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The Mongol-Swedes

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Everything posted by The Mongol-Swedes

  1. Thank ye. That's a mighty fine collectible sig you've got.
  2. The LSF, as a member of PWN/PWNAGE, acted on behalf of a general sentiment to aid the Brotherhood in developing its Pink trades and helping their government to explore fruitful foreign affairs relations not only with Pink but, in general, other alliances which would help to bring TCB prosperity when it lacked direction. These efforts were met with significant frustration as there was no real response from TCB. I can fully appreciate the frustration of Bel Air's membership, and others who attempted to assist TCB, and I see the words here by leading figures like Vilien, hizzy, and other detractors who I assume understand what it means to be frustrated when things don't work out to be unnecessarily confrontational and indicative of the lack of positive character in the alliances they represent as significant figures. I will not be drawn into a 'no u', as it becomes clear that anything that is said in public here on out by PWN/PWNAGE members was already extensively expressed in private channels, and the liberty to express frustration in public ought not to be censored or frowned upon. Pointless trolling has been highlighted here. Thread's over. I wish TCB the best of luck in finding themselves. We'll keep the light on and the door open. o7 Centurions!
  3. Welcome to the world! Watch yourselves, it's a pretty scary world out there for Americans.
  4. Monarchists with a sense of humor. That'll do. I wish TAHE the best of luck. Libertad o Muerte!
  5. Best of luck to my nationalist cousins in their decision.
  6. Veni, I stand beside you as a comrade through the heaviest fighting and the harshest struggle. Don't pull that antiquated "Leftism In One Alliance" crap, with the LSF as some kind of special example. Freedom of choice is something you should consider looking into.
  7. You looking for a truce? Or just blowing smoke? Sounds like you got a communication problem with 'em. And remember, it's a two-way street. C'mon, put away the hatchet and be a good neighbor. You've come off as being confrontational. Get a conference room, host a conference, resolve your issues. I'll even get my admin team to work on it. But don't come on here and insult my allies and then me. That's just pointless, if you really wanna be a good neighbor. If you wanna start a rumble, though, go right ahead.
  8. Dude, you REALLY don't listen well. I don't give a damn about Red business. That's Red business for Red nations. My business is that you're making my allies uncomfortable. I base that on the fact that they themselves tell me that you're harassing them. Whatever your chauvinistic view is, the point is that they come to my door and tell me that you ain't leaving them be. You don't seem to get that they wanna do their own thing. No matter how nicely you talk, you won't take the hint and take a hike. You think they wanna do business with you when you talk to them like you are? It don't really matter to me how you do it. That's between them and you. All I'm here for is to do what I signed up for, and back my allies. Ain't nothing else to it. No overarching conspiracy theory, etc etc. I don't give a damn what NPO does. They can't hurt me or the LSF. We've survived worse.
  9. I can't imagine that some of these guys, whom I've been in the trenches with on and off over the years, would all of a sudden start trouble by taking their affairs into their own hands and doing their business amongst themselves unless somebody made 'em feel really uncomfortable. I know SWF for a fact ain't war-starters. So something has to be going on that spooked 'em. And it seems even more plausible to me because you've got people from outside of the sphere, as well as yourself, who want Red Dwan as the sole color bloc. Seeing as how I've got pink's affairs to worry about, what happens on Red ain't my business. What IS my business is that you insist on harassing my allies in the SWF who wanna be left alone. They don't wanna play over at your house, and you sound like you wanna be a good neighbor. Start acting like one.
  10. You don't listen well. They wanna do their thing, so why not let 'em? I don't understand. I can't draw any other conclusion other than: "Everything under OUR tent, no exceptions." That's a helluva departure from your original stance.
  11. Yeah. Quit insulting these guys with your sham offers. They already formed a bloc. You're basically trying to recruit 'em like the bums who try to recruit from small alliances. At least try to live up to some kind of moral code.
  12. All by your onesies? You must be working overtime. You'll have to legislate yourself some time-and-a-half. Anyhow, give it a rest. You can't stop Solidarity from its peaceful growth, short of dropping the ball and kicking off some beautiful green fireworks. If you're a gambling man, roll the dice, or leave the table.
  13. The night does not simply become day in a blink. I'm still looking for the twilight. And my eyes see all and see through you. Old Mongol saying. Hasn't failed me in over two years as Delegate.
  14. Interesting. LOL at TRE for not forming warmer relations with TGE. Best wishes to the Kaiserine!
  15. I guess NPO needs to pave the way for their re-emergence into Bob Proper. What with a retinue of micro-alliance cheerleaders, bribed with a Senate seat as a gesture of goodwill and a facilitation of smooth reintegration into the New Hegemony structure, and the poor execution of this treaty here by the UED leadership, have all come together to make one hell of a propaganda victory for Pacifica. Not too shabby. I certainly won't underestimate you anytime soon.
  16. Following additional smokeouts with a delegation from these trippy guys in wicked tin cans, the treaty has been retroactively upgraded to an MDoAP. Viva de la Rota Legionarios! Libertad o Muerte!
  17. Liberty or Death! Not just for flag-waving eagle-hugging, Bible-thumping Tea Bag'd types!
  18. Pink would have been a very positive move for these guys. In fact, it's a positive move for any alliance to do so.
  19. This is why the Left doesn't just merge into one big alliance. Holding my breath...
  20. No, we don't. Some of us have governments, with hierarchy and rigid process, while others are ruled directly by all members in a direct democracy. There is a lot more to this than you seem to notice. Why not stop by our forums and find out? You can start with the LSF, right in my sig.
  21. Not bad at all. Now, there are no gods and no masters, but that Haruhi demagogue must be quite the character. o7 Brigada de la SOS! Libertad o Muerte!
  22. MADPs are inherently imperialistic and contrary to anti-authoritarian Leftism, which has been on the rise following Silent's fall into obscurity. If you don't understand, then don't worry about it. Scroll up and move on.
  23. Take that formula with any other bloc/multi-lateral treaty and you'll get your answer.
  24. Government? Brother, what have you been inhaling? We have no need for basement-dwelling jerks who crave authority over other basement-dwelling jerks.
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