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The Mongol-Swedes

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Everything posted by The Mongol-Swedes

  1. Listen to yourselves, GOONS. You'd think you guys were actually pretty sharp guys. But you decided to pick a fight with a few friends of ours. You just never learn. Well, we never quit, for that matter. Enjoy endless war, suckers. ¡Libertad o Muerte!
  2. [quote name='astronaut jones' date='12 February 2010 - 10:27 AM' timestamp='1265988467' post='2177624'] [center][img]http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd318/greenacrescn/clarks-concepts-3.jpg[/img] [size="7"]Supreme Clientele Official Declaration[/size][/center] In my time on planet bob, and flying high above planet bob in my dope spaceship, I have witnessed many hypocrisies, but there is one hypocrisy that I cannot stand any longer. Supreme Clientele hereby declares war upon the Socialist Workers Front for failing to live up to their communist/socialist ideals, and instead being nothing more than bourgeois nation leaders intent on keeping the proletariat down, while refusing to share the wealth within their nations with the other working men and women of planet bob. Supreme Clientele will only accept surrender from the Socialist Workers Front if they agree to send 15m in aid to newer, less established nations across the globe in an effort to show solidarity with their proletariat brothers. Refusing to do so will only prolong the destruction of your nations, and send a message to the rest of the planet that you are merely bourgeois thugs masquerading as the hard working, socialist men and women you claim to be. Signed. Astronaut Jones - King of all Kings, He-man, master of the universe. AMENDMENT: It has been brought to my attention that the Socialist Workers Front has disbanded, and while that means victory is assured, they are not the only socialist/communist alliances out there that are guilty of keeping their supposed "proletariat brothers" down. To the bourgeois thugs of the Union of Communist Republics, I declare war on you for the very reasons outlined above. Peace terms are exactly the same. [/quote] [center][IMG]http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o63/MarcTrain/lsfblackguardsmm3.png[/IMG] Try taking on a socialist alliance with guns, comrades, and an unspoken policy of no surrender. No? I didn't think so. You're a pathetic vulture that's just looking for trouble, jones.[/center]
  3. Wait, so, you're going to actually try to out-do the International in achieving the same result? What gives? All the same, congrats, good luck, and I think we'll be stopping by shortly.
  4. Libertarian Socialist Federation! Remember that 40-hour work week? With the benefits? Totally not your boss's idea.
  5. We cleared out the pig stalls for bigger cannabis plots ages ago. Do something about it.
  6. Whatever, that was way cooler than this: Also, hi guys.
  7. No tacos, no banditos. Also, hi guys. ¡Libertad o Muerte!
  8. What? You're kidding. You don't write, you never call, you leave your poor Anarchist mothers always worrying? Have you gotten married yet? Where are our grand kids at? Eh, you don't even love your own mother. It's such a sin!
  9. Trades, tech deal hookups, and other basic integration services. Anything else is strictly individual. We're not a top-down alliance so individual members giving aid is a matter of individual sovereignty. Having said that, your degree of activity determines the success of your nation in the LSF. Our methods allow for greater individual growth and development along lines that you choose, but we're always ready to spare some advice.
  10. Great! Now that you've had a spot of fun, you might wanna put that start-up aid to good use. Keep up the good work, comrades. ¡Libertad o Muerte!
  11. You wanna lighten up? That was a damn good jab at the serious business situation. Seriously, the original CB for all of these shenanigans was silly enough. Taking the wars serious anymore isn't good for your health. Just honor your treaties and play nicely. Knowing VE, though, that could be a tall order.
  12. Well, if those logs are indeed Truth then that destroys just about any sense of love between the former members of Bel Air and the Black Guards. Sally forth, NATO. ¡Libertad o Muerte!
  13. I doubt many will take these terms. Then again, the TPF that spearheaded the destruction of the Verein might not be the same TPF we see today. Good luck, TPF.
  14. Sweet! Now the SWF can sign off on this and we'll be done with this absurd nonsense. Good show, NewED.
  15. ¡Viva M*A*S*H! Good going on ditching those Athenians.
  16. "Is this a DoW? No? Lame." *click* - Projected response of countless users. Anyway, saw the New Hegemony coming. It's all the same.
  17. Do what you want. Just don't expect people to sign with you if your self-preservation is all you really stand for.
  18. Not very smart foreign policy. You'll never be able to keep allies. But it's clear that you don't want allies, anyway. Anyway, NATO has an MDoAP with TPF. They're very much in the fight.
  19. I've got aluminum and rubber. Color is irrelevant.
  20. Hardly. Look at how both Leftists and Rightists are existing on the same plane with little, if any conflict, pursuing peaceful prosperity. Hell, TGE and INT were pretty close when I was at the founding of INT. Even when NoV/NoR was gone from the world as an official alliance, the CPCN was helping to rebuild the LSF, and the Left as a whole was moving towards unification and growth irrespective of the existence of any openly hostile Rightists. The International itself is proof that one opposite ideological entity does not require the other to prosper. I would even say that if there was no 'Left', there'd be a strong 'Right'. Now, would it be so easy, so black and white, as to distinguish one 'extreme' from another? Certainly. And it would take away a basis of existence. But ultimately it comes down to the strength of your community. Whatever that community unites itself around really is secondary.
  21. After a well-timed transition period from the Socialist Workers Front as a newly reformed alliance to their present status today, the Black Guards are excited to announce that our protectorate over the Front has fulfilled its purpose. The SWF have acquired the strength to determine their own course. And indeed, they have. This state of affairs was long ago agreed upon by the involved parties, and we wish them the best of luck. ¡Libertad o Muerte! P.S. We meant to have little funny diplomas made up and all but, well, Palachinov didn't have enough dole for papers for the after-party and er, you get the idea.
  22. Hell, might as well have INT shepherding these guys around. Sooner or later they'll be absorbed all over again. Good luck with this, compañeros.
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