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Lex Quintus

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Everything posted by Lex Quintus

  1. Oh the humanity. People who live in glass GCs, etc. Also the spam from Kaskus constitutes a clear effort at recruitment of our alliance, solid CB if I ever heard one. Oh wait...
  2. That's...unpossible, I thought surely I was trotting out (heh) an old chestnut here. These kids today... What song(s) from Our Masters do you deem worthy? This is for posterity, so please be thorough.
  3. Perfect we can now truly kick Kaskus' asses, all 10 of 'em Commence Operation Donkeypunch
  4. Ah, but if they're not wooing you, can you be sure they're not doing so on purpose, since they really want you to join? Wooing, then, could in fact signify a desire not to have you join, since to do so clearly would lead to your not joining. It is a logical conundrum from which the only escape is Kashmir
  5. Yep ka is a wheel man, most gratifying to be back in the same theater of operations You say that like it's a bad thing
  6. A world without creativity is a world without decency. If you aren't for decency, what are you for? Also hello.
  7. Yeah we were smoking in the back of the van and scrounging for gas money but now we're rolling There are those who watch the Olympics for the sprints. Myself I favor the marathon. The journey is long, the effort sustained, not a flash in the pan with no need of consideration and deliberation. Just as in the marathon, wars are won not by the quick start but by the sustained grinding down of others. Wanna go out like a rabbit? Fine, have fun with that for a while. I'ma reel you in though and show you my heels all the way to glory.
  8. True, thanks for supplying all the manure to make them grow
  9. Funny you should mention that! Also, waitaminnit, wasn't this the Disciple of Madoff who did a $300/38 tech deal? Cash in two batches of $150? e: Yes. Yes, it was. Whatever shall we see next?
  10. Are you thinking of Walford? I remember the CNARF or something (CN Anti-Rogue Force[?])
  11. Oh the humanity. I love how people pile on to reiterate their opinions that other people are irrelevant. I would like to think so too, but I think reduction is closer to what happens here Well in truth I felt the derailment came from without, but alas I took the SAT, never the ACT, so my IQ probably can't be calculated nor my credibility verified. Pity.
  12. While we discuss What Is and What Should Never Be, we need a Gallows Pole pronto so we can Bring It On Home. We Are Your Overlords
  13. We agree and in fact have scheduled flagellation sessions on Tuesday and Thursday nights through summer. Come for the chastisement, stay for the pie.
  14. While my time in tR is but a distant memory, I wish good luck to all as they find new places, within or without the game.
  15. [quote name='Garion' timestamp='1354049412' post='3057519'] Please, take what is told you with a grain of salt... Igumen is merely giving HIS interpretation of the colors... [/quote] Maybe take that with a Pillar of Salt
  16. I'm pretending the weapon is inbound RIGHT NOW and I have to pick the books really quickly. Otherwise this would take a while... Once I got my five I kind of arranged them as a curriculum, intending that reading each book set you up for the next one. Torn about LoTR and Jane Austen, but the damned weapon is coming, so... Complete works of HG Wells LoTR Complete works of Jane Austen Complete works of Shakespeare Satan: His Psychotherapy and Cure (by Jeremy Leven)
  17. [quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1354043380' post='3057499'] So what is prototypes relationship with the other (Sardonic's) Goons? [/quote] Those who left GOONs to become part of this thing did so on good terms. Our guys still have good buddies over there, and I like to think they'd say the same. Still sorting out some tech deals, etc. Prototype also has some guys *not* from GOONs, and as we blaze new trails together this has to be a time for Prototype to find its way and its collective identity, distinct from GOONs--so that we are not anointed another "other Goons." We're not, even though some of us were, even unto 1.0. Less budding amoeba, more full-grown birds leaving the nest to make a new nest with some other birds from the next forest over. Or something. HTH.
  18. ~Here we go Prototype, here we go~ [clap-clap]
  19. [quote name='Jemmm' timestamp='1352843953' post='3051949'] No one gives a $%&@. 0 $%&@s givin. [/quote] Methinks thou dost detest too strongly
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