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Blog Comments posted by KOwens06

  1. As a Raiders fan I am angry that you said that :( Because its gonna be a high scoring game and thats always a plus. And the Broncos will probably win I don't see the Raiders doing too well this year.

    I would take Tampa Bay with Freeman over Stafford. Hopefully he stays healthy. I hope the Vikes beat the Bolts though...

    As for all your games where are these upsets?

    I mean what about Ravens v. Steelers or Pack v. Saints or any of the good games playing in week one. You picked the crappy games....

  2. Aircraft carriers fuel lasts them a real long time, considering its uranium. I read somewhere it could last them 50 years, not sure if that's true or not, but if they sent in aircraft carriers off the coast line that means less flight time which means less repair time.

    I believe it is every 25 years they need to be refueled. Which is more than enough in my opinion.

  3. Just to nip the Japan carrier thing in the butt. Japan can't carry Aircraft carriers due to their terms in WWII. And they don't carry a big army due to their warrior nature. The US have been trying to get them to increase their military strength but they refuse.

    And we carry carriers because they are the big stick. One US aircraft carrier can drop as many bombs as in WWII combined. So yeah we have the big stick so to speak.

  4. Memphis over Arizona is a horrid pick. First of all AZ has a great Perimeter and have played well throught the season, plus with their star player they will not lose.

    I like the PSU Pick.

    Oakland over Texas is just plain dumb. Texas was gonna be a number 1 seed until they crumbled in a few games. Oakland will be killed.

    ODU over Butler calling it now.

    USU will beat KSU no doubt about it. USU is cinderella this year.

    Belmont is going to beat Wisconsin and its gonna be a great game.

    SJU is gonna play a few rounds. They have had a stellar season and won't go down with the coach they have.

    Oh right and Georgia over Washington was a horrid pick also.

  5. My type for a girl... Well !@#$ I'm picky as hell.

    • Athletic built because I play sports all the time and I love to be outdoors so I would like them to be the same. Yes that means I don't like big %*%*%. Just a nice body. I lift everyday so if she goes to the gym with me thats a definite plus.
    • Dresses nicely when the occasion comes. T-shirt and jeans for a girl is still sexy to me.
    • Emotionally stable... I don't want another crazy stalker fest.
    • Humor so we can laugh at each other. Dry Sarcastic humor too because I love that in a girl.
    • Smart in the sense she can get what she needs done and understands life around her.
    • Chill... I need a chill girl. I have work, school, weight lift daily some days I just want to sit at home and cuddle.

  6. I like 70 degree weather personally because I live in Arizona and 110 can get ridiculous after a while. I played sports all throughout high school and summer practices 2 a days so to speak just killed everyone. And cold weather I like to visit but not to stay because skiing is bomb awesome.gif

    But if I had to choose I would pick hot because being outside and not having 3 layers of clothing on is great! And seeing girls like the one on top at the beach is just the cherry on top.

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