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Lex Quintus

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Everything posted by Lex Quintus

  1. Still alive and kickin' in this latest War-to-Begin-More-Wars Feels good, like getting out the old pigskin for a toss-around, except this particular pigskin has thermonuclear laces. You do NOT want to kick this one, for sure. You should come over and chill mang, we have a clean, well-lighted place for irony
  2. Greetings and feliciations DBDC Especially Artigo, that rascally purveyor of derring-do
  3. Kush will get you through times of no infra, better than infra will get you through times of no kush
  4. Hee-haw to Walsh, a warrior-scholar of great magnitude. Also hats off to Mabus66 and Infinite Citadel and their 10^4 stats, I am still smarting. P.S. the tech you stole is all counterfeit :P
  5. ~200% > 133% Might have to hulk down a bit there, chief. It's what I'd do, FWIW.
  6. Those allegations have often been dismissed on procedural grounds And anything which may have been on premises was very likely being administered under our physician's care
  7. I propose the recognition of a new treaty type for cases such as this. MADCAP: Mutually Assured Destruction; Chaos Absent Protection For lo, and behold, these are some MADCAP hijinx going on up in here
  8. This thread is verily a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma, for which there is no key.
  9. 1) See we agree here, we're in it, let's rock! 2) To be precise I was talking about not using a flyswatter to shoot skeet, but that's academic. Both are amusingly inappropriate. 3) Congrats on that top tier. I feel bad you didn't come to visit last week, before I lost almost half of my infra. Hope that doesn't happen over your way.
  10. The more you know. Plus, Einstein had it right, it's all relative, baby.
  11. Psychological blow? Heck I am loving these low, low daily payments and you can't beat the camaraderie. It's almost as warm as the nukes! Seems pretty simple. We engaged TOP/Kaskus, couple/three days later you guys jump on us. Ergo, we need more guys/slots, much in the same manner I would imagine you and TOP discussed your own entry. Somebody/bodies have lots of guys available for us? Great! Why bring a flyswatter to a skeet shoot?
  12. We like to add value to our internal economic interactions. That little something extra that shows we care.
  13. I like the cut of your jib. Hey I figured if we were going to have a kaffee klatsch we should at least have suitable lighting. And I see you brought some too, how magnanimous! Folgers, though, that's a little quotidian for me I must say. For my part I feel that involvement here is not being bogarted in the least, the more the merrier and let the wild rumpus begin!
  14. cnkashmir.com A clean, well-lit place for free exchange of ideas in a pluralistic environment! Free dream interpretations to the first several new customers! Come for the rope, stay for the patchouli
  15. Never say never. The only constant is change. The destroyer rebuilds. We'll just have to wait and see!
  16. Hey I just noticed If you remove the first three letters from our alliances you get kus mir Which is powerful close to Kushmir. It's like we're connected man, separated at DoE or something. Also yeah back to my original premise, I would say we are not lying BUT one man's rebel is another man's patriot, etc. See you in the trenches!
  17. Hear what you're saying, but I think it's less getting used and more consenting adults doing what they like in their free time. In my nation there is a singer who writes: I mean, it is what it is, and what it is is war. No more and certainly no less.
  18. Yeah been busy getting the place ready for company, we are gonna PAR-TAY! Yolo's getting ice and salty snacks, be back soon.
  19. We ask no one to fight our wars for us. We ask like-minded fellows to fight their wars, with us. Somewhat like the manner in which you probably perceive that SRA came in for you guys. Guess I'm just saying, I don't really think we disagree so much on substance, here, it's more akin to a semantic throwdown such as Rebels v. Freedom-Fighters. I'm not saying either of our alliances is either of those things (but somebody certainly will)--I'm just using that as an example of the pinhead I think we're dancing on, here.
  20. So in your view if we did have CB, we'd be what, the police? CB arises from an evaluation that aggression (i.e. declaring) is warranted and proper, I'd say.
  21. Welcome TJL, never latte, always on an espresso train to mocha these guys feel pain chocolat.
  22. Will whatever actions we take now and going forward be retroactively reworked so that they bear no relation to how awesome those actions really were, or will we preserve the sanctity of our awesomeness so that all Bob will have an unchanging image of us forever? I am 100% for the latter, BTW, retroactive change FTL. Also is it possible to create a two-toned, two-handed lightsaber? That would rock and roll. If black light technology can be applied to light sabers I would like black and gold (Pittsburgh represent).
  23. Will there be morally correct but logistically challenged campaigns, using forces of forest and farm to combat the mechanized awesome of post-modern technocracy run amok, presaging exploration of existential conflicts between self and society, self and family? 'Cuz that sounds dope, yo
  24. Oh this is too-too. 1) Is it possible to use our war flag for this map, considering we are in that state of affairs for which said map was made? 2) I propose "Kashmir Side" be renamed "Black Mountain Side." Thanks for all you do!
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