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Everything posted by Sileath

  1. I respect that chutzpah. Apply to Athens when you're done with your ZI.
  2. Lol. Check out my bio, I have been nuked 9 times in this war. Check my casualties, I have 150k more than Rey.
  3. LOL @ threatened. I said your nation was too small and crappy for me to attack. I fail to see how that is a lie and/or a threat.
  4. Oh that's right, you're on akick from #athens for being an annoying son of a !@#$%*. No wonder you're so welcome in this failalliance's channel.
  5. I had a Polaris guy get mad because I wore the NPO Frostbite sig I thought it looked cool.
  6. Hey, CSB. I thought you guys might be all right. So, I went to #CSB, where I was kick/banned then was spammed invites. Hope your alliance burns, you've made an enemy in Sileath on this day.
  7. Your trade set is gods-awful. I have 2700 less infra and I make about double in tax collection per day. Try going for a more economic-minded tradeset like the one that I have, at least for collection. Your trade set is very good for paying bills and buying infrastructure, but very horrendous for collecting taxes. Why do you have a standing air force? That dramatically increases bills. Why do you have standing Barracks/Factories? If you have more than 49 improvements, your improvement bill goes way up. Are you collecting taxes every day? You better not be. Check yourself, before you wreck yourself. 1. Get about 10 days worth of bills 2. Put up 5 Labor Camps 3. Pay bills for 8 days 4. At 10 days inactive, tear down Labor Camps, put up economic improvements 5. Get temporary trades for economic resources 6. Collect epic tax collection 7. Restart your regular trades 8. Either use the profit to do a mass infra purchase, buy a wonder, or do another sled inb4destro
  8. Mhawk has done quite a bit to keep the peace for a lot of people in his time. I respect that. o/ TPF o/ NPO
  9. NPO it's great to see you making humorous posts you have won a modicum of support from me. Keep it up.
  10. I'm your source for Athens info for your next issue - I've even got government access! Hahaha, they suspect nothing Actually, they suspect much but can prove nothing. Sweet signature by the way.
  11. That's worse than EZI! I knew you Sith were savages )):
  12. So even if a NSO member wanted to go to the party they would not be allowed to? What's the penalty for this egregious crime? Expulsion, ZI, EZI?
  13. LOL @ failtallion So, certain people who display the desire to be in an alliance that honors their word and values their friendships over their infrastructure will be naturally drawn to TPF? Sounds like cause and effect. I suppose certain people who support cowardly exits from wars without notifying other government as per charter law, and support coup attempts by whiny little brats who are mad when they are called out on their dishonor might gravitate to your alliance. Cause and effect again. Canasta.
  14. roflEnergizer Guess I shouldn't have expect much better from lolpink. mhawk, you have my utmost respect and admiration for your dedication to your ally in this war. Honor > Infra o/ TPF
  15. And I voted no on this MHA treaty! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU jk <3 MHA I voted yes
  16. I agree with this. $%&@ your alliance for your !@#$%^&* fake title.
  17. The accepter of the spy information? Yeah, that's what I thought. NPO is a cult where you all have so much dirt on each other that none of you can leave.
  18. I find it hard to respect an alliance with Schills in government.
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