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wes the wise

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Everything posted by wes the wise

  1. Love you guys! Congrats on those impressive milestones Send my lovin to SCY, Gopher, Bobo, yosodog, and Jrkee! o/ MCXA
  2. Glad the efforts of the FA teams at TTE and CCC have paid off with this treaty! I look forward to [s]slave driving[/s] working with our new partners at TTE! o/ Terrans!
  3. [quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1319188868' post='2829860'] [img]http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/299902_296329183727965_167938346567050_1121314_1776638558_n.jpg[/img] A bit of light humour. [/quote]HA HA! That's awesome! Thanks for the post.
  4. I wish CCC decided our High Councilors that way. Congrats on the new gov and best wishes to Chefjoe on his retirement.
  5. Many to PPO for the hard work on this treaty! After all this time we finally have something in writing. o/ PPO o/ CCC
  6. [quote name='Nikita Ilyich Lenin' timestamp='1318884531' post='2827314'] everything about this makes me smile [/quote] Then why is you avatar so angry?
  7. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1318546216' post='2824285'] Ah, yes....aiding NSO during war is definitely a smart move. I approve. Continue. [/quote]So long as I have your permission.
  8. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1318544407' post='2824270'] Wait, wait, wait.....I get it, Chron. Good idea! Let's get the CCC into this war! [/quote] d'awww I'm flattered Nippster but I don't think I can. Give me date and I will pencil you in though. I have a bible study the rest of this week.
  9. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318543681' post='2824264'] I like Kzopp and Smurf, theyre trying extremely hard to reform an alliance crushed by the burdens of their past mistakes, and that takes a lot of tenacity and courage. I respect that, and wish them the best of luck. All stuff Ive said before, too [/quote]Ok, 3 mill and a cookie in the mail coming your way.
  10. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1318543052' post='2824255'] Get out.Oh, alright. Chron, you're an admirable politicker and !@#$ talker. And persistent. All good traits.There.(Oh the things I do for money. And cookies.) [/quote]Very nice. I will have the cash shortly. I will mail the cookie. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1318543236' post='2824256'] I'm pretty sure you know where you can stick your cookie, son. Let the boys banter....hell, it's the only thing going on on these boards these days. [/quote] Looks like someone doesn't like cookies! Its odd shape and soft texture prevent it from fitting anywhere except my mouth... I still have 3 million and a cookie for the "other side" now! who wants it?
  11. The first person to say something genuinely nice about the other side gets a cookie and 3 million bucks CN money. Go.
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