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Everything posted by Rajistani

  1. Honorable o/ Magicninja. And for the record WTF has no treaties, I am friendly with them; they will not enter.
  2. I've surpassed 800 every day.
  3. The wiki doesn't have it in order. That is necessary; thanks.
  4. CP4 hit the nail on the head. No grudges here; and thank you. I have to make a part 2?
  5. I am not the leader, I am foreign affairs, and I was a founder... its not hard to get high up on a small alliance. I became government of MHA in about month after joining.
  6. Its down because of server load 1/2 the time nowadays... (the searching, not the actual game)
  7. WTF (World Task Force) 's Channel is actually #worldtaskforce.
  8. [22:16] Session Ident: Pearl|Sparta (Coldfront, Rajistani) (Mibbit@coldfront-98F69600.eastfowl1.iit.edu) [22:16] <Pearl|Sparta> hey 01[22:17] <Rajistani> hi 01[22:17] <Rajistani> whats up? [22:17] <Pearl|Sparta> I thought you were someone else lol [22:17] <Pearl|Sparta> and you were trying to tell me that lol 01[22:17] <Rajistani> its alright. >< i didnt try to sell u anything =P 01[22:17] <Rajistani> its cool thoguh [22:17] <Pearl|Sparta> dude [22:17] <Pearl|Sparta> look at this [22:18] <Pearl|Sparta> http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=320564 [22:18] <Pearl|Sparta> I thought you were that guy 01[22:18] <Rajistani> rofl 01[22:18] <Rajistani> damn thats CLOSE [22:18] <Pearl|Sparta> well [22:18] <Pearl|Sparta> Im sorry man [22:18] <Pearl|Sparta> I felt like the biggest dbag in the world after I realized this [22:19] <Pearl|Sparta> although, govt did express some concerns about your names and !@#$ [22:19] <Pearl|Sparta> If you talk to tulak about it, he might be able to make some changes [22:20] <Pearl|Sparta> Idk, I havent talked to them about it [22:20] <Pearl|Sparta> if you still want back in sparta, I guess you can try tht [22:20] <Pearl|Sparta> that* While I have no problems with Sparta, I do not want to be let back in after false allegations and massive amounts of cursing directed at me FOR NO REASON.
  9. 1) It was just a parody. 2) Same answer as number 1. Plus, I didn't put thought into it at the time, i was just bored; didn't look up anything. 3) Same as number two; plus whats wrong with effort?
  10. o/ thanks alot your awesome. Edit: Bumping a necessary topic, can we get this pinned?
  11. Again, what alliance are you? and Many, Many, Many alliances have used this tactic before. It used to be the norm.
  12. Cut down bills. Decomission your military, and sell infra if your just passing a jump.
  13. Its actually an old tactic that was used alot, but then alliances, like NPO started keeping a list of every alliance over X size. It works in this scenario because our DoW was: A) Unexpected B) From a small alliance C) Doesn't have one single large alliance doing everything, e.g. organization of war etc. etc. P.S. what is your alliance?
  14. Well we DoWed ..surprisingly. Sicne we saw NPOs allies bail on them.. I knew alot of members couldn't be on, so I told them to switch AAs, since I was expecting a curbstomp. If they werent on they would be destroyed... quick. So, if they got on like say the weekend, and then DoWed, they could do attacks before getting hit.
  15. Well no our main AA is "International Defense Coalition" ... were flying random AAs like mine is India's Divine Alliance... Its still IDC Alot of my members can't be on at update; so i told them to split AA and attack when they could. Edit: that way we can do some damage pre-anarchy
  16. We be hiding. War strat.. is that dishonorable? lol not long. paint ftw
  17. "Fear None; Kill All" Should have been the subject.
  18. Whose bandwaggoning? Let me know and ill watch MHA and Polaris roll them. Its okay a GDA govt member saw this before it was posted and laughed Were a 19 man alliance.
  19. Ooh. The Int. and VE as well. thanks Edit: added to OP
  20. This was posted when 1V and co bailed on NPO. I meant they dont deserve their allies bailing on them.
  21. I thought that was because your in ODN
  22. Lol yeah he got banned, but he anarchied admin. Link to proofs
  23. it was done on paint. ...uh what? I didn't speculate anythin in there. everything there has happend
  24. IDC I didn't cease hostilities... I DoWed when only Athens God and GR DoWed on NPO.. when i declared war, i declared war on everyone attacking NPO, I posted this to clarify that i meant everyone attacking NPO at the time This is not a declaration of war. I declared before you did. This is not a declaration of war, i declared before you did. READ THE EFFING ANNOUCEMENT.
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