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Everything posted by gowfanatic

  1. Sad but necessary... Good luck to all involved
  2. Gonna bandwagon this DoW with another DoW 100 tech plox smurth
  3. 5) Sith Equestria Order 6) Armed Empire 7) United Order 8) Oppression Order 9) Freedom Legion 10) Viridian Kashmir 1. MI6 Overlords 2. Elite Swash Sadism Alliance 3. The Christian Entente 4. The Elite Conservative Freemasons of the Basketball 5. Sith Equestria Order 6. Armed Empire 7. United Order 8. Oppression Order 9. Freedom Legion 10. Viridian Kashmir Number 4 is quite the name I must say. Second roll: 1. Mortal Hillbilly Order 2. Universe 3. Parrot 4. Viking United State 5. Libertarian Coalition of Overlords 6. Doomcave 7. Universe 8. Order of Democratic Nations 9. Sadism Guard 10. Sovereign Order Commonwealth a lot more succinct that time around
  4. gonna have to go edit the name of your embassy now congrats guys :) love the flag TCB
  5. supply and demand. basic economics. can't echo this sentiment enough.
  6. triggered. but thank you for the well wishes, and Merry Christmas/happy whatever to you too!
  7. Is anyone else struggling to find the "comments highlighted in red done so to bring extra attention to them" ?? Edit: Apparently a Mod had their way with the post... Where can I send the 26er and christmas card? Bless your little heart.
  8. congrats to our allies in Kort on achieving peace! Happy to see this :) casualties for the casualty god!
  9. We really aren't. All the booty and rum and wenches is fine and all. But scurvy, all the damn seagulls and not to mention the kraken. It all goes hand in hand.
  10. Knights and Pirates! A crusade for booty! Huzzah!
  11. it seems many of the more "active" threads allow you to argue with LH these days... Meth is in a couple ones as well. This thread is for celebrating a bright PPO future with ale and wenches. BYOW though.
  12. its okay Franz, it's been fairly obvious over the past couple days with PPO doubling in Score/NS :p
  13. o/ Uron o/ Stripes/SRA o/ PPO o/ Rum and wenches!
  14. unless you're like me and your wife's SDI is better than your nations'....
  15. I thought this was one of those "YLYL (you laugh you lose) threads." lost when Sir Kindle was listed as 'Visionary" On a more positive note, grats on the line up I guess
  16. not to be THAT GUY, but how does ANY of that have anything to do with the topic of TIR and Kashmir at war... I read more about SRA/Stripes and LN/CA/MInc in that post...
  17. was there an agreement in place prior/shortly after the DoW/at any point in this war regarding ghosts/mercs?
  18. I was actually mistaken, Walsh's farewell letter can actually be found on the SRA wikia: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Screaming_Red_Asses It's just under the portion of the Dream war.
  19. 100% no affect what-so-ever. When Walsh left, he posted that he was leaving and asked that Xanth re-brand the alliance. It's not a "text post" but a picture document, and said document has discussion of moderation things, which are meant for a section other than this, or I'd post it. Similarly, his parting words were sort of meant for SRA and its members, not the public... and no that's not a cop out. Edit - spelling and added stuff
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