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Everything posted by Rajistani

  1. Retribution: Nuclear Fallout. The Last Stand: End of the Giants (Large Alliances) idk.
  2. Very Nice. Congraulations. My friends at the WorldTaskForce are buying tech though, they are neutral in this conflict. www.worldtaskforce.com Also, you may want to try polaris.
  3. o/ SSS18. You honorable pedos you. Upon further digging; I have come to realize not only are you honorable, you are correct. Mogar definitely has my full support on this one.
  4. Didn't someone from Athens just troll TPF for signing a protectorate during the war? Regardless, congrats.
  5. Please read the annoucement. Edit: I was beaten to it
  6. Well if people keep allowing you to "leave PoW status" if you join WTF; then they will have them soon enough. (Points at magicninja's topic) ...i point alot.
  7. On your nation view, under your enviorment; but to see what the RL level is without the cap you have to go to tools then statistics. Edit: Link
  8. I thought it was like in Risk. When your defensive and you roll a six; its impossible to beat.
  9. Again, thats kind of what were getting at here. And also pay tariffs on these trades? Maybe after 4-5 trades; the cost outweighs the benefit. The native americans had a city on water; Tenochtitlan. Why would I have more than 5 banking systems? Or anything for that matter? After a little while it becomes redundant and does no good. Think of it as the more banks you have, the more competition there is and the more efficiency there is. But there is a make to how much efficiency there is, five. Post-five improvements means max efficiency and getting a sixth would make no difference. Maybe you should elaborate on these "etc's" since the above ones didn't work. True, its not realistic, but its meant to be to some extent. Not really. A new nation starts with $20 bills, and $50,000 dollars. They would last a long time. Sorry for double post but I had more then the allowed quoted blocks of text.
  10. I don't see how in real life a small nation could support as much of a military as a nation 5x its size. Or is there? Think about Germany in WWI and WWII... do you know how many soldiers died in WWI? Yet; not too long after they had enough people to send to their death again. Well if you look at the land; we don't even cover the complete area of Earth. And who said Bob is as small as Earth? Thats kind of what were getting at in this thread. - Uhm no. You only have a limited number of airplanes you can't keep sending them out over and over. In real life pilots black out after flying too long or too much. - Attacks = use of soldiers. If were using all our deployed soldiers in an attack we should actually be able to attack ONCE. because soldiers in real life only get 1 mission a week or so on average. - Why would you deploy more than once? Just deploy all your soldiers in one deployment. In real life you don't get to the other country; sorry if I shattered your dreams of instant transportation//teleporting. P.S. Santa doesn't exist either. Sorry for double post but I had more then the allowed quoted blocks of text.
  11. I think you two just won the thread.
  12. As stated above, the environment cap would NOT be changed. That would stick at 15.
  13. Potentially 3. /me points at WTF
  14. AKA Game reset. Which is what many people were aiming for.
  15. In this thread. Admin jokingly suggested uncapping the Global Radiation Level. This was met with many people who actually wanted to uncap the GRL. Lets find out how many people actually want to. Edit: I don't care if you think admin won't do it. Vote what you want; hypothetically assume that whatever the outcome of this poll is, the admin will do.
  16. Please do. Nuclear destruction = Game reset.
  17. o/ Good luck.. while we appretiate your help; do you have any treaty obligations? Because this may just be bandwaggoning.
  18. Some hilarious ones i've seen: "I think you have my stapler" DoW1: You may have DOW2: Nice pants but DoW3: Your face is ugly
  19. ...Private channels ftw? Why would you feel it is necessary to post this?
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