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Jens of the desert

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Everything posted by Jens of the desert

  1. [quote name='fitadude14' timestamp='1292866085' post='2546695'] I just dont want to be critized and I also need to learn even further [/quote] I think it sounds like you would rather be a [i]dictator[/i] with that attitude.
  2. [quote name='fitadude14' timestamp='1292865071' post='2546665'] You know Ishabad and ya he probally is lieing [/quote] You say this, yet you trust him? Let's be honest, you're not leader material.
  3. Why did this need it's own discussion?
  4. I think what people don't realise is it wasn't really their "choice" as much as you'd think. NEW asked them to not step in, and being the honourable alliances they are, they went by these wishes, as they would have either way.
  5. [quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1292645503' post='2542295'] It's too bad. I expected with your leadership they would last forever. [/quote] Oh look, it's Dilber, some class...oh wait, no.
  6. This is terrible and pathetic and I am not impressed.
  7. [quote name='Azrael Alexander' timestamp='1292617351' post='2541989'] If I could change it I would, my apologies to HisK I do try to take more care with peoples names [/quote] Is that an apostrophe under the group D image? (I won't lie, when I first saw it I tried scratching it off ) Regardless, thanks for the incredibly swift update, Azrael.
  8. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1292539116' post='2541175'] Note to self: never listen to someone else [/quote] That was an excellent match. Good game
  9. Not worth donating to, but good luck anyway.
  10. [quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1291855352' post='2534342'] To admin: you need to do something (anything) to make the game interesting because its bleeding players. To the rest of CN: strap on a pair and go to war once in a while. [/quote] It's funny because I got +20% for saying this. Have a nice time on the other side.
  11. [quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1291780047' post='2533512'] I'm not surprised that FAN one this. Congrats FAN. [/quote] Some people can't spell "won". You learn something new every day. Also lol at results.
  12. If by Super Robot Wars you mean swatting up on new breakthroughs in MS treatment for my upcoming medical interviews, great. I'll have a look how far I got for you before the storyline became disinteresting for me :P...

    Looks like I got to about scene 40

  13. [quote name='Crixus' timestamp='1290860655' post='2524568'] I like how they are asking for $1,000, I also like how they say its "blackmail money" Also "we will continue the attacks" and "we will use force if you do not pay up" Something is not right here. [/quote] He spelt blackmail as "black mail" (lol), VE spelt it correctly. I'd assume it was meant to be a half-joke from VE.
  14. [quote name='We Are Not Alone' timestamp='1291332897' post='2528336'] Dude I can't say anything but great things about RIA. They are the craziest bunch of mother***** I know. They are very lucky and queue1 is a great Head of Military Operations so you should work well with him. Also make C-zom come back and run this with you [/quote] I don't believe RIA have such great things to say about you, on the other hand... Good luck on your travels, NR.
  15. [quote name='King Louis the II' timestamp='1291739386' post='2532986'] have you heard about CN Tournament Edition? [/quote] Oh look it's this terrible argument again.
  16. [quote name='Xeno' timestamp='1291510651' post='2530448'] 5 Barons MoW MoIA MoEdu MoE MoFA And who is Quiz? [/quote] Quiziotle. Quiz and spicy etc
  17. It's funny because you act like you know what you're talking about [b]and[/b] you believe it.
  18. [quote name='deSouza' timestamp='1291057157' post='2525948'] Best goalkeeper i've seen play was german. My favourite goalkeeper. No match for my favourite striker, though. [img]http://glauciananunes.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/ronaldo1.jpg[/img] [/quote] Wow he has piled on the pounds... And I'm guessing you mean Kahn? (my hero as a child )
  19. You were never really leader material, mia.
  20. [quote name='deSouza' timestamp='1290813914' post='2524153'] Duel of titans. Can he actually play ooc? [/quote] He can (usually in goal though, not as a striker). Also you're talking to him
  21. [quote name='deSouza' timestamp='1290565739' post='2521684'] We have a brazilian on our team. [/quote] And we have a German
  22. [quote name='bakamitai' timestamp='1290457692' post='2520487'] CSKA Francograd look forward to drinking the delicious tears of the rest of Group C. [/quote] I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you
  23. [quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1290101748' post='2516709'] I don't get this one [img]http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e110/airmike94/HistoryofMK.jpg[/img] [/quote] I don't think it could be any more self-explanatory?
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