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Everything posted by freakwars

  1. The Triumvirs began with the area around Ilandrai, the capital of The Triumvirate of Raetal. They built roads, schools, hospitals, and many other things to increase the wellbeing of the Raetal.
  2. Forum name:freakwars RP Character Name:Remlin Garresh Age:14 Height:6' 5'' Weight: 150 Skills: Strategy,pistol Faction (Imperial, Rebels, Neutral):Imperial
  3. Icewolf has spread into Europe as well. They strip the bodies of the dead soldiers of all valuable equipment and sell it to revolutionary groups and anarchists.
  4. I hope this does not affect the ocean.
  5. The Triumvirs have decided to focus on improving their current lands before expanding again.
  6. A new leader has been elected. His name is Cardith Lorda, aged but 13 years. He has proven to be a competent leader.
  7. All we need is a system of mirrors to refract sunlight through the dome, and filtration to remove saltwater. The complicated system of tubes will provide air. Population growth will be a big problem especially since 89% of the population is under seventeen.
  8. The Faeroes harbored a strange new Raetal variety. They have been mostly employed as spies.
  9. The Andonain women and children labored long and hard to convert their merchant refugee ships into a submersible city. Their careworn faces took one last look at the sky before sealing the doors and sinking the city to the ocean floor. They had devised an elaborate system to get air from the surface to the city. Food was grown in the city as well, in the piers.
  10. Another great nation will fall, I hope it is not the Hansa.
  11. The Triumvir of Raetal is expanding into a set of islands known as the Faeroes. Their fleet of cargo ships is setting out immediately.
  12. That will not protect you from Europeans, I mean look at what happened to me, those Dutch sons of !@#$%*es killed all my people!
  13. Forum Name:freakwars Nation of Choice: Glory Duchy Character Role of Choice:Duke Name of Choice:Remlin Garresh Weapons of Choice:Longbow, Sabre Skills: Horsemanship,Swordsmanship, Archery, Intellectual Description: Wears leather with round steel plates sewed to it, to protect against sabre blows. His face is heavily scarred. He rarely speaks. Dark-Haired, tan, almost leathery skin.
  14. Iceland should be labeled Triumvirate of Raetal
  15. There are also the wanderers who share the Andonain culture but do not follow the government and the women, elderly and children who escaped the fall of Andonia aboard merchant vessels.
  16. Several of the planes have landed.
  17. The last of the Andonain died, leaving only the hooded man and his compatriots.
  18. Classified All around the world people boarded planes, unaware that Andonain agents had just infected them with a mutated airborne strain of the recent Avain bird flu virus. They set off to every nation of the world, each with the potential to infect millions.
  19. We declared a Jihad because, first most of our families died, then the Dutch followed us and killed more. Now everybody is joining in on destroying us. The uprising begins on the morrow.
  20. OOC: The other nations of the world will probably eat you, you know that right?
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