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Everything posted by Duckz3

  1. o/ Aqua, Argent you are welcome here. Auctually want a cookie or some Aqua Colored punch?
  2. o/ MHA (No one saw this coming) Oo yea /o Harmlin Accords Grab the Nukes and run to the hills or your bunkers.
  3. What if FAN plans to strike back and the nukes will hit the FAN? This could possibly create a plan. If I where them I would be fed up too. Honestly, Im rather disappointed that FAN has brought it to the table apologized on the public forums and no one will hear them out. I believe the best action is to hear them out, Maybe the only term would be no gun porn? But there is already a major lack of that if you havnt noticed. Joss
  4. I dont care tbh, People troll. I troll it doesnt matter . The fact of the matter is. Don't feed the trolls Joss
  5. I almost went O MY GAWD. Good thing there where people in the room because I would have. Welcome back Goons. Your just in time. Joss
  6. Now Snaggs you know I like you and everything, but I am calling you out on this. Your Triumvirates Trolled the Oceanic Alliance once upon a time. I believe you guys are not in the position to say that a DoN before anything has happened is not required. I don't think this makes them cowards necessarily but maybe a little foolish. As who knows if war will start this week or in two months. I mean every time there's a bunch of cancellations everyone thinks war is going to start. Everyone knows a small protectorate will not be the target of a large war, and normally the only way I have seen for an alliance like that to get into a large war is to fight with there protectors. JossHill
  7. o/ TSI Shuru there is one mistake you made your channel is now going to be trolled by MK because you didnt say they where the best Nice to see friends growing and prospering.
  8. Not up to the normal TORN par as far as announcments but sad to see more TORN treatys die.
  9. I've been thinking about this for a while and now I have figured it out. The Majority of the NPO membership has a little piece of GATO from all of the tech they have paid in reps. So, In a sense, NPO and GATO are now unified as one.
  10. Good Job sham.. btw, you still over using Don't Panic I see? We are, but we may pull a jarheads and jump to 400 members.
  11. Very true, OA will be jumping in and we are about 10 men . Size does not matter, and Im pretty sure your Allies at the MHA would do the war targeting for you, Or may I say the Gramlins most likely would
  12. Protectorates are oDoAP's for the Protected and MDAP's for the Protectors.
  13. Its not necessarily you wasted our time, Its the fact there is really no need for it. I have never heard of Arctic Circle and I pay a lot of attention to Micro alliance politics, I enjoy them. Along the lines though, this DoN was not needed as there has been no war. Also, Since most protectorate treaty's are oDoAP's for the Protectorate, You would not have to worry about being brought into the war. In some since this looks as a cry for attention. Which I myself probably have posted many of times on the CN forums. With this I say.... DoN Not so needed at this time. Sad to see your MoD left Wish you could enjoy the fun if it starts Remember the war is all speculation though guys, IT hasnt happend yet and theres no proof of it, Unless someone wants to show something differnt? /me wink wink nudge nudge
  14. I wonder who that is? and also when does mogar sleep?
  15. /me facepalm. Mushi mushi mushi Syrik may have out done you o/ From your friends at OA
  16. Good job NPO. This for sure was not something that I saw coming...
  17. Personally I probably am, but Stone /me facepalm....
  18. This morning at about 8:30 in the morning with a hang over, a carton of Ice Cream and a six pack of root beer. With the amazing sugar rush of the root beer and Ice Cream I decided to along with CptBlck re-write The Oceanic Alliance's charter. We have been having a hard time. Losing government and much more.After making a bunch of root beer floots and writing this I felt really good. So with this I would like to announce The Oceanic Alliances New Charter and New Government. (Sorry its a little short on the Government). I wanted to name the new charter The Root beer float accords, but CptBlck said no. So we are going to stick with "The Oceanic Revolution". Now that I have found the elixir of life, I want to share some with you guys too. Now that we're all feeling good, and have a little sugar high I present the Oceanic Charter and New Government. Chancellor of Foreign Relations: Josshill Chancellor of Domestic Relations: Cptblck Secretary of State: Gustavius
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