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Everything posted by Starcraftmazter

  1. Well you've had a very long time to do something about those perceived problems of yours, not sure why you've waited until now. I would love that, and it is not an issue of having guts, but an issue of having a competent opposition. If you look at our history (let's say DT), we have fought countless times against very bad odds, including DBDC themselves, and we have enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. Yes we are pretty bored, but the blame lies squarely with a lack of a good opposition - we are hardly gutless. The same can be said for pretty much every other alliance in the coalition. Why after so so so many years and so many wars which directly disprove your points, you actually make claims with such stupidity, I have no idea. Yes but, if your allies do stupid things and hide in peace mode refusing to actually face the enemies which they themselves created, I think it's not unfair that their allies should be peripherally punished. If they refuse to fight us, if their allies refuse to fight us hiding in peace mode as well, they must be brought pain in some other way - even if it is as admitidly cruide as attacking their allies which are otherwise neutral in the specific conflict - there is simply no other alternative. Whenever it's justified? The one I am most unhappy about is a blanket DoW on any nation supplying DBDC with tech. http://www.cybernations.net/alliance_wars.asp?ID=10156 None of those nations attacked your allies. It is not, and nor are we a "ruling class". I have described the situation above - if your allies choose to target us and hide in peace mode, they must pay someone - and in this case, unfortunately through their allies.
  2. You can't be serious. Our forums are filled with a thousand posts a day of people complaining we aren't in war, for every day our alliance war screen wasn't full. We would love to take on more - much more, and would have loved this all along. Too bad so much of your side is hiding in peace mode.
  3. Avalanche has been targetted as a result of being allied to Polaris. This is not random nor war for the sake of war - Polaris and all her supporting allies will pay the price for her actions.
  4. That's one analysis, a more accurate one might be that DBDC does not particularly care about Pacifica and what they do; they are a sovereign alliance, and what they want to do is up to them, if they want to "rule the world", there's absolutely no problem there for DBDC, so long as they don't declare "eternal war" on DBDC's tech suppliers like Polaris has. Alliances always rise and fall based on various factors. That's been happening since forever anyway, this particular war changes nothing regarding that fact. Sounds like you're jealous or something? Can't we all just be friends and fight every now and again?
  5. 100t/3m has always been the standard, and from that came 200t/6m, and 200t/9m if the seller has the aid wonder, not entirely sure why this is a scam - it's a historically agreed to be a fair rate of exchange of tech to money.
  6. Lulzism is not a thing, I'm glad I'm not the only one who is tired of the use of that term. Nor does DBDC have plans for world domination or anything of the sort.
  7. Best Rookie Alliance: Doom Squad Most Active Alliance: Umbrella Best Economic System: Umbrella, no contest Best Propagandist: Tywin Most Immoral Alliance: Gremlins? Player of the Year: Bob Most Powerful Player: Bob Best Alliance Leader: Bob Most Hated Poster: Tywin Best OWF Topic: Everything where people QQ about DBDC Biggest Controversy: IRON - DBDC/DT alignment Funniest Event: IRON - DBDC/DT alignment Worst Diplomatic Move: NpO Deciding to attack anyone supplying tech to DBDC Largest E-Peen: Tywin Worst Alliance: NpO Worst Poster: Tywin Most Annoying Poster: Tywin Biggest Mouth: Tywin Biggest !@#$: Tywin Quietest Power Player: Bob, obviously
  8. Your comments are misplaced outside of the reality that the rest of us are in.
  9. What the heck does that even mean? We are not officials of any authority or state who's rules we can break, we can not be corrupt by definition...
  10. I think that guy is in my alliance.
  11. Meanwhile, nobody has declared war on me.
  12. I knew about this treaty 3 years ago, the plans are finally coming to a grand finale, etc. Congrats DBDC & ODN
  13. You would be the only one. You're doing the equivalent of, "the sky is green, prove me wrong. Go ahead, write an counter-argument!"
  14. If this wasn't boring or irrelevant enough already - it had to be delivered in italics. tl;dr for those who don't want to read: Tywin rejects the reality and creates his own imaginary world, where his word are the rules it functions by. If people like Tywin spent less time with their imagination and more time nation building, perhaps they could do something about their grievances.
  15. Just like alliances have the option to sign treaties with other alliances, and then fight back when someone attacks them together. Case closed.
  16. Tywin is like the local jester, really. Those who think DBDC has no friends should test the resolve of said friendly alliances.
  17. Better than being allied to any alliance having a clown like you in it. Nobody who sells tech to DBDC cares about you nor your opinions. Everyone can call it whatever they like, nobody cares. Woa woa slow down the speed at which you are backing out of your earlier statements. More tech for us to raid imo. May as well send it to us directly.
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