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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. Iceland, expanding as we speak.
  2. The Triumvirate of Raetal welcomes the Alvadens to this area. OOC: we are in Iceland
  3. I actually found a translator for Mando'a on one of those fancy major translation software companies.
  4. Nation Name:Andonia Government Type: Feudal Democracy Embassy or Consulate:Embassy
  5. The engineer class was recently discovered living in the caves beneath the island
  6. The Raetal are a race that comes in three varieties The most intelligent variety The middle class of the Raetal The Raetal warrior-servant class The Raetal live in the center of a large island roughly around the area known as Iceland.
  7. Several cases have been confirmed in the New Andon airport. We are quarantining the city and surrounding countryside.
  8. Repent all ye heretics, repent so that you may gaze upon the face of Admin when you ascend to the great server in the sky.
  9. Andonia is sending people who will die soon anyway. They know what they are getting into.
  10. We would like to send a diplomatic staff as well.
  11. Andonia will send medical supplies in boats manned by people who have non-contagious deadly diseases.
  12. *Encrypted Message* Dang it, they found our illegal arms trade, burn the documents! *Message End* Andonia commends these fine fellows on their tough anti-crime campaign.
  13. Nation:Andonia Continent:South America Head Diplomat:Jarl Garadal A Consulate or an Embassy:embassy Can we open an embassy in your nation:Yes
  14. Andonia will have a thousand pounds of food at the airport when the planes arrive.
  15. We will send some food. We will need to borrow some planes for transport.
  16. TriA Corporation can send some good managers to you, free of charge.
  17. I send my congratulations to the winners getting elected.
  18. "Side with the aliens, you must!" said the shabby drunk, before passing out.
  19. " You dare question my me?" The Emperor said threateningly. "Yes, I don't care anymore, if you don't find a way to quell the unrest, I am dead anyway!" The Minister said resolutely. The Emperor stared into the man's eyes.He began shaking and then suddenly emitted a piercing scream. He tried to crawl away from something that only he could see. At the Emperor's motion, two soldiers dragged the man away, still screaming.
  20. Economic pact, maybe an MDP if you want to.
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