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Everything posted by Hellbilly

  1. Olympus is a living example of how things should be done. You have once again earned my respect. Now.. GO GET SOME !!!! O/Olympus !!!!
  2. [quote name='Natan' timestamp='1296106523' post='2604759'] will you guys be offering individual surrender terms, the guys I ordered onto him want to surrender. [/quote] haha! Our sinister plan of giving everyone something to laugh about is apparently working. Killing the enemy with hilarity is the latest in war strategy. It is right up there with "Not following direct orders" and "Ignoring good advice" which were employed as a comedic trifecta. We at the NAC are at the cutting edge of psychological warfare. Wait until you see what happens next!
  3. WAR DANCE!!! Onward to war, my brothers! O/Invicta !!!
  4. I have been called a lot of things in my lifetime. I guess a "meatshield" ranks somewhere between "big fat meanie" and "doodie head".
  5. Awesome! O/Sanitarium That was an awesome DOW. Metallica & War. Throw in a quarter ounce and some Budweiser and we have a party!
  6. Bottle of Jack in one hand, sawed off shotgun in the other. A lit Marlboro cliched in a black tooth grin. John Deere cap turned backwards for maximum mullet effect and Pantera cranked up full blast. Its a redneck at war. Its not pretty. We dont give a f&%#. o/NAC
  7. [quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1295969981' post='2600176'] The theory goes this was going to happen eventually once Legion got around to activating the treaty they were bound to defend NpO with (or did they cancel it...I don't know I'm not a doctor). Or so I understand. Once Legion was countered (probably by one or two Pandora's Box alliances), it would open the door for the NPO to counter, with allies, etc. I, again from my perspective, understand this simply to be Doomhouse taking the initiative and not letting the enemy choose the grounds to fight on. There is no question of whether or not Doomhouse and NPO were going to fight and it was made very clear for the last week that it was going to happen. Far as outrage and Doomhouse being as bad as NPO, NPO has a long and storied history of atrocities, while Doomhouse has none. Rather, the members of Doomhouse (yes, even GOONS) have done nothing but treat their enemies with respect in their defeats thus far. I don't know why anyone assumes this will be any different (besides the slogan everything must die, but hopefully you all know what propaganda is). Now, had NPO been able to win this war...you really want that? Really? [/quote] this is not really relevant to what I was saying. IF NPO was the one attacking with no CB, they would be wrong. But in this case they are not. In this case they have done no wrong. Regardless of where you sit in a treaty web, wrong is wrong. My point is/was that if this had been a group of micros jumping another micro with no CB there would be repurcussions. Boy Howdy! Using rumors to validate a CB is useless. I have heard so many rumors in the past couple of weeks that I cant keep track of them. The way the rumors are going and the way this fustercluck is mucky-mucked, I wouldnt be surprised to find an alliance declaring war on themselves. Lord knows you dont need a CB anymore..
  8. While I know I am not a political bigwig on here and my opinion doesnt hold much weight, I will give it anyway. If this were a group of micro alliances doing the same thing, most of you would be like: "OMG, WTF.. you cant do that!" and proceed to curbstomp them into oblivion. No matter how you slice it up, or try to justify it, a fact is a fact. You attacked an alliance with no CB. An unprovoked act of aggression against any alliance has always been wrong. So now your saying that it is no longer wrong? Maybe whats wrong is the fact that you consider yourselves above the rules because you have no fear of repurcussions. What respect I HAD for the alliances involved , is all but gone. I know that really doesnt matter much, but, know this: I dont think I am the only one that feels this way.
  9. I was sad to hear this. I cant say enough about how much I admire and respect Jorost. I feel he is one of the best leaders in all of CN. I know nascar and dan will do a great job and I look forward to the future. But I want to recognize the past and give a proper hail to a great leader of a great alliance. Here is to you, Jorost, for excellent leadership and being an outstanding friend to me and the NAC. I am happy that you will still be around, my friend. I commend you on a job very well done. O/Jorost O/Regnum Invictorum
  10. This announcement has made my morning. My morning coffee goes much better with a good laugh. Congrats to my friends at Olympus on a great milestone!
  11. Woooooooooooooooot!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday, my old friend!! Hope to see you guys grow and prosper. O/TLK *edit ---- My first first!
  12. Glad to see this up and posted. O/SC O/NAC Yeehaw! THAT... is a perfectly placed yeehaw.
  13. This is a very honorable move. o/Echelon and friends.
  14. I was very sad to hear about this. But I wish my friends in Hydra the best moving forward.
  15. Congrats on choosing some great protectors. I wish you the best of luck.
  16. I see some awesome alliances involved in this! Congrats to those involved. O/PoP
  17. Congrats and happy 2nd birthday my friends!!
  18. Congrats on the treaty upgrade and the milestone.
  19. [quote name='queenhailee' timestamp='1291435647' post='2529733'] Congrats, NAC. Nice to see (And you could have just asked if I'd be Granny ) [/quote] You would have made a great Granny!! So at 2 mill I will be hollering at ya, my friend!
  20. [center] [b]Official announcement from the North American Confederacy (NAC)[/b][/center] [center][img]http://i456.photobucket.com/albums/qq282/s_cornett72/triumheader-4.png[/img] [/center] We are pleased to announce that the NAC has officially reached the 1 Million NS milestone. This accomplishment has been a long time coming. We started out with 5 members with less than 50k combined NS. We have grown to our current size of 50 members 1 Mill NS with no merges to boost our numbers. I am proud of all my fellow Confederates for their perserverance and loyalty. I am proud to call myself a member of the North American Confederacy. O/NAC [center][IMG]http://i456.photobucket.com/albums/qq282/s_cornett72/millpic.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center][img]http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh276/Rooivaulk/flagred1.png[/img][/center] We invite everyone to join us on #nac (coldfront) to celebrate. ** [i]Apologies for this plain announcement. I had planned an extravagent "Beverly Hillbilly" theme with cool graphics, puns and plays on words about hillbillies being millionaires and such. Plenty of corniness and various lols and all, but i just couldnt decide who would portray Granny Clampett and as all of you know.. whats a parody without Granny? Its fail is what it is. lmao [/i]
  21. I like this. I do not know SLCB very well, but, Hydra are great allies and awesome friends to have. Congrats on the new treaty, my friends! O/Hydra O/SLCB
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