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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. The strain has now infected the soldiers of the Dutch who even now are invading New Andon.
  2. We are not threatening the world, we are simply stating a fact. This is something beyond our control. Will ye, Nil ye, it will happen. If the government is destroyed it will be that much worse. The Andonain will rage out of control, and all those who wander the seas will join the jihad and the downtrodden will flock to them and the oppressors will be be slain. This I have seen. This will be. Any Andonain that is slain will become a holy martyr who will sit at the right hand of Jaradal, the dragon-god of Justice and Vengeance. Trying to destroy the Andonain is like trying to hold water in the cup of your hands, it drips out and dissipates. We will rise from the ashes. We will come for you. And you will rue the day you decided to attack the Children of Vengeance. Your cities will burn, your people will die, and ye will be left to wander the wasteland in eternal grief. This I have seen. This will be. One day, soon there WILL be a reckoning and thy spirit and the spirits of thy allies will be judged by Jaradal and sentenced to an eternity of pain and suffering.
  3. They have crushed all opposition, The Triumvir now rules all the Raetal.
  4. OOC:You start as a city-state,then you RP expanding into the lands you want.
  5. So, you have genocidal maniacs in your Army? I will make note of that fact. (referring to the Dutch)
  6. OOC:My men had already melted into the jungle, also, this is a militia because the Imperium wouldn't allow us to have soldiers. The men who shot at you are stubborn people who would not abandon their home. The city is abandoned, due to the implementation of Trattok'or The Andonain snipers watched from the $%&@ of their fair city from the surrounding jungle. Many wept at the molestation of their home. They melted back into the darkness vowing revenge.
  7. Phase Two of the operation will begin soon.
  8. Andonia will never surrender to demagolka maniacs who attempt to construe their side as the right one. Also, what are you doing monitoring Andonain landlines? And why do you believe a paper that says Prins Colbert married the dead Oberjarl after he came back to life... If you are going to invade many people will die.
  9. Andonia has no hope that justice will be served. The world will allow these demagolka Dutch to destroy my nation. We will scatter to the four winds, but one day we will defeat you and Andonia will rise from the ashes, then we will embark on a jihad against the world and swarm across it with massive armies waving the banner of House Garresh, leaving only those who defended us alive. We will have revenge if justice is not served. Also, Bohovia has an MDP with us, and that means they will fight along side us, when justice is subverted.
  10. OOC: I am going to make Mando'a my official language.
  11. The armed warriors are to melt into the forest and harass the demagolka Dutch when they invade. The families are to escape aboard the ships of merchants. Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur!
  12. Andonia recognizes this nation, and would like to establish an embassy.
  13. The Oberjarl must cancel. He is dealing with a those genocidal Dutch again. They are moving to invade.
  14. The Oberjarl sat at his desk, cameras everywhere. " People of Andonia, the genocidal Dutch have decided to finish the job. It is is time to implement Operation Trattok'or. We must scatter to the four winds, gather strength and then return and destroy them utterly. Phase 1 will commence immediately." The Oberjarl sipped from his glass of water. "We must hope for peace, but prepare for war.All citizens above the age of eighteen must report to the Oberjarl's home after ensuring their families are well on their way. The eighteen year-olds will protect the fleeing families. "
  15. you can aso be killed, like what the dutch are attempting to do to me right now.
  16. The Oberjarl sighed," The era of cuir has ended, the era of rayshe'a has begun." He turned and removed his family resol from its place on the wall, and suited himself up in his beskar-gam. "We will hope for peace, but prepare for war."
  17. OOC: I don't think anybody should be given the right to a language.
  18. Andonia would like to send a full diplomatic staff to this new nation.
  19. It means that the Dutch will bleed all over europe before we fall.The Arutyc Dutch will fall before the Andonain beskar-gam fails.
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