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Everything posted by Hellbilly

  1. Duly noted. We declared only on The Stickmen. That is whom we were in talks with. I assumed the word would reach you via them. My apologies for any confusion.
  2. o/Peace I can truly say that I was honored to fight alongside my friends and allies in purple. Here is to hoping for an end to hostilities for our purple brethren. I would also like to give a shout-out to my honorable opponents for a tough fight and reasonable peace terms.
  3. Good friends and a bottle of Jack. Both worth fighting for. So crank up the Pantera, light a smoke, turn your ballcap backwards and get your Daddy's shotgun. This redneck is going to war. o/Invicta o/NAC o/Purple Unity
  4. Glad to see this!!!!! Here is to good friends and hard liquor!! o/ old no. 7 !!!!!!!!!! o/Invicta !!!
  5. I refuse to stop bumping. I am totally focused on bumping this thr.... Hey look! Survivor is on!
  6. Bump-a-ruski ! Just a friendly neighbourhood bump from your friends at the NAC !
  7. complete failure to think of anything clever. Hmph. Maybe later.
  8. I highly recommend the North American Confederacy (NAC). And not just because I am a member... well.. okay.. you got me there. I want you to join because I am a member. If I wasnt a NAC member I am sure this blatant attempt at recruitiment would read the same with a different acronym... But I digress. Check us out if you want. we are super cool or whatever the catch phrase is nowadays.. http://www.nacforums.co.nr/ Plus as an added bonus, if you join now, you will be entered in a sweepstakes where you could possibly just win something of almost some value. almost. Join now!
  9. i need to do something to get this thread back to the top of the page. But, Egads!! I cannot think of one thing that would work! Alas, I will just have to post some mindless dribble that no one will ever read since it is so far into this thread. Wait. It might just work! I will try it. TL:DR: bump
  10. Depending on what you want in an alliance, I can almost assure you that we just might be kind of what you are looking for..maybe.. !!! I will send you a Pm as well.. http://nac4ever.forumotion.net/forum.htm Good luck in your search. Unless you dont choose us. Then phooey on you. lol
  11. Heck I will throw my 2 cents in as well.. And in this economy, its worth about spit. Much like this blatant recruiting message. Join the North American Confederacy (NAC) and you will be granted super powers !!! Okay.. Well, I was making the last part up.. Or was I???? hmmmmm. Check us out if ya want to. http://nac4ever.forumotion.net/forum.htm
  12. This is nothing but good!!! Congrats! o/purple !!!
  13. Congrats and good luck to my friend, ShadowKing and FAR.
  14. Congrats to BAPS. You guys are just plain awesome. o/BAPS !! o/Purple !!!
  15. This is sad news indeed. Best of luck to you, Thar, my old friend.
  16. Hail to my friends in Invicta who have been there for us since day one. They are great protectors and even greater friends. Congrats to our friends over at TB as well! o/Purple
  17. Congrats!! Nice to see some fellow small purple alliances growing! o/Purple !!
  18. I hereby bump this here thread in the name of Pitttsburgh Nellie. (A Welsh whore who could do things with her one good arm that made you forget about that thing on her neck!)
  19. Official Announcement From the North American Confederacy (NAC) Due to events beyond my control and an ever changing schedule, it has become more and more difficult for me to remain consistently active here in CN. My drive and passion for the NAC has never left and never will, but, my ability to be as active as needed to run an alliance has been taken from me by circumstance. And it could have a negative effect on my alliance members and our allies. So I wish to announce a Change of Command for the North American Confederacy. For the betterment of my alliance, I hereby resign as President of the NAC. Effective immediately. I name Shavar of Shavar my replacement and swear my absolute loyalty to him as President. Since the beginning of the NAC back in October of 2008, I (as Rattlehead and Hellbilly) have been the President of the this alliance. I am very proud of that. I have made some good and bad decisions. And have seen good and bad times. But the one thing I have always had is a very consistent and competent Vice President to rely on. Shavar helped me co-found the alliance and has supported and assisted me in every decision and every change made for the NAC. Over the last couple of weeks my activity has been sporadic at best and it has made things more difficult for my alliance government. In my absence my best friend and co-founder Shavar has stepped up to the plate and has gotten things done in a Presidential manner. I was offered and shall take the office of Vice President of the NAC. . Now on with the festivities!!!! Congratulation to my friend and ally, Shavar! Long live the NAC!!! signed: Hellbilly of Hades .. Swing by #nac for festivities and half priced beer. He may be the new President.. but he is still cheap. LOL !!
  20. Good luck and congrats and all that jazz. I am sure you guys will do great.
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