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Everything posted by Timmmehhh

  1. For reference Part 1: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=38028&hl= Part 2: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=48637&hl=
  2. adjusting my list, NSO gets a lot of attention / credit, but can fight too. new list Overrated: Invincta and Legion, | GDA, and NADC are overrated stat-wise. Also all the neutral alliances have the same problem. Underrated: FCO, BAPS NEW, FAN, Nordreich and FARK (Invasion and nation-based alliances in general)
  3. Overrated: Invicta NSO and Legion Underrated: FCO, BAPS NEW and FARK
  4. I agree with BobJanova, Inactivity of dictators and oligarchs is a big flaw in dictatorships. I remember the Orders used to laugh at democracies and said it was an inefficient sytem, but at least we got active and sensible people in charge. At FOK we have enough sensible people to switch the high gov once every 3 months. The people used to laugh at democracies because of incompetent democracies like Legion, GATO and others GW3. The Karma war shows that democracies certainly can work. Most oligarchies and dictatorships lost, and among the triumphing alliances we have alliances like TOP, FARK and FOK who are full fledged democracies. Democracy prevails
  5. Wasn't a big fan of EPIC to be honest but they must be doing something right if MK sees potential in them. MK are great friends and probably one of the best protectors you can find. Congrats with your protectorate and tech MK! Potato is a mad Frenchmen!
  6. I am happy to see our PIAT with ODN is still standing Good luck in the future ODN.
  7. Defending from spy attacks =/= being a rogue. Strange definition you have there For the record the spy attacks costed him like 30 million dollar. I have seen Nigras techraiding before so don't pretend that he isn't techraiding. He even admitted he was spying away his cashreserves to start a techraid. Also it isn't that important for us what happened in the war with Nigras since it is a private matter between a raider and it's victim, a classic 1v1. And we even allow Nigras to redeclare. What matters for us is that he is a member of FOK now with all rights and benefits.
  8. No, you are free to redeclare after this war. We consider this a 1v1 dispute between you and Denniswerf. I think Denniswerf wouldn't mind another round either
  9. 1. Denniswerf used to be a loyal and longtime member of FOK. FOK keeps an close eyes on their former members and helps them out when they need help. Most ex-members return to FOK after a few months of absence. At FOK he used to be an economic mastermind and he was the minister of economics of FOK. Regarding our charter, it is used as a guideline, The FOK council has the right to make exceptions. For example our charter states that a FOK nation should be on the orange team. But sometimes a member is allowed to stay on a different team because he is in a tradecircle and has very bad resources. Maybe you guys shouldn't focus that much on FOK's charter who is for internal use, but built a charter for your own alliance. Your Wiki page doesn't have one at the moment. Kinda lame you start complaining about our charter when you guys don't even have one posted on your Wiki page. 2. Denniswerf is not a nuclear rogue, he is defending himself from a spyraid initiated by Nigras. Also why is TLC harboring a member who is raiding nations, and is spying on unaligned (in this instance a former FOK member)? I thought your leader, Electron Sponge, was against raiding? I don't really care if you do, but you shouldn't be annoyed when FOK does their own thing and looks after their (former) members.
  10. Look who is talking. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=19441&hl= http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=13523&hl= http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=15776&hl= http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=11763&hl= You have an history of canceling on alliances who went through a rough time. Jet you were always there to side with them in a easy curbstomp. How convenient...
  11. Yeah I agree with this one. Although I am not really that interested in the senate I think an open senate makes things a lot better and less problematic. Ontopic, shame to see Vanguard leaving. Good luck in the future Vanguard
  12. Luckily MK is strong like some of their friends
  13. Yeah FCO is a very strong and loyal nationbased alliance too.
  14. FOK GOONS Sick stats, Remembers me of my days of MoD of FOK in UJW. We had almost the most offensive wars (356) of the entire UJP coalition, only GOONS had more. While we only had 13% anarchies. I also remember entering #Unjustmassacre and immediately knew that we wouldn't win the war because of the total mess and disorganization in the channel and on our side. I remember taking the decision to engage NTO. TPF (Slayer) was planning to hit them, but TPF was needed on the Polar front so I volunteered FOK for the job. After we (FOK 1,6 million) hit NTO (around 1,2 million) -aid- hit us (around 900k). We were beating them kinda easy and I was really afraid that NPO was going to hit us and / or superfriends. (being the only fronts were the UJP was winning.) Luckily a few days later GATO (4 million) bandwagonned on us instead of NPO using a PIAT with -aid- to declare war on FOK. GATO were really incompetent at that time, and they attacked up instead of down, and didn't fire cm's and stuff. In the end GATO was forced to a ceasefire with the help of TOP and Gremlins. With their help we also managed to get -aid- to surrender which was the first surrender in the war.
  15. Invasion alliances are way more loyal than scratch alliances I think. We also have a lot of nationbased invasion alliances in the game. And they are very good and loyal fighters. FOK = Dutch / Flemish WAPA = Scottish BAPS = Irish NEW = Indonesian FAN and FARK are mostly American.
  16. You deserve to exist, however you guys are freaking annoying. You brag about your skills, and you claim you humiliated IS, but the truth is that you guys would have been crushed without outside help. With lots of bravo you announce a 1 man protectorate while in reality you can't even back them up when needed. It are all empty words. I am in FOK yes, we fought for Karma for a multitude of reasons, but the most important reason is that we fight alongside our allies, and those were all on the Karma side. I don't see how this has anything to do with this at all and why this makes me a hypocrite. For the record your war with IS had nothing to do with justice, you guys were provoking them, and when they attacked you, you didn't know how fast to run to your allies for backup lol.
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