPO decided to cancel it. It's purely TPF's fault if they have felt this much betrayal from NPO to have kept the treaty as long as they did, and actually took NPO to sever the tie for them.
  11. This is way overdue and good to see.
  12. Damn man, I was just told about it a few hours ago. Certainly sad to see bud, enjoyed our time and conversations. This is certainly a loss to this game, but alas, I never good one departs. Best of luck with everything, and I hope you consider Inactive mode over deletion if you haven't already, just in case you wanna come back someday for the lulz of war.
  13. A penis joke....original. Is this where I come back with, at least I have something to grip?
  14. I grasp things quite fine. Lol at your last comment. It really takes one sick son of gun to be the first thing to come into your mind.
  15. Seriously...take a deep breath, type out your response, and push reply. I've enjoyed the 6+ edits you have made on this single post, it keeps getting more in depth each time. Maybe that's your problem with grasping things, you don't actually take a second to let your hands off the keyboard
  16. If we're being honest, besides my little jab at one member for posting literally nothing adding to discussion, my first comment was merely at the argument that Myth wants to make that being accepted and staying on an AA is somehow not being part of an alliance. Sorry if I don't share the same belief...if you aren't in an alliance, one shouldn't be sitting on an AA, otherwise their actions/words are representative of a member of said alliance, especially coming from someone as known as Myth. I don't agree with the idea of allowing someone to sit on an AA and say what they want yet allowing the said alliance to be free from anything they say because he's "not a member." Well that, and responding to Mogar's continuous disapproval of what alliances are doing, yet does nothing besides whine on OWF. Then came the various attacks on myself and IRON from Myth and Keres, so the same was returned. Probably could of left out my comment to Vladmir, but my minor insult was nothing to what came following it. That being said, I have 0 grudge against MI6 or anyone IRON fought last war...I told the same to IAT/TOP following the conclusion of the war, in my eyes it was settled. I made a post earlier, asking what MI6 plans to gain from this, besides pointing out Petro was caught. He was, Sengoku can't at least deny that one since it was a failed attempt, and Sengoku doesn't seem to really care. Be it once, or 100 times, I still don't see how it matters how many. So that's where were at...we can literally sit here and argue if it was wrong for Sengoku to do, but as it's been mentioned already, most alliances have had spy attacks done to them sometime while not at war, most times the person isn't caught. It's really up to MI6 on how they want to react too it or not. However, I think Duderonomy shined a pretty good light on how this thread has only reinforced past opinions of MI6, especially when various alliances have been insulted, be it NG/Aztec/IRON/NPO/etc. I get rumors have been swirling, these spy attacks, and so forth that MI6 seem to be in screw it mode (know you'll could be a target, so no point in lying down, start letting insults fly). Which is fine, but it certainly isn't making any said alliances believe MI6 has changed either. It's been more detrimental then good, and the usual barrage of insults one expects from both sides during war are already happening when no one has even declared a war.
  17. I don't know how I'm being elitist with my comment, I'm quite the opposite. I'm pointing out my opinion of a single individual who has on more occasions then I can remember ran their mouth about IRON and many alliances, and it's gotten quite stale. I can tell you I'm not even close to being alone in my sentiment of Mogar, I would say majority of OWF posters from all different alliances within this world would agree. However, the planet needs people like Mogar because at least there's someone to argue with. I can't, I'm not in range, but wish I was. That being said, I am not wasting nor sending some IRON member to hit you, nor do I care to see IRON & RIA at war because I find you annoying and repetitive. It's quite comical of you to call me a coward however, that's a good one. You see, as I already stated, I actually like RIA, and a single annoyance like you isn't enough to change my whole viewpoint of RIA, nor instigate a war between us both that other RIA members would have to pay for your words. I have a little more restraint then that, and if you think the likes of you calling me a coward is enough to make me pounce, you're quite mistaken. You see, the fact we have any type of tie between RIA and IRON only upsets you, not me or anyone else, so really it provides a bonus reward for me that it irritates you.
  18. Actually I wouldn't. I actually like RIA outside of yourself. Now seeing you personally get rolled over and over, I surely wouldn't gripe about. Why do you'll keep it? Why doesn't your Government cancel it? I mean if your Government feels how you do, not realizing ties are going end up on opposite sides and instead feel IRON should honor a FAP* over a MDoAP treaty, I would think they would of canceled it before last war, during last war, or surely right after. The difference is, I'm not the one calling out RIA on possible treaty violations, that you continue to do. Why, because I understand we were on opposite sides. That being said, I already pointed out last war when you came at us with the same !@#$ as now, going off the FAP (both are to respect one another). Well we held up our end, you however surely did not with all the !@#$ you spewed then and continue to. You also believed we should of gave RIA intel when we were on the opposite side of wars, this coming from someone who condemned us when we supposedly did just that with NG during a war, and yet...IRON received zero intel from RIA all last war too. But we won't talk about that. But then again, it shouldn't be talked about, because you're trying to make something of nothing, and being to thickheaded to get that ties land on opposite sides of war every damn war, MDoAP, ODP's...ones that hold more weight then a FAP, yet no one rarely brings up because it's how wars happen. You on the other-hand continue to with a FAP. If your Government wants to remove it, by all means have them come speak to me. It's not a problem for me or IRON keeping it as it is for you. Like I said, the RIA people I've had any experience with I've liked, excluding you, so I have no reason to. I don't need to cancel it over an annoying OWF pest who has a hard on for us.
  19. Here we go again with Mogar and him wanting a PIAT to be treated like MDoAP. Think it's been already said multiple times by multiple people that conflicting treaties with ties are on both sides is not something new. Please tell me more how you honored RIA/IRON treaty last war, because I already proved where you didn't 9 months ago. You're the one in RIA, your loathe for us is so strong, you would think you'd do whatever to have your leaders cancel it. If we wronged RIA so much, you would think you would of canceled it, now by your count 2 times. Maybe just maybe your leaders aren't as moronic as you and act as if a PIAT is as important as MDoAP partners. I'm shocked you even could stand being in RIA having a tie with IRON, must drive you insane.
  20. Who said opponents? I was under the understanding we were doing it with our allies...because having allies means we do circlejerks, just ask MI6. And since you own quite a few treaties, you must be involved in the circlejerking too. You have no issues? Really? Because one can argue all you do is complain and whine all over these forums every time you do....surely seems like you have some issues with it. Continue to be irrelevant and do nothing and then whine when others do. You lose the right to bitch when your only contribution to this game is posting on OWF and giving everyone things to laugh at. I know, the same ol Myth and Mogar posting the same shit over and over. It's sad when one individual who claims to be not in any alliance so has zero impact on things, and another who sits and collects taxes and whines every day of the year about what other people are doing are continuing to post. Most wish you couldn't find it. Myth talking about Dignity and honor...comical. Also, while you sit on an alliance AA, your words are seen as one from that alliance...I don't care what you and MI6 have worked out. Again, if you aren't in one, then one shouldn't have an AA, so until then, please stfu about not being in an alliance. Bonus points on the word usage, just next time if you wanna act like a big boy and use big boy words to insult people, spell them right. I unlike you, don't need to pretend to be a sophisticated individual using a thesaurus. I'm also glad you can summarize the past insults people have thrown at us in various threads, glad we can get them put in one. Yea, working with an ally to mend bridges over just throwing it away is such a shameful act. Damn, NG and IRON should be ashamed. Next time we'll take a tip from MI6. your FA has been top notch and all! Maybe, whenever your next rolling happens, you will finally get a clue that being pretentious pricks maybe isn't the way to go. Obligatory bite pillow pic
  21. I am not sure what the record is for most replies in a thread containing the word circlejerk is, but damn, you have to be getting close. I don't get what your purpose is here? You made a topic that Petro got caught spying on you. Congrats, thank you for shedding light on it, it shows up he did. Now....from there, what is the hope MI6 could have further with this topic? If he did it once, or he did it 100 times I don't see how it changes anything anyway. Sengoku isn't nor can't deny he did it, they obviously don't care if he did...so it's pretty much put to rest. If MI6 wants to retaliate, that's quite in your right. But Sengoku doesn't care, so not sure what more you can possibly want. As Deathadder mentioned, it's not the first time a spy ops has been done while there's no war going on, some can get away unknown, sometimes they're caught. It's been done to IRON members in the past, I imagine it will again sometime. You're making a mountain out of an ant hill, and one most people don't care either way because you'll have done such a good job at isolating yourselves from anyone caring what does or doesn't happen to you. Plus, MI6 calling anyone out on loyalty is comical in itself. Pretty much every major alliance on this game has lost their privilege to make such a remark (btw, I'm including IRON)
  22. Well you did imply IRON is merely inactive, I came up with the quickest example of how my inactive ass beats an active one I suppose then going off your remark. That being said, the people I fought actually were enjoyable to go back and forth with, because neither side acted like egotistical pricks (Doch & Gibson were both chill to talk to while fighting). I guess having allies means it's a circlejerk, at least our circlejerk allows us to experiment with many different people that we don't have to repeat rotations, I would imagine MI6's has to get old jerking the same people with no one new to play with. But hey, at least you'll are active so no misses out.
  23. There's 13 pages of prime examples of what I speak about. If you can't catch it after that many, I don't think you will when I point them out for you again. I don't see how my comment was anymore for insulting then his to Auctors, but whatever floats your boat. If you want a clue to the "ego" problem MI6 members have, go reread Myth's posts, he is quite obvious. I do hope you stick around to have that laugh...I just blinked but nothing happened. But do continue with the whole behind the scenes planning of backstabbing, sorry to say though, you missed out on the being the first to imply it
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