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xR1 Fatal Instinct

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Blog Comments posted by xR1 Fatal Instinct

  1. The combat radius of an F-16 is around 550km, 700km for an F-18 and 750km for an F-15E. It's about 650km from Sicily to Bengazi. About 500km from Sicily to Tripoli. That radius is only for missions in which the fighter leaves base, goes immediately to to the target, engages or spends minimal time patrolling and returns. To enforce a no fly zone, you need to establish combat air patrol missions, which requires spending a large amount of time simply watching the air in case anything comes near. Establishing a no fly zone from Sicily would be next to impossible, since we would be reaching Libya an hour after the enemy air craft were detected taking off. F-15's and F-16's based in Europe will work just fine for the elimination of targets with a pre-determined location but if we want real air suppression capabilities, those carriers have to be there.

    An hour or so from where I live we have 3 B-2's making trips from Whiteman to Libya. (I thought I heard they are making round trips, but that may not be true) Each hour in flight is $10,000. Just throwing that out there :P

  2. Well, its never been done, but how many nukes have we launched (or rather, dropped) total?

    I'm not sure about presently, but nuclear weapons have been taken to sea aboard aircraft carriers in the past, first on the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1950.

    If we were to launch a nuke it would be from a nuclear sub which at least one is always in the waters near North Korea.

  3. It also saves on aircraft carrier.

    Aircraft carriers fuel lasts them a real long time, considering its uranium. I read somewhere it could last them 50 years, not sure if that's true or not, but if they sent in aircraft carriers off the coast line that means less flight time which means less repair time. After each flight they have to re-grease everything etc. Plus with a less flight time you burn less fuel traveling to the designated area, and more time actually doing the job.

    You don't "win" a nuclear win.

    I really hope you aren't implying we launch nukes from Aircraft Carriers.

  4. Xr1 was this blog really nescassary? I celebrated my 16th two years back and you don't see me making a big deal of it. Birthday blogs/threads are unescassary just let people wish you a happy bday if they notice it. /end rant.

    Was your reply really necessary? I honestly don't give a flying $%&@ what you did or didn't do.

    EDIT: I also don't see anywhere in the OP of me making it a big deal.

  5. Right. GOONS misses a stagger and alliances have to pay them $15,000,000 to accept the nations; AcTi misses a stagger on their rogue and Athens gets to remove sanctions on him and take him back open arms. I get it, I've been around this block before. Athens is in CnG and Tyler's cool, he gets to just nuke people whenever he wants and Londo's cool he just gets to aid rogues--DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT unghguingnunngggggg

    Athens will stand up for what they think is right. When I was ZIed I made a public apology and afterwords Londo approached me to ask me what was up and he thought the ZI was wrong and tried hard to get me off the list, but Athens wasn't war ready and waited til I was released then sent me 45 mil to rebuild.

  6. When was that?

    We were laughing at swat/xr1 in Invicta in 2008. To be fair, he was actually a member of our alliance (he left because we wouldn't put him in gov) so we had close-up exposure to him early.

    I still wondering where you get half the stuff that comes out of your mouth about me.

    I left because I wanted to and wanted to see what other alliances were out there.

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