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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. OOC:In this case it would be Aruetiise, Aruetii is singular.
  2. OOC:Also, this must be propaganda, as the message was encrypted and all spies were pulled out after the Baltic Genocide. Andonia declares The Empire of the Netherlands skanah, and that they will tal'galar all over Europe.
  3. OOC: Seriously? IC:The Imperium of America will defend us. I hope....
  4. I'm guessing somewhere in europe. Probably either Transylvania or a Germanic area.
  5. Andonia successfully prevented the spread of this disease by isolating all infectees in the airport.
  6. Here is the official language thing. http://www.karentraviss.com/html/documents/mandoaoct08.xls Here is the Alphabet The word is actually Darasum.
  7. They have discovered a merchant variety of Raetal in the farthest city.
  8. OOC: Seriously? Kingdom Hearts. WOOOOOW.
  9. Divorce, when the world can take your family from you in a single instant? This is why divorce is only allowed in extreme cases in Andonia. -Jarl Flamr
  10. Oberjarl Falamar will attend this most excellent event.
  11. It also says that Prins Colbert is an alien and that Oberjarl Khalad rose from the dead last week and married him.
  12. It is in The Revolutionary. It must be true. I got it at the supermarket. In the tabloid section.
  13. The quarantine has successfully isolated the disease in the airport.
  14. When the Oberjarl heard the news, he calmly remarked," Another citizen of the Nederlands, satisfying his genocidal tendancies, not worth the time it takes to report." He then returned to sipping his tea and reading The Revolutionary, the ONLY reliable news source in the world.
  15. Andonia hopes a peaceful solution will be found,and offers New Andon for negotiation purposes.
  16. The Raetal are getting garbled messages. They attempt to send a message back. " Hello?' was the message sent. Unfortunately it was in Raetalian, so the Musculators probably wouldn't understand it.
  17. The Raetal of Ilandrai (main city of the Raetal) captured a garbled version of the message. Several Warrior-servants, and some Leaders were dispatched in a small cargo vessel to investigate.
  18. The Triumvir is expanding, crushing the other Raetal groups on the island. They have taken two cities already.
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