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Everything posted by Rajistani

  1. Yes. We are fighting with NPO. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54901
  2. <King_CJC[MHA]> isnt Agora a NPO treaty? <King_CJC[MHA]> so u are helping NPO? <Rajistani|IDC> I am a part of NPO <Rajistani|IDC> yes <Rajistani|IDC> err <Rajistani|IDC> NPO's coalition <King_CJC[MHA]> so u dont need to worry
  3. Hello. First and foremost, I want to announce that we are in this war through Agora, an ODP. So MHA, please don't roll us. Also, for those that think this is a joke because I am the only one flying the affiliation, this is not that case. My members all went to different AAs so we wouldn't be rolled quickly. We are small, we know this. We do what we can. I have decided to go back to my roots, and make IDC what I meant for it to be in the beginning. A defensive alliance. Here is the new charter: With that being said I would like to remind those who have forgotten, our forums can be found Here
  4. Here goes another one for you Crush/WCR. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54921
  5. Leq is an idiot... he banned me from GDA because "God" told him too. He claims he is possessed by God daily. Why did you still have him in power?
  6. I took 50% because those numbers are ALL the nations that aren't on either side. As stated in the notes, this means I am including alliances like RDD or Alpha Omega and EVERY protectorate (or insert any random alliance with no direct ties to anyone), and every small allaince with only a few people, and all those people who fly a 1 man affiliation because they don't want to get raided Edit: Sorry for double post. Edit 2: Micro alliances do have nukes. Look at CoMA (Coalition of Micro Alliances), none of them will be involved in this conflict, but I added them on the "Karma" side, since we dont have a definite on who would do what. I also added SPARTA to the Karma side, even though they would side on the fence if anything since they have many ties to both sides, and their close allie, MHA, is sitting on the side.
  7. As my breakdown shows, you are not statistically stronger than them. As the post above this one (Heft's) suggests, there must be other reasons. And while I do empathize with your position, you do realize that you were in "diplomatic isolation" because you defended your allies. Allies do wrong things, and we defend them anyways, we may not be allies with them afterwards, but during the conflict we honor our signature, because in this world, and the real one, our word is all we have. No one can be sure who would have "won." It would be close in the beginning, just like UJW was. It would come down to who held more weight in their allies eyes, which way the propaganda swinged, and, most importantly, the activity of the average member in these alliances. Even if the smaller alliances have the numbers to overwhelm the giants, the giants have experience, and banking systems to fuel a large scale war. You cannot say the same for the smaller alliances. TORN isn't in 1V. And that is true, NPO did notify them. Everyone was in those private channels, Q members, STA members, TOP members, VE members (by members i mean leadership)
  8. Alright many people are saying NPOs allies quit on them because they are cowards. Now after a bit of thinking, and getting some sleep, I don't think this is the case. Here is a link containing the stat breakdown IF they (IRON n CO) had honored their treaties. A few notes: - Instead of calculating Karma (since noone is sure how many of them there actually are, and who will chain MDPs etc.), I just subtracted everyone that WOULDN'T be on their "side" (neutrals, allies of NPO, unaligned etc.). I used that total as the Max Karma could ever become. - I put Gramlins as ones who would NOT attack NPO, because I am sure they take their commitment to MHA seriously, and we have all seen MHAs stance. - I removed alliances that recently canceled some treaties on NPO, since they cannot attack, as it would be bandwaggoning. I am assuming noone wants to war MHA and Gramlins. Harmlins. - I am assuming NONE of IRON/TPFs/GGAs/Valhallas etc. allies will help them. EDIT: Alright well my point is they aren't cowards because they got the strength to win potentially... they must be leaving for another reason. what reason is that, is what im asking. Edit2: Obviously it's that its a ploy. (after those released logs) <potato> you do have a point: NPO's allies didn't bail on them <Rajistani|IDC> im awesome <potato> I wouldn't go that far
  9. Good point, but from the wording I believe MHA will be taking this on a case by case basis. Clarify me if I am wrong MHA.
  10. Good luck ARES... SoC were pretty cool though, well the few I had talked to. Best of luck in resolving anything that results from this thread.
  11. "Hey they may be stupid, and dishonorable, but atleast they tell the truth?" )): )):
  12. Meh.. Merge them and do both?
  13. Mpol wouldn't want it. We need to give to someone who can do something with it, and isn't leading an alliance. FAN is getting peace potentially, mpol has things to do there. Electron Sponge.
  14. Once enemies, my nemesis & I Was stuck in a genesis free world of side reply Let bygones be bygones I’m Gone… let all your pain Be champagne & patron
  15. So you leave your treaty obligation, to join the winning side of the war? I fail to see how this makes sense. Maybe your IQ surpasses mine?
  16. Unaligned Reds Have more courage. Link to proofs
  17. Alliance seniority easily reveals who is bandwaggoning via joining GR. Also they say that they planned it prior to the war declaration... but they posted it 6 hours afterwards. I would get proof of that if I were you. (Not that I am telling you how to do your job WCR. )
  18. No the worst is that they don't even consult their OWN senate when making decisions. Back when I was in GDA it WAS a democracy, I can't say this is true now.
  19. FAN should do a VP and just say that they are declaring victory against everyone unless they say something in that post. Because I am pretty sure FAN doesn't know who is at war with FAN.
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