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The Pansy

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Everything posted by The Pansy

  1. Nothing good ever originated out of Wales, You're doomed.
  2. Some of us knew, I mean we're not cheer-leading Grub for Blue senate for nothing
  3. Soooo, about them Oculus peoples, they're great, aren't they?
  4. Get some trades to reduce that billage for starters
  5. Awwh come on, he's cute, I get a nostalgic tear every diatribe he posts.
  6. It's changed a lot of peoples Avatars, that's causing me enough confusion before even considering the implications elsewhere
  7. Of the people I have raided, 2 have gone on to alliances, 1 has bit the dust (no trades, looked like he was quitting anyway) 1 has remained unaligned and 2 have yet to log in. Not exactly a bastion of driving people from the game.
  8. Doctor, Doctor, Dajobo is off his meds again. Father Raidmas disapproves
  9. You big meanie bum Rey Rey, them mean words has you in deep trouble now
  10. This old body is still moving and shaking. I am the light of this world.
  11. I feel I have to endorse the Grub 2015 campaign.
  12. Fare thee well GOONS, you were a fun enemy over the years.
  13. If people want to end this war so bad, maybe the whole surrender idea needs to be removed? To me it seems like Methie and Co don't want to, and are willing to back their position, so unless y'all can change that, which you've really not been able to, maybe you need to change your sides demands.
  14. GLoF declared out of mistaken ideas of ownership of me, just like everyone else. Stop trying to make up reasons
  15. Your concern for both myself and TSC is appreciated Methrage. Sileo have been informed by myself that the second they wish peace, to contact me, and I will facilitate it happening, though the ultimate decision is down to hartfw on the part of Sengoku as a whole. Hartfw in his benevolence has sped missions to TSC to alleviate their concerns about Sileo.
  16. Will this involve him bounding over sand dunes and running through the ocean spray? I really hope it does, I like those scenes in films
  17. Balls in Sileo's court as to the length of this war, as of earlier today they were up for the fight though. I give it 2 weeks tops
  18. More than I get from Sengoku. #slavelabour #hartfwsucks #blameauctor
  19. Don't make me get Brehon to come back and berate you, peon. I actually think MI is a good little pick up, they sure are active, and they will need to rebuild, so lots of tech available. They have proved their loyalty to their allies. So they have big gobs, I'm pretty sure every alliance has them too
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