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Master Hakai

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Everything posted by Master Hakai

  1. I am unsure of how I feel about erratic nations!!
  2. FPI IS BACK!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck, ye scurvy pirates. Sail dem high seas!
  3. That PM thing was so cheesy. Blows mah mind!!
  4. I guess IRON and The Hive are close buddies!
  5. I wasn't aware of this alliance previously, but it's good to hab you back!
  6. I'm just kiddin' dawg, you're cool. No, but seriously.
  7. Thanks mang! Slayer99 is pretty much amazing. I love how he's always enjoying himself all the time. Laughing about things, not getting upset over things that don't matter or turning them into big deals. Hah! I can't even imagine Slayer if he did any of those things! Oh, that'd be the day.... Pfft, I crack my bones!
  8. RAD, for one, never aligned ourselves with NPO, TPF, IRON, or any of those alliances. Call us non-conformists, but we pick our allies based on who we're friends with, not large alliances who can keep us safe. Although, looking back on it, I wish we would have signed something with TPF. They were some of the kindest, most respectful people to us back in the day. So sad to see them getting destroyed the way they are now.
  9. Good job, IRON. I hope you guys someday can be just as large and not known for anything as before this war started. To the future! *cheers
  10. People are getting SO MAD and FURIOUS now not because things are going to be different or the same or anything. It's because they got so comfortable being able to bully other people around that they forgot what it's like to not do that. And now they're going to be forced to remember. And they don't like that. TPF AND NPO. At any rate, funny point you bring up. I hadn't really thought of it that way. I hope humor and fun is able to make its comeback in CN under the new authorities (whomever they may be).
  11. Well, that is absolutely incredible. KIND OF LIKE YOU, SCHATTENMAN!
  12. It was cool having you in RAD for like 5 or 6 days or however long that lasted.
  13. That was SWEET. Thanks for posting that, bro!
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