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Everything posted by Aeternalis

  1. Im surprised you've made yourself visible to the world
  2. slayer99 will be contacting you if you do actually go to war
  3. the problem, jack, is that you are not solving any problem by being "a-moral." infact, you are the opposite of a-moral by having a set of morals that are, in their own sense, the definition of hypocrisy. YOU ARE THE MONSTER YOU WISH TO DESTROY
  4. but that is not my point. My point is that there is obvious hypocrisy is the very foundation of your alliance and morality. You wish to overthrow the false moralities placed by others, but in the process you prop up a false morality of your own, which creates the same thing (stagnation and "tyranny").
  5. but it makes for a much more interesting and political universe where war would, hopefully, be more common. morality in CN is made by the powerful to keep them on top and subject the lower alliances to their morality. Lower alliances do not dare violate this code, in hopes of staying alive and these small alliances get so wrapped up in the morality that they accept it themselves. Now, what Jack wishes is to defeat the morality at the top level, but what it would actually do is prevent people from doing what is politically advantageous to their alliance and prevent war (that is, if people conform to Jack's morality because they fear his attack), which would conflict with Jack's goal of ending stagnation. Jack's idea would be beneficial if their was a domineering power, like there was pre-Karma war, because it represents an entente that will not conform to the morality of the top alliance. Those conflicting moralities would war and create anti-stagnation because there is no single power over the cyberverse because we are not dominated by one alliance/morality. However, we have multiple powers and multiple moralities vying for the top spot (eventual conflict) and Jack's idea would do the opposite that is intended by subjecting us to a single morality via his violent means.
  6. But, Jack, you are creating a false morality that is auto-stagnating in article 5. Without alliances striving for the top and attempting to exploit, there is no war to be had. Declare war on yourself
  7. voted frostbite because of NSO. However, I'd love to roll half that list.
  8. Bel Air sucks. lol(I'm Cool). also, im game for this.
  9. we should work on your spelling first... nonetheless, conrgats
  10. Am I the only one with a giant, "HURR?!" expression on his/her face right now?
  11. bloc of heresy! I will squash you and your immorality with the sole of my shoe. And then i'll jump on the band wagon and make really stupid jokes/taunts because that's what the cool kids do
  12. you haven't trapped me in a chan with other leaders flooding me with questions yet, therefore, you don't get my subservience.
  13. We must exterminate this threat to our liberty before we become oppressed by the tyranny of communism
  14. It's really, the membership's, responsibility as well since, they control who, is leader
  15. Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=356426 Alliance: Aeonic Imperium Are you active: yes Do you know how to tech deal properly: yes How many slots are you donating: yes...just fill any empty slots How long do you plan to do this: until i don't want to anymore?
  16. you're right. statesman never forgives, never forgets
  17. he can do what he wants. stop hating liberty, brah
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