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Everything posted by nippy

  1. [center][size="7"]A GOONS ANNOUNCEMENT[/size][/center] [center][IMG]http://i52.tinypic.com/10wtjth.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center][IMG]http://i53.tinypic.com/2il0zmq.jpg[/IMG][/center] Yep, we finally broke 3 mil NS again. We're not having a party or anything stupid like that in our IRC channels, so you'll just have to celebrate in your collective mom's basements like the rest of us. A special shoutout to NG for providing us all with a Methrageon comedy interlude during Bob's boredom phase. You guys are doin' it right.
  2. [quote name='PeggySue' timestamp='1314810534' post='2791663'] Flaming for the sake of having some reason to pat your own back? You're not in possession of the first clue ... Non Grata is growing smartly and one little nation the size of mine won't affect their growth one way or another. [/quote] As with Methrage, there's a clear reason why your reputation is slightly below that of pond scum. You certainly haven't proven yourself to the community as a 'changed' individual, and your response to New Frontier's light ribbing is further proving that you're the same old Peggy Sue we all would love to nuke like a tv dinner. We'd even be nice enough to remove the cellophane over your apple crumb cake.
  3. Methrage, I suggest you decommission your magical war unicorn. The fumes from the rainbow horsey flatulence are obviously getting to you.
  4. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1314722738' post='2791049'] I switched my AA to MAD because I was a member, as it had been decided to merge NTA into MAD. After disagreement on how to deal with tech raiders, there was a split though. [/quote] You can't haphazardly decide that an alliance with a matching acronym to a disbanded alliance you were once in is willing (without contact of said alliance's government) to take you and your tag-along in and allow you to immediately start posting alliance announcements in their name. Wait, why am I trying to explain this to you? You've never paid attention to any form of logic brought to your attention.
  5. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1314675146' post='2790798'] Yes, the poo-flingers will just fling more poo in the hope it sticks eventually. Such is life in the Cyberverse! [/quote] How un-PC of you. The proper nomenclature is 'Excrement Distribution Specialists'.
  6. nippy

    'Sup Irene.

    read: everything but the bourbon.
  7. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1314606026' post='2790433'] blah blah blah [/quote] Enjoy your sanction. I'm sure you'll be posting an "Alliance Announcement" about how you're still sanctioned a month from now, just as you did a year ago. You're so predictable.
  8. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1314604760' post='2790427'] Your image has always been one of community pest, although never useful. Within your circle of friends I'm sure you guys say all kinds of stuff about me, as you try feeling better about yourselves by thinking your somehow better. The reality is you're a nobody that tries latching onto others to seem relevant, being the pest you are, trying to involve yourself in everything that has to do with me. It was over a year ago we fought, I don't care about you or your opinions at all. Get over it. [/quote] As I stated, try reading what everyone else is saying about you. I'm not alone in thinking you're a ridiculous blemish of fanaticism on the face of what is an otherwise logical community. You hop from AA to AA, each time screaming that you're legitimate and that you're running a true alliance. Just recently, you attempted to commandeer an AA that didn't belong to you and posted as if you were leading that AA. Can you not see how deranged that is?
  9. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1314603858' post='2790425'] I think everyone knows you're not to be taken seriously, since you're on my block list I don't normally even see your posts, as they never have anything of substance to say. If you think your way is the way of the world, you're highly delusional. [/quote] Speaking of "highly delusional", try reading anything anyone ever posts about you. You tried to win some brownie points by hitting Penkala, but that doesn't remove the fact that you're Methrage, prince of delusions of grandeur, and that your actions alone have degraded your public image from 'once useful' to 'community pest'.
  10. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1314603370' post='2790421'] [b]For me[/b] [/quote] Precisely. Everyone's well aware that you have a skewed view of reality, and your actions reflect that quite often. Going rogue means getting sanctioned...this is the way of the world, and the world isn't going to change just because you think you're above the laws of the land.
  11. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1314603113' post='2790418'] I love how you cry about it whenever I reveal that I've been sanctioned on the forum, makes you look special. [/quote] Laughing is not synonymous with crying, Methy-boy. Someone throw this boy a thesaurus.
  12. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1314602759' post='2790416'] Or maybe I'm just enjoying myself and don't take things to seriously. Tech raiders say they do what they do because they enjoy fighting, so you would think they'd enjoy a challenging fight. Although it seems to be the exact opposite, considering they've requested help from alliances of every color sphere to try preventing me from being able to fight back. [/quote] I enjoy how you cry about sanctions every time you go rogue. Everyone else is to blame for your misfortune. Poor Methrage!
  13. [quote name='stepanek' timestamp='1314515855' post='2789823'] Sorry, but what is RL? [/quote] That's what we talk about in the Open World Forum, where this was posted. To the OP: The CCC will die a horrible death and you're just the beginning. Enjoy contributing to their demise.
  14. All I see here is that Umbrella needs more infra, dammit.
  15. [quote name='Gopherbashi' timestamp='1314409114' post='2789047'] I've asked SCY to collect the all alliance display stats for me. If he fails in this regard, please declare war on him. [/quote] I support this cause.
  16. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1314341629' post='2788659'] No point calling yourself Mutually Assured Destruction if you're going to let tech raids happen without a few nukes going off, although I'll do all the work this time. [/quote] Way to brush that !@#$ off your shoulders...we'd be awestruck if you actually accepted the fact that you did something wrong here.
  17. Why the hell would anyone in their right mind share a good raid target with outsiders? As the OP states, they're incredibly hard to find these days. If anyone's going to share a raid target with me, it's my own brethren.
  18. Damn, FEAR...they don't like you OOC! I assume this is due to the FEAR threat thread. Meh....I guess this makes sense.
  19. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1314293255' post='2788196'] [i]"When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing to himself."[/i] [/quote] I'll offer you just one of my fingers, then. To the OP: please let your alliance die. We want more raid targets.
  20. We're coming for you, Add Line. Your ass is ours!
  21. [quote name='GDI Crossfire' timestamp='1314003701' post='2786106'] lol this video made me find this guy's CN rage video, and its hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W08twd5iGYI [/quote] Heh. That dude is amazingly pathetic.
  22. The best was Real World: Cybernations. Good job on youtube for ruining it. e: whoa...it's working now for some reason. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iplza4ya85o&feature=related e again: language warning or something.
  23. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1313807331' post='2784806'] Edit: Also, I don't understand nippy's obsession with me, but please stop posting in my threads. I already have you on ignore, so I don't normally bother reading what you say, but [b]its still annoying to be reminded of your existence so frequently[/b]. [/quote] Perhaps if you stop posting attention-whoring threads and actually post something that doesn't resemble a reminder to the rest of us that [b]you[/b] exist, maybe then I'll stop posting in your threads. Maybe. Your brain seems to be wired in a way that makes it impossible for you to use sound logic when you do [i]anything[/i], so I doubt we'll see a decline in Methrage "hey look at me!" threads. By the way, you should really join an alliance. It's obvious that you've shot down any chances of building an actual alliance with anyone (other than that other nation that seems to strangely follow you around from one horrible AA to another).
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