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Haven for Peace

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Everything posted by Haven for Peace

  1. I bet you're still the man.

  2. Hey, been too long since I've seen you around. How are you and what are you up to these days?

  3. Trade circle list updated. EDIT: Just letting everyone know that I created 2 new trade circles and will be making more. If you have any specific request, let me know now.
  4. I accidently sent some messages to people with marble/wheat. If any of them respond, I'm gonna direct them your way.
  5. Oh yeah, and ZIing them will definitely show them that you're a friend rather than an enemy.
  6. I don't think there is a correct answer to this. I personally prefer an alliance that allow members decide on everything and/or the choice to overrule a decision made by the government. In my opinion, an alliance is truly an alliance when it allows its membership to participate in every aspect that makes up itself.
  7. I agree on the things you say here 'cause I've seen it happened before, but I think that the point of an alliance being democratic is so the membership uses their power or have power available should it be needed. If the membership doesn't use what's available to them, it would be their fault... NOT the system. Also, I never understand why people leave an alliance because a vote didn't go their way. I mean, what's the point of being in a democracy then? If you want choice, you have to accept others' choices too. I completely agree with this.
  8. DAN IS GRANDMASTER?!!!! Oh my... TOP just got way kinky. Dan, I expect to see a rise of yellow rubber duck in your collection. Congratulations and be well.
  9. Congratulations to my TOPpers and their new allies.
  10. Respond to my PM, will you? :P

  11. I don't know why you think you can run an alliance if you can't even be bothered to pay reparations to me. >:[
  12. I disagree with you because the system works for TYR. Don't blame the system. It's the members. I disagree because there will always be people who supports a democracy. Again, it's the members, not the system. Then change the length of terms? Perhaps so, but it wouldn't be democratic if you change without the majority approval of your members, no? So you don't like democracies, but it doesn't mean it don't work. TYR is one of the living proofs in CN that democracies can work.
  13. Of course! I'll send you a message when I get the circle up.
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