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Everything posted by Duckz3

  1. Some Could say NPO is different now, Some could also join to try to make it a better alliance.
  2. Proud to be a part of The Lost World, Cheers to many great years guys Josshill Something of Finances
  3. Sorry for being a bit late, but happy to see that you guys are moving on up good luck in the Future snafu, We'll always be here. Josshill
  4. Its because mhawk wasnt home guys we all know it.
  5. Looking to buy August donations willing to pay 21M each. I will be buying one on the 1st, 11th and 21st of each month so if any long term sellers are interested please hit me up. (These are for my alliance not myself). Aid will be paid 3 slots at a time (9M every 10 days). If you are looking for some other way please message me in game. Thanks Joss
  6. This is Epic and Duckz3(Josshill) Really likes the Ducky part Joss
  7. Duckz3

    TORN Q&A

    This will be entertaining. Also Why did Catface post this ?
  8. /me lols Rebel Virginia and his god complex.
  9. o/ 57th Overlanders Nice to see our Brown allies growing.
  10. Umm Sorry? I have no idea who you guys are... Im getting the impression you dont have forums?
  11. Very Good move o/ Fire. Carters a jerk, Ive pointed that out to much.
  12. Hang on. Did everyone just notice how much of a jerk carter is -.- because Ive been pointing it out for months Also, never thought I'd do this one o/ fire Good luck.
  13. This sir is truely epic o/ Boris o/ Anyone who is affiliated with boris. Good choice.
  14. A treaty of epic proportions. Gratz to both great alliances.
  15. 1. Fake topics are oo so 3 months ago. 2. Not that great of a topic anyway...
  16. I can dig anything boris is in. Good Luck you guys
  17. I switched browsers and it worked so I guess it was just google chrome /o Admin
  18. You got it Google Chrome.
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