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Haven for Peace

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Everything posted by Haven for Peace

  1. Due to treaty obligations to both sides of the conflict, ARES will not be able to participate in this activity of ours. Have no fear though, they are still loved very dearly by us, and we promised to buy them souvenirs. In return, ARES promised to buy souvenirs for us too, and treat the entire Teen Titans bloc to a pizza party on Star Gazing's infamous floating secks hotel, which will be hanging around the harbor of Shin on. Member nations of Teen Titans, please make a reservation with Star Gazing's Council of Prostitution Affairs. With that said, Cyborg (TOH), Prysm (TYR), and Red Arrow (LOUD) hereby declares war on Hydra in defense of RnR. TT DoW on Wiki: Here
  2. Not sure if I'll be on. :( *hugs*

  3. Are you on MSN? Want to talk there?

  4. Jerk, do PM me when you have time.

  5. It saddens me that Thunder Strike was not mentioned in the announcement as a trade circle helper. How dare you. EDIT: Yay, TS added. <3 Maroon. Congratulations to SoL and TI.
  6. Congratulations to our friends in the PPO and the Corp.
  7. Awww, damn it... don't make me feel all sad and guilty inside so TYR would stop listening to WickedJ. Great treaty, nonetheless. Congratulations to my CSN and the Corporation.
  8. 22:07 Star I want to clear that up. 22:08 Star TYR listens to WickedJ. 22:08 Star In fact, he has SOP in our channel. 22:08 Star Saying that we don't count is wrong, and rude. Thank you, and good day.
  9. Welcome to the Teen Titans & SuperFriends family, LOUD.
  10. Sexy Maroon is getting sexier. Welcome to Maroon, allies.
  11. I'm saddened to read this announcement. Good luck to everyone.
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