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Haven for Peace

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Everything posted by Haven for Peace

  1. Congratulations to my allies in Fark and their new pals!!! Long live this sexy friendship.
  2. Apparently the guys got sugar/spices without telling me... but if you still want, I could put you in a new circle.
  3. In my defense, I panicked! And I also misread what he told me to do. Pssft... Dude, I breathe love.
  4. This is damn sexy. CSN is the best ally in CN (along with everyone in the Teen Titans and the SuperFriends) that anyone could get down on their knees and beg for. In celebration of this treaty, I lift up my shirt! o/ CSN o/ TYR Also, congratulations to WickedJ. He's great to work with.
  5. I'm on it... and mopilo has been contacted.
  6. Because I'm high maintenance. B) There are guidelines that you have to follow. Do you remember what kind of relationship you and I have, SWAT?
  7. Why must you diss licking? You are officially my favorite member of the Corporation. Are you scared?
  8. I am sooo proud of the CSN. Congratulations, my loves, and prosper on.
  9. Because you're not the one being licked?
  10. So what is the thought of me asking the question?
  11. What is the Corporation's official thought on the smiley above?
  12. Heck yeah!!!! Congratulations to my allies in CRAP and their new friend!
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