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Everything posted by Yggdrazil

  1. 20 bombers is too many, way to many.If you find an alliance, and join all these questions will be somewhere on their forums and you can ask for clarification from more experience members. My suggestion to you is investigate an alliance that you feel comfortable with and join one. Never buy over 50 tech.When it is sent out and accepted you go to zero tech and then purpose 50 more.There is a cheaper way to purchase tech but it is proprietary to membership in an alliance.Gold lowers your purchase of tech therefore if you sell tech 100 for 3 million you net is somewhere around 1,300,000 for each 100 tech you purchase, given that you purchase 50 at a time and it is accepted before you purchase another 50.Tech cost also lower if you get microchips as a bonus trade set, increases your take even more. 30 tech allows you to buy lvl1 airplanes, once bought they are yours unless you decom them or lose them in battle. To replace them you would have to purchase 30 tech if your in a war and lost them.They also cost a upkeep cost. This address(http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Religion) will help with religious choice.This address helps with government choice (http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Government) Here another link to a defunct Alliance war guide http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/NADC_War_Guide. Be aware that it is outdated.
  2. May we assume from this post that Londo has reached an epiphany. That all the Karmic hate for the Hegemony was displaced and that the Hegemony actually stood for something and its demise was unwarranted.
  3. Congratulations to all award recipients.Earned by "rolling a very hard six".
  4. STA is a class act.Excellent leader with a membership that posts intellectually. Although my alliance and theirs exist with an ideological difference; I admire them.
  5. Oprah Winfrey was involved in a study by a Chicago University professor in which the DNA profiles of the participants indicated where in Africa their ancestors originated. Chris Tucker the actor was also involved plus two other outstanding African-Americans whom I cannot recall at this time. Ms. Winfrey was asked where she thought her linage came from. Her answer, "I always heard it was Zulu.". The professor had to tell her there were no Zulu slaves- a historical fact. Why is this so? The Zulu were a militant society, brilliant warriors and were even able to take on the British army. Could this have any bearing on the fact that there were no Zulu slaves? The fact is that warrior societies are able to resist evil. No evil has ever ended until warriors took on the task of getting rid of it; and good warriors in your midst guarantee you do not have to live under an evil regime.
  6. Gremlins stated in the beginning that their entry into the conflict was Iron's superior strength as compared to Fark.That without their entry Iron would have done massive damage. I believe without the Gremlins, Iron might have done what the Gremlins suspected.
  7. The Washington Post's Mensa Invitational once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are a few I made up: 1)Lagoop-A lagoon that is drying up. 2)manipulatte- a coffee date with a Don Juan 3)jowle- the sound you make when 1 million joules move through your body 4)kissmet- a kiss that was meant to be. 5) mallnourish-teenage anorexia 6)jacuzzic- adjective descriptive of the faint glow of red after exiting the jacuzzi. 7)negliglee-male reaction to a negligee 8)iconoblast-a party for iconoclasts Adding a new one: 9) Simloin- a Vegans future steak choice.
  8. Hugh Thompson, Jr., Lawrence Colburn and Glenn Andreotta recipients of the Soldier's Medal These three men who were in a helicopter flying over My Lai on the day of the massacre placing their helicopter between the US soldiers killing civilians to save as many as they could.Those that they saved they helicoptered out of the carnage.They also informed the proper authorities and that is why Lt. Calley was later court- martialed, the only one of many that should have been. Glenn Andreotta was killed three days later, the other two survived the war. It was almost criminal that their awards for this valor would be thirty years and that it was only the Soldiers Medal rather than the Medal of Honor.You can not have more honor than putting your life on the line for innocence. Below is a list for a roll of dishonor: Ernest Medina William Calley Dennis Conti Robert Maples Paul Meadlo Varnado Simpson Harry Stanley Some of the above testified that they did not participate but I believe the Talmud that omission is as quilty as commission. Those did nothing to stop the carnage.
  9. Often weather is so rigorously bad that it is noticed by trees all over the world and certain dates seem to glare back at us with their unusual distinctions, the dates are 3195 BC, 1628 BC, 2354 BC, 1159 BC, 207 BC, 44 BC and 540 AD. There is no consensus on why these dates recorded from trees were so dismally bad for trees; either it was volcanic activity or the Earth being hit by a comet or meteor that caused the weather to change overnight. 540 AD the last of these dates is of interest because it had world changing repercussions we live with today. The historical record: The Praetorian Prefect Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator wrote a letter documenting the conditions. "All of us are observing, as it were, a blue coloured sun; we marvel at bodies which cast no mid-day shadow, and at that strength of intense heat reaching extreme and dull tepidity ... So we have had a winter without storms, spring without mildness, summer without heat ... The seasons have changed by failing to change; and what used to be achieved by mingled rains cannot be gained from dryness only." Another historian, Procopius of Caesarea, a Byzantine, wrote, "And it came about during this year that a most dread portent took place. For the sun gave forth its light without brightness, like the moon, during the whole year, and it seemed exceedingly like the sun in eclipse, for the beams it shed were not clear nor such as it is accustomed to shed." John of Ephesus, a cleric and a historian, wrote, "The sun was dark and its darkness lasted for eighteen months; each day it shone for about four hours; and still this light was only a feeble shadow ... the fruits did not ripen and the wine tasted like sour grapes." Something happen that changed the weather drastically with world changing repercussions. In the wake of the inexplicable darkness a monster breeds, the bubonic plague. The plague originated in East Africa, where it existed in fleas which lived on the plague-resistant gerbil. When drought (caused by a dust-laden atmosphere) killed off the larger predators, the gerbil was free to expand its range, spreading its plague-infested fleas to the multimammate mouse, who gave them to the ratlike Arvicanthus, who gave them to Rattus rattus, a worldly, sophisticated rodent who visited all of the popular ports of call, carrying the plague fleas with it. Its wake would kill one-third of the Roman Empire, four-fifths of Constantinople and its tendrils would even reach China and Britain. John of Ephesus documented the plague's progress in AD 541-542 in Constantinople, where city officials gave up trying to count the dead after two hundred thirty thousand: "The city stank with corpses as there were neither litters nor diggers, and corpses were heaped up in the streets ..." In The British Isles the Anglo-Saxons who remained isolated from trade did not suffer as much from the plague as the structure in place, which still had trade ties to Rome. Thus the Anglo-Saxons became the ascendant dominate structure in Britain On the steppes in Asia another political upheaval was caused by this abrupt weather change- drought. The Avars with their horse-based economy floundered and their vassals the cattle- breeding Turks threw them out. The Avars loaded up their tents and then looked for greener pastures. They eventually settled in Hungary and in cahoots with the Slavs begin to chip away at the Roman Empire. And in Yemen, in the 540s, a dam broke. By 550 AD, the great Marib Dam, an engineering marvel of the ancient world, was a complete loss and thousands of people migrated to another oasis on the Arabian Peninsula- Medina. The Arab tribes, weakened by famine, begin to rouse themselves and think of conquest. In 610 AD, a new leader unified them--Muhammad.
  10. "The cultural left has a new tool for enforcing political conformity in schools of education. It is called dispositions theory, and it was set forth five years ago by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education: Future teachers should be judged by their "knowledge, skills, and dispositions." What are "dispositions"? NCATE's prose made clear that they are the beliefs and attitudes that guide a teacher toward a moral stance. That sounds harmless enough, but it opened a door to reject teaching candidates on the basis of thoughts and beliefs. In 2002, NCATE said that an education school may require a commitment to social justice. William Damon, a professor of education at Stanford, wrote last month that education schools "have been given unbounded power over what candidates may think and do, what they may believe and value." Of course we want certified teachers, or do we? If this continues we will make phophets of Pink Floyd. "Teacher!... leave those kids alone". And I will endorse that concept thouroughly.
  11. From this essential truth, we can deduce that not every one of your decisions has 100% support , that certain of your actions as a leader leaves some in your alliance less than pleased.The Law also states that it is those who contribute least, which is the majority of nations on planet Bob.There are not enough government positions to give each nation in a mid-sized alliance a position.Therefore, I will conclude that there is dissent in every alliance to actions taken by leaders and due to inertia most stay for those freindships developed while members.If these members post here in the OWF and it is in variance to alliance actions committed while they were members, it isn't a double standard. I abhor tech raiding,yet the alliance I am in permits it under controlled conditions.If I speak out against this practice yet my alliance allows it; this is not a double standard.Unless you are saying that a minority opinion within an alliance cannot be expressed.
  12. By the logic of this argument,VE should have given up Sethb to the NPO. It certainly would have made more economic sense since VE lost a sanction. Yet, VE felt under bound to come to the defense of a treaty partner. An honorable choice even given the massive economic damage that resulted. Therefore by logical extension, what TPF is doing by sacrifices economics for honor is in the same vein and Karma needs to realize this.
  13. Where in the peace terms does it say NPO cannot recruit upper tier nations? Is this done just because you can and we are back to might makes right?
  14. Tech raiding is theft,pure and simple, and as such should be condemned.I have never done it.Anything that disrupts this abhorrent practice is great.I salute you Poseidon's Rage and your Elite righteous backers.
  15. Thank whatever destiny placed you in the era when the gap between the rich and poor grows wider. For throughout the history of men and women when the gap widen the poor were better off. Show me a time in history when life got worse for the poor when the gap between rich/poor widened [The Rise of Rome, the Christian Era, The Renaissance, the Enlightenment, The Industrial Revolution (for all it's problems), the Postindustrial Revolution, the Information Age]. Show me a time when the gap between rich/poor narrowed where life did not get horribly worse for the poor [The sack of Rome, the Mongol Hordes, the 100 years' War, the 30 years' War, The Credit Mobilier, World War I, The Great Depression]. (The only exception I know of is the Haitian Slave Revolt.) Like the late John F. Kennedy said a rising tide lifts all boats.
  16. I'm allied to TPF and still under terms. Until my alliance has met the obligation of those terms we agreed to (not me the leadership) then no we would not enter the war, if my alliance did without meeting all the terms of the agreement, I would walk. It is never fine to violate your word, even if given by proxy. I have a question, isn't all Bob's peace agreements done at "the point of a gun". So by logical progression since it is signed under coercion, violations of peace agreements have most of all of ya'll approval since they are signed under duress?
  17. If my alliance accepts Peace terms and signs a document of surrender my word by proxy was given.Thus I would do everything in my power to meet the terms. This is not superior to your methodology, it's just how I'm wired.
  18. I do not know how anyone else would react, but if I give you my word by treaty agreement or surrender terms I accept, then I will honor that agreement no matter the circumstances. Given I do not know MHawk personally,but by his actions thus far I think he would react the same.
  19. Phone Book great collection of names.
  20. "We will fight this war with no joy, and we will fight it with honor and dignity. We will not impose draconian terms...they will be obscene." I fixed the quote.
  21. The Navy's $640 toilet seat: You've heard this? The Navy was supposed to have bought a toilet seat for $640 for one of its aircraft. Cartoons by editorial idiots showed the Secretary of Defense with a toilet seat hanging around his neck. You could get one at Home Depot for $9, was the implication, yet the Navy paid $640. Bad old Navy. The airplane in question was a PC3 Orion, a Lockheed Electra modified for long flights over the ocean in search of submarines. Such a plane needs a toiler for the substantial crew operating the avionics. You don't put a heavy porcelain toilet in an airplane, perhaps in a wooden shack with a moon on the door. Do the toilets on airliners look like the ones in your home? The "toilet seat" in question was a complex injection-molded device with the plumbing in it, constituting most of the toilet. It was not remotely what one thinks of as a toilet seat. I remember that someone went to various makers of complex plastic things and asked for bids. They came in close to what the Navy paid.
  22. Yggdrazil


    Two months prior to his death Rain-in-the-Face, lying in his bed recounted to Ohiyesa, the major events of his life.And what a life it was. He was a the Fettermen massacre, the Battle of the Rosebud and the Battle of the Greasey Grass( Battle of the Little Big Horn) One Delevan Bates wrote: One hundred and sixty-three dead Indians were found in front of where Tom and the General fell. Tom fell first and then his brother was pierced with a dozen bullets, the last survivor of the bloody field. Rain-in-the-Face, an Indian chief, whom Tom had arrested for some misdemeanor on the reservation a year before was among the Indian forces, and when Tom fell he sprang for the body, and, with scalping knife, opened the bosom of the dying hero, tore the heart, yet quivering, from its resting place, licked the dripping blood from the vital organ, and then crushed it under his heel to the earth.. This is utter nonsense, although Tom Custer's body was mutilated his chest cavity was not opened.Rain-in-the Face states: Many lies have been told of me. Some say that I killed the Chief, and others that I cut out the heart of his brother [Tom Custer], because he had caused me to be imprisoned. Why, in that fight the excitement was so great that we scarcely recognized our nearest friends! Everything was done like lightning. After the battle we young men were chasing horses all over the prairie, while the old men and women plundered the bodies; and if any mutilating was done, it was by the old men. I believe Rain-in-the Face's account for honorable statements like these: A larger body remained together at the upper end of a little ravine, and fought bravely until they were cut to pieces. I had always thought that white men were cowards, but I had a great respect for them after this day. And this: However, there was an old soldier who used to bring my food and stand guard over me -- he was a white man, it is true, but he had an Indian heart! He came to me one day and unfastened the iron chain and ball with which they had locked my leg, saying by signs and what little Sioux he could muster: "Go, friend! take the chain and ball with you. I shall shoot, but the voice of the gun will lie". When he had made me understand, you may guess that I ran my best! I was almost over the bank when he fired his piece at me several times, but I had already gained cover and was safe. I have never told this before, and would not, lest it should do him an injury, but he was an old man then, and I am sure he must be dead long since. That old soldier taught me that some of the white people have hearts. He also relates that there was a Sioux woman which participated in the battle: "Behold, there is among us a young woman!" I shouted. "Let no young man hide behind her garment!"I knew that would make those young men brave. The woman was Tashenamani, or Moving Robe, whose brother had just been killed in the fight with Three Stars. Holding her brother's war staff over her head, and leaning forward upon her charger, she looked as pretty as a bird. Always when there is a woman in the charge, it causes the warriors to vie with one another in displaying their valor. The US's war with the Sioux was a dark page in our History of not honoring treaties and dishonorable conduct. But I will leave you with this; at the Battle of Slim Butte a encampment was surprised and had to leave all they owned behind to escape.Left were K company's guidiron( lost a the Battle of the Little Big Horn) and a necklace made from children knuckle bones, identified now as Shoshone.
  23. " War never settles anything", the individual in the line said to her companion.I bit my lip, the urge to correct this woman from her ignorance was so strong.First of all I am of the "old school" of gentlemanly conduct,secondly it was a private conversation and I was not a participate and lastly it would have been boorish conduct. Thus I saved it for a later rant. This is what I wanted to say," Lady we might invite the Confederate cabinet,the tribe of Ai, the city Fathers of Carthage, the heretics of Languedoc and members of the Nazi party to come and debate the question but they no longer exist as viable entities. Why do they no longer exist? For War ended each of them thoroughly.It quite effectively ended any impact they had on the World stage and their views carry no weight. So lady in each of these examples war did settle something, even giving utterances to the contrary or even what you might think."
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