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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. OOC:I will reroll after all my people are dead. If I can find land.
  2. We only declared the WHOLE WORLD part of the jihad to be melodramatic. Only those nations who have downtrodden people within their borders have any reason to fear.
  3. The uprising will begin soon, the downtrodden have been recruited, and those who have adopted the Andonain culture. All of Europe will erupt in a firestorm as they rise up against their oppressors.Only Scandinavia will be spared.
  4. OOC:I already RPed his safe escape in another thread
  5. Also, why were you tapping Andonain landlines, and kidnapping messengers? You could not know of our weapons sales, unless you have done both of these things.
  6. The God-Emperor satin the small sandy cove that he had swam to with several others. " The world is frakked and upside down, people who are trying to be peaceful are invaded and slaughtered. People who insult and attack others are left alive. We must survive and lead an army of the downtrodden to correct the imbalance."
  7. So, now Slavorussia is joining the ranks of the racists? So be it. You will be among the first to fall.
  8. The World will Burn For what they did to Andonia They attacked us first, after we surrendered, then after we were well on the road to peace. We tried, for peace, but were forced to war, our implacable hatred will never end. We will find a way. This was the mantra that flowed through the hooded man as he grabbed an Imperium soldier, shot his comrades and jumped over the side with several others. This betrayal will not be forgotten.
  9. The World will Burn For what they did to Andonia They attacked us first, after we surrendered, then after we were well on the road to peace. We tried, for peace, but were forced to war, our implacable hatred will never end. We will find a way. This was the mantra that flowed through the hooded man as he grabbed an Imperium soldier, shot his comrades and jumped over the side with several others. This betrayal will not be forgotten.
  10. The hooded man sat in the back of the Imperium of Estovakia truck, his custom sniper rifle in his lap. He was cleaning it. Tears coursed down his gaunt cheeks as he thought of his two best friends, Falamar and Khalad, both dead or captured. Falamar probably won't live much longer, the Dutch will kill him at the first chance.
  11. I was not trafficking weapons to combatants. I was selling weapons to private citizens.
  12. The Andonain loaded their kit on the transports, them climbed aboard themselves. They looked sadly as their former home got farther and farther away.
  13. We will send you all our people as mercenaries. They have no home any longer. OOC: This does not mean you rule my people, I still control them, they just work for you.
  14. The Andonain have done more good than harm. We have sent to countries filled with disease and starvation. We have offered to mediate disputes. But simply because we spoke our minds instead of being silent and allowing evil to rule the world, we were destroyed.
  15. The next camp " ...simply because we speak our minds, we are attacked by the Dutch! What have you done to deserve this punishment!" "NOTHING!" the crowd roared. "Will you fight the dutch and the traitorous Imperium? Will you form an army of the downtrodden to overthrow the oppressors?" " YES!" The crowd roared. " We will stand firm and weather this onslaught! We will rise from the ashes of the fair nation of Andonia and destroy the genocidal Dutch!" The hooded man raised his hands as the crowd cheered. He began the long journey to the next camp.
  16. The exiled Andonain would like to offer themselves as soldiers to any nation or company with enough money.
  17. The hooded man stood upon a platform in a hidden Andonain base, deep in the jungle. "No matter where we run, no matter where we hide the Dutch will always follow us, intent on finishing their genocide. The world will not force the Dutch to face the consequences of their crimes. We must be the ones who will fight. We will gather the wanderers and we will gather an army of the downtrodden, we will fight and turn their cities to dust and slay theair children and their families. Then we will leave those responsible for these crimes wander the wasteland grieving as we do now." He paused and sipped from a glass of water." Before our Vengeance may be carried out we must hide and gather strength and strike small blows against the Aruetiise, to remind them we are still here. We will one day gain our revenge, but that is not this day." As he turned and walked off the stage his hood slipped revealing... The God-Emperor, Freakwars He quickly slipped the hood back on his head, hiding his face. In the backround, the anthem played... I hear a distant thunder They say bow down surrender Witnessing our demise and the sins of our enemies Why can't they see from under? Dark reign of our attackers Endlessly torturing the souls without stand Fight now let's break the chains So strong we must feel the pain Forever torn apart from the haunting hears of my heart Rage and fear from skies above the fire fuels my veins Destruction of humanity the everlasting flame Cast away no turning back from long forgotten shores We'll show no mercy as they fall The fire burns inside now prepare for war! You fear the pain no longer Daylight your heart be stronger Don't even sense the burning hunger inside Ride out with force and valor In memory forever Towards the battering and rise of the tide Stand now and break the chains In unity we feel no pain Forever torn apart from the haunting fears of my heart Rage and fear from skies above the fire fuels my veins... Looking around there's no fear in your heart For I know you will never surrender Everyone here raise their eyes to the sky Now with strength and honor we fight PREPARE FOR WAR! Rage and fear from skies above the fire fuels my veins...
  18. OOC: So, I have to RP something that an idiot could figure out, like for instance, that everybody running away means that there isn't anybody still there except for the quarantined people. I have lost a lot of respect for the people that made these rules up. IF THERE IS NOBODY TO MAINTAIN A QUARANTINE IT CEASES TO EXIST. By that logic, you would have to RP all your peole having dinner, or they would all starve. OMIGOD all you people just died of starvation. IC:The Oberjarl began coughing. "Oh, I think I have the flu." He collapsed and began coughing up blood.
  19. OOC:I RPed the flu striking the airport, and it was quarantined. When everybody evacuated, then there was nobody to maintain it.
  20. OOC:If you do not recognize my perfectly legitimate RP, then I do not recognize your capture of the Oberjarl. IC:The Oberjarl leveled his rifle and blasted a hole in the head of a dutch soldier, then shot another. Several of his comrades shot at the men as well.
  21. OOC: You leave me no choice. The Andonain watched from the forests as the Dutch soldiers suddenly began coughing up blood and collapsing. " That strand of avian flu that we had penned up in the airport must have mutated and gotten free." said one of the Andonain.
  22. OOC: One, he is not a King, and Two I have already stated that the city is now abandoned. The Oberjarl would not remain while his people left.
  23. The Ilandrai Radio Center. "Sir, I'm receiving a message from someone who says they are...Elder Dragons? They are requesting assistance." " Forward the message to the Triumvirs." "Yes, Sir" Triumvir Council Chamber The three Leader Raetal sat in the council chamber. A message was forwarded through. They listened in astonishment to the distress message. The military Triumvir sent orders to the High Command. " Dispatch three platoons of warrior-servants in cargo ships to travel to the origin of this message, and to make haste!" They at back and returned to sipping baklar.
  24. I hear a distant thunder They say bow down surrender Witnessing our demise and the sins of our enemies Why can't they see from under? Dark reign of our attackers Endlessly torturing the souls without stand Fight now let's break the chains So strong we must feel the pain Forever torn apart from the haunting hears of my heart Rage and fear from skies above the fire fuels my veins Destruction of humanity the everlasting flame Cast away no turning back from long forgotten shores We'll show no mercy as they fall The fire burns inside now prepare for war! You fear the pain no longer Daylight your heart be stronger Don't even sense the burning hunger inside Ride out with force and valor In memory forever Towards the battering and rise of the tide Stand now and break the chains In unity we feel no pain Forever torn apart from the haunting fears of my heart Rage and fear from skies above the fire fuels my veins... Looking around there's no fear in your heart For I know you will never surrender Everyone here raise their eyes to the sky Now with strength and honor we fight PREPARE FOR WAR! Rage and fear from skies above the fire fuels my veins...
  25. OOC: Baggs is AWESOME. He should be in a comic book IRL
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