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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. Why did they put this here, but not the world map?
  2. "I am Harald Tokesson."stated the large, brightly dressed fellow as he stepped from the shadows.
  3. Out of the shadows, a set of drums was heard.
  4. You deliberately fired upon civilian ships and offered the only military ship a chance to surrender. You sank all the ships that were the homes of the Andonain and deliberately slew thousands of civilians. About ten off-duty soldiers died in the initial attack, and about 15,000 civilians were killed. I keep repeating the definition of genocide, because if you take that definition and apply it to your Operation Baltic Suppression, it shows that you committed genocide.
  5. Nation Name:Andonia Government Type:Dystopian Feudalism Ambassador's Name:Jarl Oppenheimer May we open an embassy in your nation:Yes Position regarding Bohovia:Neutral Would you like to sign any other treaties:Yes
  6. You killed all the citizens and left the leadership intact, your missles were aimed at all the fleet except for the Capital ship. The definition of Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. The Andonain are a nation group.You deliberately attempted to wipe them out.
  8. Andonia recognizes Blackwoods. Drunk guy says YAY
  9. What is your policy on terrorism? and What kind of foreign Policy stance do you have?
  10. OOC: I agree with subtle, you should PM all the SU members
  11. The definition of Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. The purpose of your attack was to destroy the fleet, correct?
  12. So now you are denying that you conducted a genocidal attack, and also grouping me with a group that committed genocide.
  13. OOC: Look at Iraq and Israel IRL. Even after the wars are done, the regions are still embroiled in chaos. Peace between the two factions is the only lasting way.
  14. Andonia would like to invite the leaders of both sides to the shining city of New Andon, for a peace conference.
  15. The first one has a little too few patients for its staff numbers, in my opinion. Especially if you are counting Janitors,which I assume you weren't.
  16. The definition of Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group. The Andonain were a national and religious group. I wonder if you consider firing missles at a fleet that held most of the Andonain and destroying that fleet deliberate.
  17. Are you using this as jet fighter in your argument or in the original context of the picture as a spaceflight capable fighter?
  18. Andonia can always use extra workers. We will hire some of your unemployed. TriA Corporation needs about 2,000 new workers.
  19. It is in south central Andonia. just outside of New Andon. OOC: I can't make maps. It has electricity. Plumbing. Air conditioning. There is some internet equipment that the former residents imported from another country. Anything else you require will be installed free of charge.
  20. I can also sit and watch you argue. It is fun.
  21. I accidentally hit 3 instead of 0 I think. I'm not sure. I need more sleep.
  22. OOC: Closed for now, If I decide to open it I will post it. The events take place 10,000 years ago The Lord of the Andonain Infinite Empire sat upon his silver throne. His guards flanked it, their stony glares daring any of the peasants milling outside to try to rush the palace. The Minister of the Provinces timidly walked across the gleaming floor of the throne room. " The provinces are in a state of open revolt, your Majesty. Our men are having trouble putting them down." He told the Lord. "Send a pair of legions to each of the provinces, that ought to quell the unrest." Lord Carrigan stated. " With all due respect, your Majesty, I do not believe that you know how bad the situation is. A pair of legions would be swarmed under in a matter of minutes by the sheer numbers of rebels. The Empire is falling apart, and you cower in your palace! Your people need you! There are reports of civil unrest even in Andon! You cannot sit here and let all you worked for die!"
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