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Everything posted by Sileath

  1. Source Frostbite is a MDoAP, not a MADP. Corrupt's statement did not apply to you.
  2. Athens I have consulted the Oracle, who has divined that you are without a polis. Fair and glorious Athens beckons! If you choose to venture through the Dipylon Gate, past the Arch of Hadrian and provide an offering at the Temple of Zeus, you can begin the arduous and rewarding journey towards becoming an Athenian citizen. To join Athens it takes not only prayers to Athena, but also an application thread on our forums. http://www.cn-athens.com/index.php So put down your copy of the Argonautica, and apply to Athens today! Features of Athens * Members of the Complaints & Grievances MADP bloc (Mushroom Kingdom, Greenland Republic, Athens, Vanguard, =LOST=, Fly) * Staunch ally of Sparta, Kronos, Imperial Assault Alliance, M*A*S*H, and many more! * Defended our friends in the NoCB War, and paid 6/7th of our tech to the largest alliance in the game. * Absolutely destroyed (what was) the largest alliance in the game in the Karma War. Athens believes in Friends before Infrastructure. * Open government, member participation and the knowledge that you're not a subject or a statistic but a citizen. * Led by Babylon 5 fanatic and enlightened despot Londo Mollari. * Incredible banking system, military leadership, propaganda team, graphic artists, and coders ensure that you look and feel badass on the field and off. * Social mobility is a top priority - there's no ivory tower in Athens, only possibilities! So what in the Hellenic are you waiting for? Join Athens! http://www.cn-athens.com/index.php
  3. I endorse this move. o/ TPF DrunkMonkey, Desperado, E_C, Roadie :wub:
  4. I greatly enjoyed this. Congratulations to our friends in MHA for their continued awesomeness. Don't panic! Sorum
  5. In-N-Out is epic win o/ Hyperion Nintenderek change your ugly !@#$@#$ avatar already thanks
  6. Sileath

    Josef K.

    Boxxy is on trial. What should be done? Rock your choice in your signature! (inb4Boxxy) Free Boxxy Jail Boxxy
  7. Is that supposed to be an insult?
  8. But then we will know your secret plans!
  9. If every alliance had a thread like this, these forums would be rather cluttered..
  10. The Archon has spoken Three defensive slots open at the moment Come get some, NPO
  11. You're moving into the realm of incoherency. You should confer with Zhadum about an argument to post, or, better yet, since he is NPO government, have him post in here himself.
  12. NPO opposes lopsided wars? Also, this thread needs more Zhadum.
  13. War :jihad: = good thing War/terms until an alliance disbands = very, very bad thing There is a huge difference
  14. Where's Zhadum? On my last trip to the NPO forums (last night) I saw that he holds a high government rank - Imperial Counselor. I'd like to see his thoughts on this. Please tell him that I would like him to post here with his opinion.
  15. In the target finding program that NPO has, I saw many targets that said "FAN re-roll" or "Vox re-roll." Just sayin'.
  16. Congratulations on your promotion to Global Mod. It will only be a short time until you ascend to Head Honcho.

  17. #mogars_room is very lonely without you :( :( :(
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