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John More Dread

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Everything posted by John More Dread

  1. What I meant is, I can see that I am unlikely to retain the #1 spot. "Early-round #1 NS slot is like winning the fifth grade gym class fastest half-mile jogging competition, it doesn't mean much." Why do you feel the need to be insulting? It means a great deal TO ME to have a nine day run as #1 in a game with 491 people. In fact, my goal this round was to hit #1 at ALL, and I am proud to have succeeded. If you end up with #1, great, if not, dude don't trash talk my nation for BEING number one. The fact that I held it for nine days as a relative n00b in a game that veterans have all but murdered by creating a climate where they expect and are expected to monopolize it, punishing people for being n00bs, treating established power with deference and honor and new power with jealousy and alarm, and therefore driving off any new players/AAs who have attempted to establish themselves, and railing against people who attempt to do anything different from them, is all but a miracle tbh imo. So, unless YOU'RE number one, there is no need to deprecate the current #1, transient though his status may be. Trivializing being #1 at something says one of two things, at least that I can see. A.) You're envious of that status and cannot express that honestly or healthily or B.) You have contempt for the activity the person is #1 at. Now, I understand CN is a trivial game, but you play it also. So denegrate my achievement, do so all you want privately, but to do so in response to me, I have to wonder at your psychological motivations, and none of the potential options are encouraging. Perhaps you could help me by explaining how you felt it would benefit you emotionally to take time out of your undoubtedly busy day to insult me and trivialize my success. Because I'd like to think you had some positive motivation I am missing, and that this was simply a "communication issue". Your post was a strange combination of insults and encouragement, so I wasn't sure how to respond. Thanks for the encouragement? Also, no one has eaten a nuke so far. I do not intend to quit. I intend to fight this war and then rebuild, watch the postwar top ten and learn from them, and TRULY, safely, firmly dominate next round. Maybe I'll fail then too. Maybe my approach is as flawed as many have told me. But it is FUN, and I enjoy doing it. Isn't that the goal?
  2. I could not find a TE questions section, so please don't give me a warn point for posting here. Where is the TE award structure posted? What things are actually awarded?
  3. Well, I doubt Sociopath Paradise is going to be number one this round. Maybe if WD had held off to 7/2-7/3 update I would have been totally secure. But I have learned a LOT this round, and realize I could be 20mil plus further ahead without even doing the things that veteran players chastise me for not doing. But I am #4 for casualties and intend to have a blast this war. Am already having a blast! Truly I am learning a lot, and really enjoying this game! ty for being such a friendly and fun community!
  4. Recognizes a state of war with War Doves. We recognize it from all the flaming body parts raining down around us. It is sort of hard to miss. I don't believe in luck, so I will just say, do your best and have a blast to both sides!
  5. AWESOME blitz you guys. I don't see a lot of other high level DEFCON suvivors out of anarchy. Hope they have warchests!
  6. "Pretty !@#$%* war, just saying," I don't think so. I support any struggle against fascist themed nations, no matter how one-sided, and there are a few in your alliance. You won't get much sympathy from the world community there, and least not IC.
  7. I love it and had a similar idea. But CMs randomly killing a random general, even at 25% seems it would be unbalancing, as spies could previously shield generals. An average of 40,000 plus the bonus cost to kill a general with no way to counteract? Perhaps the effect is reduced by 4% per missile defense?
  8. Okay, I know that anything I say is going to be taken with a grain of salt right now, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE requiring the MP to buy nukes, and not just because it works for me. In fact, it actually challenged me. Here is what I am finding -Top 5% players can't just intimidate people into not fighting back in the early round. Will seriously help retention rate -Something to look forward to and seriously plan and budget for far into the round -Less deterrent to wars -Harder to KEEP nukes means you don't just have to buy them, but think about defending them -More varied strategy and clever thinking is required to anarchy someone -Forced to rely on facets of the game I've spent little time exploring, such as navy/spies/generals -No free NS padding from nukes making a gap between the top 5% and everyone else. -The "destroy WMDs" spy option is no longer more expensive than an actual WMD, which makes sense, challenges people to protect their nukes, and is better for game balance. Before, it was really two games, those with nukes, and those without. Now it is one, and everyone is on a level playing field. I feel like the top 5% automatically being able to get nukes gave us an unfair advantage. I am also excited to test the damage type specific nukes.
  9. My favorite thing about this announcement was: Pictures of animals enjoying human items. Your petty human social relations and conceptions pale before the majesty that is https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&biw=1366&bih=599&site=imghp&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=moose+cute&oq=moose+cute&gs_l=img.3..0j0i5.11189.14985.0.15469. PS how did you get your picture right in the response?
  10. Okay, maybe this isn't a glitch I don't know. But when I look at the TE "display all alliances", DEFCON 1 is listed first, and TE police is listed with 39 members. When in reality, TE police currently has 56 members and is by far the strongest alliance. At first I thought that this was a matter of the "display all alliances" list not updating as often as real time stats. But, not only has it been like this for several days, but during this time several other TE Police statistics HAVE been updated, and a number of other alliances have had their member count updated, while the TE police member count has not only remained static, but radically lower than the actual figure. This SEEMS like a glitch, but I could be wrong.
  11. rabĀ·ble: 1. a disorderly crowd; a mob. 2. ordinary people, especially when regarded as socially inferior or uncouth. Maybe you wanna run that by me again? Perhaps it is your English teacher that has cause for thoughts of suicide.
  12. He was sarcastically pointing out that this is a pyramid scheme. Normally, when you "invest" in a "bank", you get MORE than you invested, not less.
  13. Someone who knows it should post a bit of DEFCON history, triumphs, failures, etc.
  14. You sent 6mil to someone they're at war with and you don't know why they don't want you on their private IRC channel?
  15. He sent Dixie Cove of LN 6,000,000. Reason: "disbursement for methrage". Pretty clear signal.
  16. People are not going to suddenly start liking someone who has proven themselves WITHIN THIS THREAD to be a manipulative jerk because some tin-pot alliance aggressively demands that they do so with no credibility.
  17. That's because you don't understand how much people can and do care about video games. I did not mean to create the image that I didnt care. It's my favorite video game, but I enjoy it in the context of being "just a game" and not "serious business". It does not, for example, affect my work or self esteem at all. As I said, if a ten did poorly you might expect suicidal ideation. A ten means, the maximum it is possible to care about something. If not caring is a 0, and suicidal ideation as a reaction to loss is a ten, then an overly long explanatory post would indeed be about a three. Anyway Although I do care somewhat about CN, in this case what you saw my irrational passion for was not CN at all, but people using 0 to 10 scales properly (I work at LUCE Research part time as well and this is a pet peeve of mine regarding political phone interviews. If someone gives Obama a 0 and McCain a 10, what would they give Hitler and Jesus?)
  18. World Task Force, we are not a political or leftist alliance, but we are a democratic, NON-AUTOCRATIC, reallly... radically anti-war alliance which is good for players that are not super active. There are people there from across the political spectrum and while they do not censor their forum, I haven't noticed anything particularly discriminatory (that is to say, I have noticed the occasional thing that you or I might call mild sexism, but which are commonly accepted aspects of western culture). I myself am a leftist who strongly agrees with everything you have said above, and I would be happy to chat with you about current affairs, Marxism, postmarxism, egalitarian policies, universal equality, economic and social justice, and the like, on the WTF forums. Also, when it comes to having relatively educated/informed leftist politics I can vouch for Hereno, so consider his offer as well
  19. Hey, I'm impressed by you guys. You're clever, and you play the game the way it needs to be played. You have the image of bullies who stomp people, but in reality any group of nations willing to take it in the face to run staggered wars and constantly, indefinitely nuke you could take you out, and it's not just NS but clever political maneuvering that keeps you on top. Your illusion of invulnerability is so strong that other nations actually complain about the game being unbalanced (which it isn't) rather than DARE to oppose you! There seems to be a lot of hate directed at you Doombirds, based on some false sense of pixelated honor that requires nations to pointlessly expose themselves to danger rather than fighting when they are certain they can win. It is my opinion that what is essentially an anit-bullying campaign has no place in a game that models international politics (would it be wrong to attack North Korea because they are smaller?). Keep up the political domination and, when you are eventually dethroned, well, many of you seem like the type of people who would respect people for defeating you, not resent them for being on top. I am not "sucking up" as I am in one of the only alliances I doubt you would ever attack (WTF). I am simply expressing my opinion, which may be unpopular in the CN community among people who aren't interested in recognizing the fact that you just played the game better than they did. I don't always agree with you guys on the forums, but unlike some, I don't arbitrarily always disagree with you either.
  20. On the info page. "The purchase cost of improvements, wonders, infrastructure, land, technology, cruise missiles, navy vessels, spies, and nuclear weapons have been significantly reduced. The purchase requirements for wonders, nuclear weapons, and navy vessels have also been reduced." You say nuclear weapons AND wonders twice.
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