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Everything posted by Rajistani

  1. Wise words as always DAC. But what about all these other alliances that were involved in the "peace talks." Quite a few are allied to MHA, will MHA drop those treaties ? (Not a troll, just wondering..) Pseudo-Edit: This is assuming they DO drop NPOs treaty post-war because of what you stated.
  2. What about this DoE and DoW? http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54882
  3. Every alliance? Hardly. Please learn something before you speak.
  4. When your on the losing side, you usually fight defensively. I think that goes for the "hippy mode" comment as well.
  5. Its only a violation of ToS to force admin root access to anothers board. A viceroy with a see-all mask is alright.
  6. They were your friends... PRE war? Out of the multitude of targets, why choose them...?
  7. Tell me. Will you take out MAD (those who left echelon to fight NPO?)
  8. there was no senate when The Ring Cycle, or any other treaties with NPO were signed.
  9. Sub par ...relative to your other posts.
  10. We split our AA so we wouldnt get poached quickly.
  11. Exactly. And for friends I am not looking for I have fallen to ZI before. I have one standing treaty, Agora. It has an ODP. One alliance helped me in Agora, even more than my protectors, NADC did. NPO. They also destroyed me when I was in GATO; played a part in the destruction of SOLID ( i was VP); and were generally rude to me when i was govt. of MHA. But actions speak louder than words. They helped me, some may have done so grudgingly, but they did.
  12. Would you like to merge into IDC instead?
  13. Losing my pixels does not mean I have to quit the game sir.
  14. For those who are unaware. I am honoring my treaty in Agora.
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