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Everything posted by Rajistani

  1. Horrible read, would never read again. Thanks for telling me what I know. I hope this gets deleted so my eyes don't bleed again.
  2. People do it all the time.... IDC has 1 guy flying the AA ( me) because I want my people to attack when they can be online. Rather than being anarchied quickly because they can't be on at update.
  3. It will probably be one of the tiny alliances, but lets see what happens. I voted GGA.
  4. I dont see why you bother listening to them. *points to the alliances history* - they have been around longer than you and continue after you. sorry your not that important mr.ex-legion. (@ Rakari, and others).
  5. Indestructible is an awesome song. And did you mean project playlist?
  6. I am adding alliance as the actually DoW.
  7. Google docs automatically remove them... =/ ....no? Link to what you mean? I did post stats before but just based on speculation. Sorry I don't spend my whole life online. We don't know that. They might be neutral. 3 mill NS+; 237 members; and 4 declarations.
  8. Link to Original Stats Breakdown of NS changes This will be updated daily, please post any change/problems as a reply to this thread. These are teh stats. I will be working with the legion member making the second link. The first link will hold the alliance stats at the beginning of the war (at the time of declaration)
  9. You declared war on GGA and have 0 wars on them. You do however, have wars on NPO. Visit Your Fail
  10. Mr. Boombastic for those neutrals who are watching and having fun
  11. it's not bad.. i like attack by 30 seconds to mars better.
  12. Alright time to make a soundtrack for the events. Events: 1- Negotiations 'break down' - 2- TORN and NPO DoW NPO // TORN leaves NPO on the battlefield 3- VE CnG and Superfriends DoW NPO 4- People are disgusted with NPO's allies//some allies try to make amends and plan to go down fighting with NPO. 5- NPO dies? Karma dies? Well.. someone does. Songs: 1- <-- Awesome video too2- 30 seconds to mars - Attack <-- My favorite song. 3- <-- Mainstream i know, couldn't think of anything better though.4- 5- <-- Decent video -ish
  13. I have a treaty. I think you are confusing me for someone else. Anyways that has nothing to do with the topic. I made the stats, thoughts.
  14. I am pretty sure they will roll on either side. But I doubt people are clamoring to bandwaggon on our side.
  15. My best case scenario is highiest NS in the gam eis 10k NS.
  16. GGAs "omg sorry for the logs" topic was better... especially because there were no logs.
  17. Your sig is awesome. Pre-mature ejaculation-ers
  18. I personally have yet to lose a ground or air battle, and have anarchied two of my 3 opponents, and I didn't blitz attack. So I say, Bring it.
  19. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=54901
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